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Fountellion Game Map + Landmarks

Spoiler! of what you could find on the island...

The following is not set in stone, but an outline (taken from Origin content), for a regenerative (sustainable) x spiritual (chakras) open-world and game progression.

[This could be 'worked up' in various forms, for players to explore and find 'Insights' by achieving related 'Progressions' in each region.]

The default biome is Taiga or northerly forest.
Progressions in the regions involve: learning about the native food chain, encounter wildlife, learn survival skills, regenerative agriculture techniques, importance of community and personal development.

You can currently explore via 'The Fountain' AI generator text-based games (works-in-progress and subject to evolving AI model technology).

General REGIONS (South to North, relating to chakras)

- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet

loose version of Fountellion open-world


Starting from the south and moving northward, the adventure was designed to reflect or highlight our connection between the natural world and the spirit within, and in so doing help its growth or regeneration.

  • Red Region (South) – The Estuary and Lake of Visions

This is where new players begin their journey. The Red Region is associated with grounding, survival, and the base of the spirit. It is a coastal area, where the tidal estuary meets the land, and the Lake of Visions is hidden within the coastal vegetation. The sea here is known as the Sea of Change, constantly shifting with the tides. It is a place of beginnings, where players often first encounter Greenwise, the Guardian of the island, who lives to the southwest in a small stone house surrounded by a permaculture garden and fruit forest. His presence is both a guide and a protector.

  • Orange Region (North of Red) – Marshlands and the Great River

Moving north, you enter the Orange Region, a marshy terrain where the Great River begins to flow. This region is tied to creativity and the flow of energy, much like the river itself. Here, players can experiment with their powers and learn to manipulate the environment more freely. The marshlands are rich with life, and the river provides a source of sustenance and inspiration. However, there is also the danger of getting literally bogged down or misdirected. It is not just the learning of powers, but the effort and energy at times required to free ourselves from our own mistakes.

  • Yellow Region (Further North) – The Great Forest and the High Trees

Beyond the marshes lies the Yellow Region, home to the Great Forest. This region is associated with personal power and growth. The Great Cedar Tree stands tall here, a symbol of strength and endurance, surrounded by the High Trees that offer excellent vantage points across the island. It is a place of deep connection with nature, where players can climb to gain freer perspective.

  • Green Region (Heart of the Island) – The Clearing and the Circle of Stones

At the heart of Fountellion lies the Green Region, where the Great River forks and rejoins itself. This region represents balance, love, and harmony with nature. In the center is the Clearing, a peaceful, open space surrounded by the Circle of Stones. At the center of the circle is the Flickering Fountain, a mystical source of water that shines with all the colors of the regions, symbolizing the interconnectedness of the spirit and the island. This is a place of profound spiritual insight, where players often experience a deeper connection to the island’s essence. There is also the gates to and beginning of the Village of Embertime.

  • Blue Region (North of Green) – The Village of Embertime, the Ruined Monastery and the Blue Forge

As you move further north, you reach the Blue Region, associated with communication and wisdom. Here, to the west is the Ruined Hermitage, a place of quiet reflection and learning. Connected by a small bridge or causeway, the Hermitage is a sanctuary for those seeking isolation, deeper knowledge of the island and its mysteries. There grows here the Tree of Eyes and more westerly, the Anglesea Tower. It is said that the hermits who once lived here understood the true nature of Fountellion and left behind teachings that can guide players toward greater spiritual understanding. However, to be alone here is risky. To the east, the Village of Embertime, where the native inhabitants (the Flickerfolk) dwell and spread out here into clearings and northwards along the high coastal paths. More northwards, at the outskirts of this region, there is also the Blue Forge and the start of the Forge Mountains.

  • Indigo Region (Further North) – The Forge Mountains and The Spiral Tower

The Indigo Region is a place of intuition and inner vision. It is home to the Flickerfolk's permaculture farms, growing spaces, agroforests and kitchen gardens, for the Village of Embertime and some tree-homes. These change northwards through the Forge Mountains into the Phantom Wastes with sparser, more drunken trees. This region encourages players to look inward and trust their instincts as they navigate northwards and the challenges of the (more exposed) part of the island. This is where The Spiral Tower, mostly always surrounded by a mist, but with the Dreamspire at its top, rises into the sky, glinting its allure across the land. Stokers, searching for players to join them, are more numerous. There will be a choice of paths leading into The Spiral Tower. Every player must choose whether to investigate what lies within and to question why.

  • Violet Region (Far North) – The Dreamspire

Finally, within The Spiral Tower is the Violet Region, the highest and most mysterious of all. This is where the Dreamspire, rises like a needle into the sky, perhaps piercing through the mist. Associated with the crown of the spirit, this region represents enlightenment and the ultimate connection to the island’s deeper mysteries. However, I must warn you, player: the Violet Region is not accessible until you have unlocked at least six Insights. Only then will the path to the Dreamspire be revealed more precisely, and only then may you confront the enigmatic Lord Bleakmuse who is said to reside at its peak, a prisoner of his own creation.


Each of these regions and major landmarks is tied to both the natural world and the spiritual journey you undertake in Fountellion. As you explore, you will find that the island itself is a living, breathing entity, constantly changing and evolving, much like the spirit within you.

Remember, the journey is not just about survival, but about understanding your connection to the land, the biome creatures, and the deeper mysteries of the island.

Choose your path, in any direction, and may you Progress and unlock the Insights that will guide you deeper on your quest, but primarily to survive and feel closer to the natural world, to grow and be more fulfilled.

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