Cover photo

'In Fountellion...'

A dark fantasy story about the power of emotion and the dangers of the mind.



-A Song of the Flicker-folk, translated from Dreamspeak

Of the Flicker and the Tower
The Flickering of the Emberfolk
The Shine of the Spire
Unto the Spiral Tower
Of Worlds of Power
The Flickering Blinds
The Search for Arden
A Soul-Stoker is Forged
The Stoker Hunts
A Deeper Flickering
Cora and the Stoker
Cora in the Tower
Found and Lost
The Seeing and the Fall of the Spire
Back in Fountellion
The Feeder of the Flames



-'A Song for the Flickering'

-An example of ‘In Fountellion…’ recounted in ‘dreamspeak’ the language of the Emberfolk.

-Concept Art (Generated by AI)

-A Summarised Version (With Key Aspects & Story Developments for potential AI generation)

-‘In Fountellion’s Soul’

-Final note…

All of us in the Flickering
All of us in the Tower
Dreaming in Fountellion
Our colours build it tall
Flickering in Fountellion
Flickering forth once more…
’Till the colours scatter in the fall.

All of us in the Flickering
All of us in the Spire…
Dreaming in Fountellion
Dreaming forth once more…
The sands shift, the sand goes quick
The Fire will reach the Spire.
We’ll feed the flames, we’ll feed the forge
The colours scattered in the fall.

 -A Song of the Flickerfolk, translated from Dreamspeak.

Chapter 1: Of the Flicker and the Tower


In the quiet village of Embertime, nestled deep within the wild forests of Fountellion, dwelled the Emberfolk. They were blessed with the Flicker, a pure and powerful gift of imagination and emotion. It meant they could manifest vibrant visual forms, using their powers of ‘flickering’ to express fears, dreams, and desires to each other, and out into the world around them, for a short time. 

When they did speak they used  ‘dreamspeak’, a language flowing with imagery and feelings, and like the Flicker this helped to connect them not only to each other but also to the Source — Fountellion itself — its living aspects and its creatures that surrounded them, helping them to work in harmony with nature.


Near the dark, glistening lakes and ancient trees, Arden and Cora, two young Emberfolk, reveled in the beauty and energy of their world. Arden possessed an active spirit, eager to explore beyond the village’s boundaries and make discoveries, while Cora exuded a more gentle wisdom, finding wonder in observing the details of nature. They communicated not only through their fluid language but also through their flickering, sharing visions that painted their innermost thoughts.


But to the north of their simple lives in Embertime, nearer to the mountains, lay an abandoned-looking stone tower. It was a place of mystery and melancholy, created by one flickerer whose powers had turned far inwards, isolating himself from the world. 

Rumors whispered that this tower was twisted in shape, it was even a doorway to other realms, and that its creator was lost deep in its confines. So the Emberfolk had not really forgotten it, though they rarely spoke of the tall, thin figure with fiery blue eyes, known as the Lord Bleakmuse — or the Bleak Lord — who resided at the top of the tower’s shining spire — the Dreamspire.


The story went further, but only for those who felt they needed to cast flickers about it. These would show how Bleakmuse’s desire for greater flickering and ‘clearer sight’ drove him to build his tower higher, from within, seeking to regain some glimpse of his long-lost home, Fountellion. For he had become blinded by his obsession, unaware even that the tower and his spire already resided within the very world he sought to find and see again. 

But really, the Emberfolk could only guess at exactly what had become of Bleakmuse, or what, if anything, he had created for himself, and whether he or not he would ever be free of it. It seemed too strange to concern them for long, too separate from all that mattered to them in their village, in the quick, everyday life of their homes and their island. 


But being an emotional kind, the Emberfolk in their flickerings would feature the tower as a symbol of the Bleak Lord’s plight. In their humble ways they understood it held a warning of the perils of desiring too much, of using the flicker for the narrow sake only of power and control. Amid the wonders of Fountellion and the mystery of the tower, perhaps the Emberfolk had instinctively learned to tread carefully due to the far shadow cast by its silence, seeking ever a harmony and balance between their inner worlds and the living beauty of the Source that surrounded them.

They didn’t yet know that the tower could still cast a bright shine too, and it would be this which would bring about huge changes to their worlds, both inside and out.


Chapter 2: The Flickering of the Emberfolk

Near the heart of Fountellion, the Emberfolk were easily distracted. They reveled in the boundless potential of their flickering powers, the pure and powerful gift of expression allowing them to extend themselves instantly and empathically. Through their flickering, they could create living artwork, manifesting their feelings into vibrant visual forms that danced like fireflies, yet in the day or night.


Arden and Cora, two strong flickerers — as most younger ones were —  embraced the beauty of these powers with instinctive joy and wonder. Arden’s restless spirit often led him to explore the world beyond the village, and he reveled in transforming into various creatures, seeing through their eyes, and soaring freely through the skies. On one occasion, he looked into the shimmering waters of their nearby lake where they would often go, and he channeled the spirit of a small, blue damselfly. First, it fluttered gracefully inside the water, then it emerged as a glowing manifestation, soaring high as a magnificent eagle, its wings gleaming in the moonlight.

Cora, with her gentle wisdom and more tranquil heart, witnessed this flickering and understood Arden’s yearning for adventure. In response, she flickered a vision of a golden fish leaping from the lake’s surface, transforming into a mystical long-eared owl, gracefully vanishing into the dark woods. This exchange of visions was one part of their language, a form of art that flowed with emotions and dreams, a dance of colors and shapes that conveyed their deepest thoughts and desires, and could connect them to the Flicker itself, another of their names, at that time, for Fountellion. 


The Emberfolk’s flickering powers not only granted them a glimpse into the world of animals and the ways of wildlife but also heightened their emotional insight and empathy. As they embraced the wonders of Fountellion, they connected with the pulse of life that resonated within every living creature. The flickering became a profound expression, a bridge that bound them together as a community and reminded them of their dependence on the harmony they shared with nature. The imagery it could produce cast a pale blue glowing light. It aided them not only for communication but also for protection, and for hunting and foraging. Such power flourished near the village, guided not by ambition but by a wonder and fellowship, the essence of their true selves as Emberfolk of Embertime. 


Chapter 3: The Shine of the Spire

But beyond the boundaries of the village, the Emberfolk would sometimes venture into the wild forests of Fountellion, or along the coastline, their flickering powers guiding them like lanterns in the night. It was a wild land after all, with greater hunters than themselves including large bears and tigers. 

Unbeknownst to them, whenever they cast flickers beyond the village this could trigger the vague attention of Bleakmuse, the dark figure squinting out from his spiral tower further north. His tower had been very slowly getting higher, stealing traces of flickering from any villager that happened to stray or flicker — even slightly — beyond the firesides and round-houses of Embertime. From the pinnacle of the Dreamspire, he watched through the mist for a sign of the blue glow which his own piercing blue eyes could sense. In return, he could now cast flickers himself, one which made the whole spire shine out, for just a moment.


Meanwhile, the boy Arden, like many young Emberfolk, could lack confidence in his expressions. One day, again beside one of the many forest lakes, alone this time, he was channelling his attention for the imitation of one of the hardest animals he knew. In his eagerness to create something extraordinary, Arden sought to conjure a majestic tiger, which would offer moments of protection or escape from a wolf or a bear. In this way it was an attempt (although not something the Emberfolk would ever admit) at making the natural world seems less threatening. It was an attempt to harness or control it; perhaps the urge behind so much art and invention, including flickers. 

However, the vision proved elusive, struggling to materialize as he grappled with his yearning for success, and the greater excitement which success comes with. But nature does not like to be controlled, it prefers to be directed, or channelled. Just then, within the flickering tiger eyes, he glimpsed a more unusual flash, like a beacon calling out to him from the northern horizon. The sight ignited a spark of curiosity within him, and an insatiable desire for something more powerful and thrilling. Unbeknownst to Arden, this was Bleakmuse’s call, the bright shine of the Dreamspire, beckoning him to its door, and to explore and harness its mysteries.


The allure of the spire tugged at Arden, promising a world of larger possibilities and boundless power, where flickers could be perfect every time. He saw the glint of the high spire again in his mind and flickered out a copy of it into the air. It floated for a moment above his hands and then moved slowly to the horizon, the correct position where he must go to reach it. 


It seemed to him that the vision from the Dreamspire could also grant him deeper insights, allowing him to see further and wider, and to create visions beyond his imagination. The thought of sharing this newfound knowledge with the village, and with Cora, filled him with excitement too, and purpose. Perhaps this sharing instinct, so strongly integral to the flickering’s power, was its most potent — and most dangerous —  aspect.


So, filled with this desire to connect with something larger than himself, Arden decided to follow the vision of the Dreamspire, embarking on a journey that would forever change things, which is perhaps what he really wanted, as once Bleakmuse himself had too. Little did he know that the path he was about to tread was one that would lead him to confront the complexities of the mind, the seduction of power, and these shadows that lurked within the nature of Fountellion.


Chapter 4: Unto the Spiral Tower

So Arden went looking for the Dreamspire through the dark woods, following the blue glinting light of the symbol. 


He saw creatures of many kinds along the way but felt no desire to cast out flickers to them this time, where normally they would run alongside or be followed. His interest was elsewhere. He even glimpsed a tiger but this time it only reminded him of his earlier difficulty, in crafting its proper likeness. So instead, he ignored them all, breaking through undergrowth until he noticed it was becoming sparser, and the air thinner. He was moving higher, and there had become greater gaps in between the trees where some of them are twisted and contorted, and not producing green leaves as though their energy has been used. This in particular made him feel uneasy about his sudden quest, until he gazed again upon the shine of the spire he had copied, and which led him on.


Finally, he arrived at the towering structure in a lonely clearing. Ivy climbed the lower stonework, where the tower was square and wider at its base, but the flickers were true, for it became very slightly twisted as it rose into a slow, spiral motion. It looked like something eternal, that had always been there, and yet also out of place. It was surrounded by a fine, white sand which glistened. The rest of the structure became lost in a slow-moving, swirling mist as if to lure travelers in and make them wish to enter, just to make them ascend and get above the mist. It seemed to whisper of secrets and promises.


Arden stood before the enticing, eerie sight of the spiral tower, particularly the moonlight casting its own kind of flicker; a silvery glow upon the fine, sand surrounding its base. It seemed as if the tower emerged from the very fabric of the earth. What new flickers lay within, he could only wonder.


Entranced by the copy he’d conjured of the blue shine, seen in his tiger’s eyes, still beckoning him forth, Arden stepped closer, then let it fade before him so he could see where he could enter. He saw a small, unassuming, wooden door, like an old church door. Approaching it, he saw it was decorated around the frame with worn outlines of strange symbols carved into the stonework.


Arden’s emotions hummed with a mix of worry and desire, but as he pushed opened the door easily, those thoughts seemed to blur into the mist around him. The spiral tower had its way of captivating and ensnaring those who ventured unto it, feeding off their desires and dreams, and Arden was no exception.

Chapter 5: Of Worlds of Power

Inside the tower, Arden’s eyes widened. Shining blue crystal walls lay enticingly behind sections of grey, but otherwise bare, cold stone walls and flooring. He reached out his hand and summoned his powers of the flicker to reveal more of the clear, crystal shine and more amazing detail. It was easy, it felt as though his flicker was somehow amplified now. The tower structure was like a vision he could manipulate, and yet it was real and tangible. In fact, he would soon see how it could allow him to create new worlds or environments, from only a single vision or flicker, or from anything held in the palm of his hand. 

For now, a crystal staircase materialized before him, since he dreamed to replace the existing old, rugged stone steps. So it became a beautiful, spiraling form invited him to ascend at once.


As he began his ascent, Arden’s heart pounded with a mix of trepidation and excitement. No one from his village knew about any of this. The spiral staircase seemed to wind endlessly, and it lead him into realms and places he’d never known. With every step, he felt the pull of the tower’s allure, its grandiosity calling to a part of him he didn’t fully understand.


The higher he climbed, the more the spiral tower seemed to blur the boundaries between reality and imagination. Visions and flickerings flashed before his eyes, dazzling him with their brilliance. He saw glimpses of other worlds and dreams, each one captivating and enticing. Animals he conjured to help him climb the stairs were then tangible and he could ride them, or fly upon them. He was torn between wanting to explore each doorway upon its landings, and being driven by an urgent desire to see more first, up the next flight.


In the midst of his ascent, a fleeting doubt brushed against his mind. What if he was losing touch with his village and becoming lost in the grandeur of the tower’s visions? Yet, the allure of the Dreamspire’s shine was too strong, flashing again in his mind, and he pushed forward, determined to see where the stairs would lead him.


With each step, reality seemed to blur, and now he found himself immersed in fantastical realms he could conjure himself. These were mostly realms of nature, with new animals and creatures he could now decorate intricately. Lands of floating lakes and trees in the sky. 


He created one ornate castle throne room, with beautiful chairs where he and Cora would sit, side by side, ruling over imaginative kingdoms he had crafted. Flora and fauna from Fountellion adorned the space, along with mythical creatures born from the depths of his mind. And among them strode a tiger, a masterpiece of flickering, its fiery eyes shining in a brilliant blue. He was grateful to the tower for revealing the potential of his power he knew he had within him.


This lasted for a good while, but as Arden explored the tower further, he couldn’t shake the feeling that his creations— even the tiger with fur he could run his fingers down — were still only shadows compared to their living, real counterparts, in Fountellion. The organic structures and moving machinery he conjured so easily — even their new versions — began to pale in comparison to the living wonders he knew existed outside, those that had been crafted by the forces of time and the shape of the environment of his island. 

If only he could glimpse again, just for a moment, or out of one of the tower windows, something of their living aspect, so he could re-create one exactly like it, so swiftly and assuredly in here. 

Sometimes now, he struggled to think of them while flickering and their resemblance seemed slightly hollow, staring back at him with blacker eyes, once the blue shine had faded from their emergence. The more he delved into the tower’s depths, the more disconnected he felt from the simplicity and beauty of his village. 

And it was this which fed the dark desire to get even higher, to see more, and more clearly. 


Drawn to the tower’s windows, Arden did try to gaze out through the mist, hoping to see the landscape of Fountellion again, and find reassurance and new inspiration. He did see things in the mist: visions of him returning a hero dressed in fine clothes, or of the tower like a great castle with the spire where he was standing at the top, beside a tall, thin figure beckoning and pointing into the mist. Who is this figure he wondered and how can he reach him? 


The need to see Fountellion returned stronger and reminded him of the true source of his power — the natural world beyond the tower. The grandeur of the tower and its illusions couldn’t compare to the genuine connection and empathy he shared with Cora and the Emberfolk as they flickered to one another. 


He raised both hands and crafted the strongest flicker he could, of his sea eagle, in fine detail, and larger than he’d ever created one. When it spread its wings and launched upwards he leapt upon its back and bade it fly out through one of the large windows. They flew through and entered the mist beyond and for a moment Arden had real hope he had escaped and that the landscape of his island home would be revealed below. He was excited too, for he would bring his greater power of flickering and a creation out of the tower, for all to see. 

The mist began to clear, but it showed only another window frame ahead, like the one they’d just flown through. They arrived back in the tower again, through a different window, the eagle swooping up to settle on the staircase, so Arden could jump off to land back onto its hard, cold crystal. 


Arden, resting on one of the landings, felt annoyance replacing dread at what was unfolding. Still, he would try not to succumb to the tower’s temptations of greater power and control, nor suffer its confinement. Instead, he would channel his abilities to celebrate and adorn it with the marvels of Fountellion. Perhaps his creations could break through its walls, shatter its windows or allow him to descend. He flickered into the tower’s rooms and corridors, infusing them with the wonders of his home — birds and wildlife, the beaches to the lakes where he swam, and the sounds of laughter of his fellow Emberfolk. He picked up a pine cone and dropped it over the edge and grew a great cedar tree out of the darkness that swallowed it up. But none of the strong branches ruptured any of the stonework or any of the blue glass of the closed windows, so he started climbing down the tree, almost jumping into the darkness beneath the next branch. But it did not lead him downwards any faster, if even at all. Every time he climbed down or swung himself lower it was if it was surely the same landing he arrived at. How could that be? The tower did not want him to leave, but was it that he really wanted to leave? 


The truth was, he admitted, was that he himself wasn’t yet willing to go. He still harboured a desire, stronger it seemed and deeper within him, to see higher and find new things to see, to see the source of the shine cast by Bleakmuse, to meet this figure even, and to find things that would continue to feed into his flickering, which he could conjure more perfectly. Partly defeated however, he started climbing the stairs once again.


Chapter 6: The Flickering Blinds

Arden’s mind started to become a whirlwind of flickering visions, each more dazzling and captivating than the last. The tower’s allure began to ensnare him again, and he couldn’t resist the temptation to create more rooms and worlds within its walls, even out of a simple object like a seashell. His desire to find Fountellion and return home was swallowed — or fused — with the seductive power of the tower’s potential.


In one room, he attempted to recreate the scene of the lake he once knew so well, but his flickering had taken on a life of its own, distorting the once-familiar landscape into an otherworldly dreamscape. Luminous flowers bloomed under a radiant moon, and colossal insects with iridescent wings took flight in the glittering night. It was a beautiful spectacle, but Arden couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss.


Amidst the shimmering display, he conjured a vision of Cora, hoping to find comfort and reassurance in her presence, and to reach her. He called to her through his flickering, but she wasn’t turning to face him as if he had forgotten what she looked like, and was unable to see her. Frustration returned ten-fold and he slammed the door on his recreation in frustration. Instead, he sent out hundreds of blue damselflies that shimmered like blue stars in the dark light. This effort was draining, and exhaustion washed over him like a tidal wave, but he watched some fly through windows and he flickered with all his might to empower them further beyond the mist.


Determined to regain control, Arden forged another flight of old stone stairs leading directly upwards. He believed that reaching the top might get him to the spire, as an escape, or a new perspective; a way to see beyond the mist that now clouded his mind. As he started to climb, however, suddenly the same dark figure materialized before him, from the castle vision, with squinting eyes that flickered, like his own when he was casting, with a powerful light.


For a moment, hope flared within Arden’s heart. Could this figure be the key to unlocking the secrets of the tower? The figure was reaching out, with a thin-fingered gesture that was both summoning and welcoming. But Arden was also just too scared, and very tired. Uncertainty gnawed at any sense of resolve. He stumbled and slipped, falling back to the foot of the stairs.


When he looked up, the figure was gone, and the flickering illusions around him seemed to mock his struggle. Arden felt torn between worlds — the alluring dreamscape of the tower and the memory and reality of the village and Fountellion somewhere… outside? He couldn’t remember if the Source lay within or outside of the whole place.


Desperate to escape the confusion and entrapment, he retreated deeper, turning and running back through a nearby door again. Each step seemed to lead him further away from the truth and deeper into the labyrinth of his own desires. The tower’s power obscured his vision, leaving him adrift in a sea of illusions.


Chapter 7: The Search for Arden

Cora’s heart pounded with worry as her owl returned to her, having been out searching at the lakeside. She let the vision fade between her empty hands. She lay in her village bedroom, gazing at the flickering images dancing across her mind. Arden had not been seen, and she tried to call to him. She conjured an image of her and Arden, laughing and swimming together in the clear waters of the lake during the bright daylight. But a shadow of concern crossed her face as she saw him gazing afar, his attention drawn to something that seemed to be distracting him. 


With a heavy sigh, she conjured another vision, again of her owl, sweeping out of her window in frustration to go in search. Her emotions were mirrored in the flickering vision, and she knew she had to do something. Her intuition told her that Arden was in trouble, lost somewhere in the vast spiral tower.


Then, a symbol of hope appeared when she noticed a small, blue damselfly arriving at her window, immediately settling and resting, like it had come far. It was one of Arden’s messengers, trying to reach and call for her. She saw how it seemed strange though, almost like a real one, though they normally stayed close to their lake. Perhaps it was one of them? She let it rest, uncertain again, and then touched it lightly with one finger. It was real, but also different, flickering slightly, and it took off towards a point on the horizon where the tower lay. Fear gripped Cora’s heart as she knew he must be trapped in the tower. She couldn’t bear the thought of him being alone in that haunted place.


Without hesitation, she sprang into action, spreading the word around Embertime. The villagers gathered together, concern etched on their faces as they joined the search for Arden. Cora cast a damselfly to show them how he had called for her. Their faces and flickers in reply were worried, for they knew they must venture towards the northern horizon, where the dark and mysterious tower stood. 


Cora led the way, with now her owl flickering softly in blue, perched on her shoulder, accompanying her with its wise, green gaze. There were some who doubted he could have strayed so far, but Cora persisted in her belief. Every now and then she let the owl fly up to help them find the way. Some of the others cast forth wolves to scout ahead. Cora couldn’t let fear and doubt consume them; she had to find Arden and bring him back safely. As they ventured deeper into the woods, the soft glow of the village began to fade behind them, and the forest grew denser and more foreboding. 

Little did they know that Cora’s owl and the wolves were signals themselves to the tower, and to the spire, since they were cast far beyond the village.

Chapter 8: A Soul-Stoker is Forged

Inside the labyrinthine tower, Arden’s flickering power manifested in strange and mysterious ways. As he attempted to reach a window with a beautiful view of Fountellion in the sunlight, he found himself constantly dragged backwards, as if some unseen force were denying him the view. Frustration and desperation filled his heart as he yearned to catch a glimpse of his beloved homeland.


In a moment of recklessness, Arden decided to cast a flicker of himself, hoping it would somehow break through the barrier. To his surprise, a darker, shadowy figure emerged from his own, but it wasn’t himself, exactly. It was thinner, with more tatty clothes and a more determined, haunted face, and carrying a long lance of some kind. This was his stoker, born of his own flickering power, with a soft blue flame in its eyes and as it walked awkwardly. At first it didn’t seem to like walking and it stumbled. Arden hoped it would now fade like a normal flicker, but it did just the opposite. With its own energy, or through energy given to it by the tower, it approached the elusive window that he had been unable to reach, and jumped up to perch on the ledge. Only when it looked back briefly at the boy, was Arden sure it was like his shadow, and saw the flames in its eyes. Jumping out, it disappeared into the view that he’s also been unable to see. But he saw the figure rise higher, a mix of walking and flying through the air, smoking vaguely with a soft blueish smoke, like it had just emerged out of a great blue fire. Briefly, he thought he saw it fall like some bird of prey going hunting and a cold fear made him retreat slightly. The view on the other side of the room changed to back swirling mist.


Arden’s surroundings shifted once more, and he found himself in a different room, this time with cold stonework and a tall figure standing near a flickering fire. There were blue flames again. The figure emanated an aura of power, and Arden recognized it to be Bleakmuse, the Lord of the Spire. Had he created the window, to make Arden release the stoker, or had it really been there? Despite his fatigue, he felt anger rising within him. Though Bleakmuse was present, the figure did not turn to face Arden, maintaining an air of cautious distance, and as though not wanting to leave the warmth of his fire.

Arden’s anger didn’t last long, for on the far wall again appeared another window but it was decorated in crystal this time, very ornate, highly attractive to his eyes, with a shining blue aura. It seemed to hold so much potential, and power, that Arden called out to Bleakmuse, to get his attention. But then the entire vision faded and was gone and he was back in a dark room with only a thin window and stone walls.

At least he received something: a whisper from Bleakmuse’s heavy, hoarse voice: “If you want the spire’s shine, you’ll have to dream harder, you know...”


It’s clear he was being played with by the figure and by the tower, but Arden’s frustration just drove him to begin altering the room through his power, summoning another world, he didn’t really care what.

Soon what appeared was just the spiral staircase again in bare stonework and Arden stared up into the dark reaches it still led to. In fact, now there was a gap between him and the bottom of the staircase. Determined to ascend to the Spire and confront Bleakmuse, Arden imagined machinery, spokes, and cogs, turning and moving, and cast flickers of them across the divide, also hoping they would aid him in climbing higher within the tower. He did manage to get carried over the gap by one of these creations and he jumped onto the lower steps, and pulled himself up onto them. 

Chapter 9: The Stoker Hunts

Meanwhile, the villagers were still searching for Arden, moving deeper into the dark woods, including Cora, and one of them spied a shadowy figure, moving overhead. Cora made her owl disappear because of its faint but blue light. They didn’t fully realise this act seemed to draw the figure towards them, possibly to do with the traces of flicker it left behind, glinting and falling like faint dust in the night.

Many of them rushed to take cover but one of them was attacked and nearly pinned by the long lance of the floating stoker-shadow. Luckily, it struck into a tree instead, leaving it twisted and blackened. But it was thanks to this tree, with the time it took for the floating, dishevelled figure to pull it free, that the villager was able to escape just in time. He joined up with the group of villagers and they took off, heading back to the village. Cora lost sight of them and was left alone in the forest. 

She followed the shadowy figure instead. She watched it approach the village, but thankfully, it feared to enter. The villagers watched it too from different hiding places, fascinated. Nobody had seen such a sight, that wasn’t some large bear or animal, or cast in a blue glow, as a flicker. This was something real, and unreal, which had just demonstrated its dangerous potential. To their relief, despite the drifting, painful approach of it to the village gates it seemed hesitant to enter in or to attack and of the small houses. Perhaps it was the group presence of the villagers or some unknown force that deterred it from getting too close. Instead, it veered away, its thin form gliding backwards towards the dense trees. Then it seemed to sense something — Cora? — and it moved off, higher above the treetops. Although Cora gazed towards the safety of the village, she turned and headed deeper north, for where she remembered the blue damselfly and a point between distant mountains. She felt a new sense of urgency to find Arden and warn him about this danger which likely came from the spiral tower. She decided not to send any flicker to the village to tell them, like her owl to call for them, for she knew this might put more of them in danger, such was her bravery at this time.


As the villagers emerged from their hiding places, fear and concern gripped their hearts. They had encountered this soul-stoker, a creature born of Arden’s flickering power. They knew it was no ordinary entity, and some of them had also recognised a likeness. They spread the word of the ominous encounter and there was flickering everywhere, with many cast featuring great blue towers and terror-filled faces of Arden. The tower had risen quickly from being a long-held, distant symbol of something old and self-contained, to now posing real danger, and intrigue. One of the villagers, from the recent search party, had realised suddenly that Cora was not among them, so he rushed back into the forest, taking with him a bow and some arrows. 


Chapter 10: Cora

As the moon cast its silvery glow over the dark woods, Cora’s movements echoed occasionally through the ancient trees. She didn’t yet know that flickering is what attracts a stoker, so she had conjured a red squirrel with keen eyes and guided its nimble form up a towering cedar tree, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive spiral tower in the distance. The squirrel, sensing her urgency, scrambled higher and higher until it finally reached the tree’s pinnacle. For a fleeting moment, Cora’s connection with the animal granted her a glimpse of the distant tower through its eyes.


But as quickly as the vision came, the animal dissolved into the night, leaving Cora with a strong sense of longing. She lacked the desire to perceive the shine of the spire, due to her thoughts being so full of Arden, like the vision of Arden being trapped within its twisted walls, and the memory of the small, blue damselfly, appearing so tired and fragile.


But her thoughts were shattered as an ominous presence materialized before her. The soul-stoker, the dark and ragged figure with its long, menacing lance, emerged from the shadows and pinned Cora with an easy throw. Panic surged through her veins as she wriggled and squirmed, attempting to break free, but the stoker’s hold was unyielding. Before she knew it, she was being brought away, her feet brushing against the tops of the tallest trees.


The villager, meanwhile, who had nearly got to her, rushed to her aid, grasping her feet, but it was too late. With a shout of desperation, he had no choice but to let go, fearing that he too would be carried off by the stoker’s flight, as it seemed to swim higher into the air. Once on the ground, the villager, with clear hunting skills, got to his feet and cast a fast-moving flicker of a blue firefly that reached to stick on to the black shadow for a time as it climbed. It stayed long enough for him to draw back his bow and release one of his arrows, letting it fly directly to the blue insect like a target aid. The arrow entered the stoker but had no effect, like it could feel nothing. The villager had no choice but to watch it take Cora further away. He headed back to the safety of the village, intending to round up more help, though what they would be able to do against whatever it was, he had no idea. At least Cora still seemed to be ok, for her head turned and looked back at him. 

Indeed, the ground beneath Cora had vanished, and she was carried high above the forest, her heart pounding in her chest. She was not harmed, but she did not want to test if she could move or not, the lance clearly holding her from falling. At least, she thought darkly, that if she was to get to the tower, this was now going to be a quicker way. 


The tower loomed closer, its sinister silhouette etched against the night sky. She thought it might be glowing, very faintly, in a blue aura, but it might just be the light. Cora’s eyes widened with a mix of fear and determination at the scale of it. She knew she had to face whatever lay ahead, for Arden’s sake and for the sake of their beloved village. Clenching her fists, she made a silent vow to confront wherever she was being taken, and find a way to free her friend from the clutches of the tower. 

Although her flickering power surged with hope, she was unable to focus to conjure anything with the lance draining her power. If she looked down and behind her, she could even see her blue light leaking out into the air. But she steeled herself for the challenges that awaited her beyond its seemingly solid stone walls, and its dark, fast-approaching windows.


Chapter 11: A Deeper Flickering

Haunted by lingering visions of greater flickering power and the elusive sight of Fountellion, Arden found himself trapped within the spiraling tower. The weight of his desires bore heavily upon him, and weariness seeped into every fiber of his being. The tower’s walls seemed to mock him, withstanding his flickering attempts to break free.


Arden’s mind was torn between his longing for the spire’s shine and his yearning to be reunited with Cora and the Emberfolk in the village. He could feel the conflicting emotions flickering within him, a dance of light and shadow that mirrored the tower’s twisted architecture.


With each passing moment, the tower’s enchantment ensnared him further, leading him deeper into its maze of flickering creations. His once insatiable curiosity was now tinged with doubt and fatigue. The allure of the tower’s unknown secrets had begun to wane, replaced by a growing desire to return to the simplicity and beauty of his home.


Yet, Bleakmuse’s whispers still echoed in his mind, fueling his ambition for greater power. The prospect of reaching the spire’s pinnacle and unlocking its secrets enticed him, promising to fulfill his deepest desires. And he was convinced Bleakmuse was also the key to escape. If he had to use the figure to get out, or be used by him, then he was prepared to do anything, for with every attempt to break through the tower’s walls, he encountered resistance that matched the strength of his own flickering heart.


As the struggle intensified, Arden’s flickering became a desperate plea for release. He yearned for the tower to relinquish its hold on him, for the walls to crumble and grant him passage to the outside world. But the tower stood firm, its architecture a reflection of his own inner battles.


Chapter 12: Cora and the Stoker


In a daze, Cora found herself inside the tower, pushed through one of its high windows by the menacing stoker. As the lance was pulled out from her, she was pushed up against a stone wall, letting out a cry of pain, but to her surprise, the wound healed almost instantly, leaving no trace of injury. Though bewildered, she could muster some courage to face her captor.


Cora’s heart skipped a beat as she recognised the slender form, a little taller and much like a living shadow. She gazed into the Stoker’s dark eyes, searching for any hint of Arden within this shadowy form. For a moment, she recognized the familiar features, but the squinting of the eyes and the flickering blue flames within them extinguished any hope of recognition. Disappointment washed over her as her whispered words calling out Arden’s name went unanswered.


However, the Stoker seemed to bow its head, in a small moment of shame, before it suddenly lifted its gaze, leaping back out of the window and vanishing into the night. 

Left alone now, Cora tried to move towards the window but just like Arden’s attempts she was unable to reach it. After some time, and in her frustration, she too flickered a version of herself and watched it emerge as a dark shadow which was able to reach the window. It looked back at her as though to smile before it followed Arden’s, casting itself out of the window. Feeling horrified, and drained, Cora’s body gave in to exhaustion, and she lost awareness.


Meanwhile, Arden’s struggle within the tower mirrored Bleakmuse’s own battle with his insatiable hunger for power. But in fleeting moments of clarity, Arden longed for the simplicity of his forest home and the warmth of his village. He would yearn for Cora’s presence and the connection they once shared. Despite the overwhelming allure of the tower’s mysteries, he would fall back frequently to thoughts of her.


Therefore, in a desperate attempt to reach Cora and express his true emotions, Arden summoned a vision — a vivid world painted in hues of green. In this dreamlike realm, he recreated the lakeside scene where they would laugh and play together. It had brighter colors and larger creatures. He beckoned her forward, leading her with a reflection of herself in the water of the lake that transformed into an image of him.

In this shimmering vision, Arden tried to convey his message without any words. He urged Cora to follow the trail of the green light, symbolizing the source of their shared power — Fountellion. Through this vision, he hoped she would understand not just to search for him but to resist the allure of the tower’s darkness and to embrace the simplicity of their bond.


As the vision took shape, the energy of Arden’s flickering surged with newfound purpose. The walls of the tower seemed to soften momentarily, allowing a fleeting glimmer of hope. Arden’s heart raced with anticipation, hoping that Cora would receive his message and find the strength to resist the Stoker’s clutches.


In the midst of this, Arden was unaware of the events which had unfolded elsewhere in the tower. His focus was solely on summoning Cora, on bridging the divide between them and gaining her energy and support amidst his battles with the spiral tower. 

He needed her power, but higher up, in the Dreamspire, the Bleak Lord needed them both, and as many of the Emberfolk as possible. 


Chapter 13: Cora in the Tower

Cora’s eyes struggled and then flickered open, where she found herself within the confines of the tower. The vision Arden had sent her was still vivid in her mind, urging her to search for him. She had been down by the lake, watching the breeze across the water, and seen her reflection there replaced by his. His form emerged from the water — not a shadow, but really him, she knew it — and he beckoned her to follow him towards a green light through the forest. Determination filled her heart as she embarked on the quest to find her friend, hoping to break free from the tower’s clutches together.


She got to her feet and pushed through the heavy wooden door of the room she had been delivered to, surprised that it swung open so easily. She entered what she thought must be the centre of the tower, gazing in wonder for moments at the spiral staircase, weaving itself higher into the reaches. She could see patches where a shining blue crystal light lay beneath the ordinary stone appearance so she tentatively reached out with her flickering to peel back the stone and reveal more of the shining crystal. It was so easy. Before long she was revelling — just like Arden had— in pulling whole sections away and her face was bathed in a blue light. Her eyes flashed too, as she felt a magnification of power. But when she revealed one section closer to her it was suddenly in a green crystal light instead. At once she ran towards it, and looked downwards, clutching one of the ornate rails she had revealed, searching for any sign of Arden. 


Looking downwards indeed, she saw him, below her, on one of the many lower landings, straining to look up at her with his arm help up against the green light she had just revealed on that staircase. They both cried out each other’s names, and Arden waved and they ran towards each other. They met half-way on the green staircase that now shone like emerald, completely revealed. However, the ornate decor was changing and getting covered by green leaves and the undergrowth of Fountellion. 

A sense of relief washed over Cora as they embraced, their flickering powers intertwining once more, making the undergrowth around them grow higher. They both looked into their happy faces and Cora put a hand up to Arden’s face and traced eyes which had dark shadows beneath them.


For a few moments all seemed well, but it wasn’t long for something to feel wrong between them. He was changed towards her, resisting her pull towards continuing to descend down the staircase. Arden’s mind seemed distant, still fixated upwards, on the spire and the power it promised. He wanted Cora to come up higher and help him to find the blue shine, to reach the Lord of the tower together, despite the fact that he had, just before — when he was more himself — been trying to protect her from him. 


Yearning to share her experience and feelings with him, Cora attempted to connect with his visions of Bleakmuse. However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t glimpse the blue shine he spoke of, nor see the allure of the spire. She was rooted in the present, concerned with finding a way out of the tower, not seeking greater power or control. She saw only green now and showed him she could replace more sections of the stonework below them to show more green undergrowth of Fountellion, their Source.


In an attempt to bring them closer, Arden created a new world within the tower — a poor imitation of Embertime, their village, complete with a house of their own. While his intentions were genuine, the world felt hollow and unsatisfying to Cora. It lacked the authenticity and joy she cherished in their real home back in the village.


The night turned to day within the tower, and within the false version of their home, Cora felt trapped. Her heart ached as she realized the gulf between their desires. Arden was consumed by his search for greater flickering and for the elusive spire’s shine, while Cora sought an escape, a return to simplicity, and a reconnection with their true selves. For her, this was downwards. 


Frustration grew between them, as Cora’s pleas to descend and find a way out fell on deaf ears. Arden was set on the path to freedom upwards, to conquer the tower’s mysteries. She couldn’t comprehend his obsession, feeling that he was still under the spell of the tower.


As time passed, Cora’s heart grew heavy with a sense of isolation. She longed for the Arden she knew, the one who reveled in the beauty of their surroundings and cherished the joys of their village life. But within the tower, he seemed to have drifted away from her, consumed by his thirst for power. He ascended the spiral staircase leaving her alone on one of the landings, before she had awoken.


Chapter 14: Found and Lost

Within the tower’s maze of visions and flickering corridors, Cora and Arden moved further apart. Cora’s dreams were filled with images of her village, the familiar faces of her fellow Emberfolk, and the everyday life she knew. She flickered out her animals and birds to help her descend and feel like she was less on her own, but they were not as clear as those she could conjure outside the tower. Here, they all had a faint blue shine in their eyes and they seemed cold, and more out of place. Her one consolation was that the stairs were still not blue. They retained a soft green light, reinforcing her belief that this was the right path. On the other hand, Arden remained fixated on catching another glimpse of the shine, and was haunted by visions of the shining, blue window at the top of the spire, which lured him ever upwards.


In the midst of their separate journeys, their stoker-shadows in their forms were haunting and hunting in Fountellion. Their dark presence struck fear in the villagers’ hearts as it captured one of their own, despite his courageous resistance. With a swift motion of its lance, the Stoker carried the captured villager up into the sky, heading towards the imposing tower that loomed higher now, in the distance. Emberfolk were scared to venture far from their village.


Arden was growing more tired now. He sat down on one of the ornate, crystal steps and soon drifted off to sleep. Some distance below, Cora too had closed her eyes, her knees up against her face on one of the green steps. But she was not sleeping yet. She had decided to flicker out to Arden again to try and reach him one more time. In this vision, they laughed freely like the eagle he once flickered into existence, by the lake. But Cora had an idea, of how to remind Arden of where he was. 

With a wave of her hand, she bade his eagle fly unto the tower and enter through one of its windows. Inside, she transformed it into her owl so he reached out his hand to receive it. Instead of landing the owl, she flew it over his outstretched arm and made it perch on a ledge before an ornate, crystal blue window. The owl stared back and down at him, with green eyes and then flew out through the window. In the vision he could see the landscape of Fountellion through its eyes, as it swooped swiftly down to land back at the lakeside. 

Arden’s eyes flew open. The flicker she had sent seemed to rouse or awaken something in him, reminding him of his true self, that he was trapped in a stone tower, and that what he was in fact yearning for, was his love for Fountellion and for Cora.


In that moment of clarity, he realized that he was already trapped within a tower, not just physically but within his own mind. The obsession with greater flickering power had blinded him to the beauty of their world and the depth of his connection with Cora. He felt fear and shame suddenly, at having lost sight of their friendship in the pursuit of anything else. The fear was that there would now be no way back, and he was doomed to become like the Bleak Lord.


Chapter 15: The Seeing and the Fall of the Spire

Arden began to descend down narrowing stairwells of the spiraling stairs and he was fraught with urgency and determination. Maybe he could even catch up with Cora. What he quickly began to realise, however, is that the stairs were narrowing because he was in fact beginning to enter the Dreamspire. He’d spent enough time in the tower not to assume things to be as they should. Even as his heart yearned to reach Cora and free her from such enchantments, he knew that Bleakmuse must have reversed the staircase so he was in fact moving higher and higher, the more he tried to descend. They were now so narrow, detailed and blue that they arrived at a single, small door. But it was incredibly solid, decorated around with strange symbols and signs of power like hieroglyphs. He could not open the door, glowing a faint blue at the edges, and which was much like a castle door. Drawing on his powers, he therefore summoned his tiger again, a symbol of his own strength and resolve, to help him push down the heavy door, its strength augmenting his own.


Now inside what might just be the heart of the spire, disappointment washed over Arden as he gazed upon the interior of the once alluring tower. Through the shimmering blue crystal and shine, he now saw the stark stonework and ivy creeping in through the single window. It struck him then that this was not some place of great, high seeing— it was really just the old, stone tower he had entered at the beginning of his journey. The memory seemed to tug at the fabric of it, undermining the shining illusion that had held him captive. Arden raised a hand and stripped away more of the crystal walls this time to reveal more of old, ivy-covered stonework beneath, the opposite to when he had entered.


Amidst the fading brilliance, Bleakmuse appeared again by his fire. He turned to face Arden, his thin features forming a slight smile and one arm beckoning him now, toward the clear, shining opening. His eyes glowed with a haunting blue hue, as he enticed Arden with the promise of seeing beyond the mist inside, to let him make his move. The boy thought it might be because Bleakmuse could not go alone, or that he must need Arden’s power like a key. The window beckoned, only it had grown longer now and more like a doorway, even more intricate and attractive. The figure waited for Arden to lead the way though, to show him what was beyond, as if he himself was unable to move from his position next to the fire. The Bleak Lord spoke in his soft, hoarse whisper, “Look, the mist is clearing! Fountellion lies… just beyond!” It was convincing, and maybe it was true, or that the figure believed it was true. 

The temptation was strong for Arden, who had been lost in many worlds with this shared desire to enhance his power and to take this power with him, to show all of Fountellion. It had been growing, making him resemble the very figure before him. But he raised one arm up against the light, seeing more of the illusion around him and looking to resist, to find any other alternative.


And above the loud crackling sound of blue flames, Arden heard Cora call out his name, and when he turned back saw her small hand outstretched toward him. She had returned to find him again. The sight of her broke through the veil of illusion even more, snapping him back to his true self. Instead of succumbing to the allure of the opening, he chose to take Cora’s hand, embracing the connection they shared. As their hands met they felt the flickering’s power rise in them again, giving them strength again. At the same time, turning back Arden saw Bleakmuse was changing, and growing smaller.


For Bleakmuse, the struggle to keep the doorway open was evident and his eyes were losing the blue fire, with his fire nearby burning low also, the flames nearly all gone. His grip on the room of the spire was loosening. Then he began to see Fountellion’s nature beyond the breaking stonework, and, finally, it seemed he began to realize that his island had been surrounding him all along, hidden in plain sight. He no longer squinted but his eyes opened wide, searching for the chance to jump onto twisted branches that had broken through some of the walls. But it was too late, and the spire began to crumble and break apart, collapsing under the weight of its own deception.


But Bleakmuse’s struggle was not over; the squinting returned to his eyes, extinguishing his desperation and wildness. He staggered towards the blue shining opening, as though still wanting to believe it was the correct way, but instead the fragmenting ground gave way underneath and he fell swiftly, his thin hands clutched on to one remaining edge where he now flailed and dangled, with eyes and long, tangled hair, wild and unkempt. The opening closed, with whatever lay beyond out of reach now for any of them. 

Only with Cora supporting him, could Arden reach out, down towards Bleakmuse, seeing a glimpse of his own likeness appearing in the other’s features, of pain at being denied passage through the shining gateway. But the whisper again came, reaching Arden’s ears: “I know, you might think you’ve done well, resisting... but there must always be towers, rising up again…bringing change…” Then the slight smile and the blue fire reignited within Bleakmuse’s eyes again, though they burned nowhere else anymore.

Arden continued to reach for Bleakmuse but the figure just let go, allowing himself to fall back and disappear far down into the green-blue darkness. He was still bound to his dream, his precious spire, and was resigned to fall with it, losing control for now. But it was sad seeing the once tall figure of promise and allure now afraid and falling —  into the dream he had been searching for, for his own designs, but was now cast down into so suddenly, fully at their mercy. 


The spire’s collapse released an immense force that rippled through the tower foundations and beyond, as if the very fabric of reality was shaking. Arden and Cora clung to each other as their remaining floor shifted, and they braced themselves as they were pushed up against the one remaining piece of wall. They were helpless and ready to accept their fate also, to be consumed by what had already consumed so much of them. 


Chapter 16: Back in Fountellion

Arden and Cora held hands and stood together, summoning a flickering power that merged into a mesmerizing display of blue-green fire. Together, they’d agreed to call from the air their eagle and owl so vividly that they were lifted by them and carried across the divide to land safely, down on a high branch of the nearest, tallest tree. From there, they were safe, and could gaze back upon the spectacle of the falling structures, their hearts relieved to have escaped narrowly and be freed, back into the landscape of their home.


The tower crumbled and collapsed, releasing a cascade of visions and worlds from its windows. Fountellion itself seemed to shift and change as the tower’s influence waned. Images of spinning wheels, intricate machinery, all kinds of animals and creatures and grand palaces floated through the night sky, erupting into brilliant colors like sparks and embers falling and spreading out across the treetops or towards the mountains. 


The figures of the Stokers, once dark and menacing, dissolved into the fading light, and fortunately the captive villagers who they had been spawned out from were able to escape the falling tower, fleeing out of windows just in time.


The world was now rid of the tower’s influence, and it lay broken and smoking. Its stonework and debris sunk into the wet sand, twisting its way into the earth. Fountellion was reshaping itself, reclaiming its natural state, with only remnants of the tower as a testament to the power it once held.


Arden and Cora, having played their role, could turn away from the scene, retracing their steps toward the dark forest and their village home. Weariness and fatigue weighed heavily upon them, and Cora tried to convey her emotions to Arden through her flickering, her hand gesturing outward. By there was no power there, and no more flickering. So they looked deeply into each other’s eyes so they could try to read the emotions that were there instead. 


The light had grown darker, matching the changes they felt inside. Arden and Cora had aged, not just physically, but emotionally, as they had braved the trial of the tower. The journey would forever change them, as it would their home. Neither would ever be truly free of how it felt to flicker so freely and intensely inside the tower.


But for now, as they walked back to the village, they felt a sense of relief. The allure of power and control had been overcome by the strength of their bond. The village awaited their return, and the Emberfolk would greet them with great joy, and celebration, for they had triumphed over a darkness and found their way back to the warm lights of the village.


Chapter 17: The Feeder of the Flames

As the days passed by again peacefully, Arden and Cora found themselves once again gazing into the clear waters of their lake. The remnants of their flickering power still lingered within them, but now it was confined to the water’s surface and the gentle ripples that danced upon it. They were content just to see the faint image of themselves sitting quietly together.


But in the shimmering waters, a vision appeared — a fire crackling and dancing with an intense, mesmerizing blue glow, more vibrant than the dark blue-green shadows on the lake. Thier hearts skipped a beat and Arden recognized a thin figure tending to the flames. It was Bleakmuse, immersed once again in a new obsession of power and control. He was watching the fire intently, tending to it with a long poker and he seemed obsessed with watching the flames. Cora saw only the fire’s brilliance, not the figure that lay in Arden’s memories, and often haunted his thoughts.


Bleakmuse had become the Feeder of the Flames, weaving dreams and visions into the heart of the blue forge. Was this the source of the blue, magical fire that had powered all the magic of that spiral tower, still smoking, abandoned and in ruins, though not disappeared, higher in the north? Was it the same light that had always powered their flickerings? And, could this mean that that tower could rise again from its ashes to imprison the flickerfolk again and bewitch them into its shadowy corners and rooms of mere illusions of power? For a brief moment, the tall, thin figure of Bleakmuse, much less any lord now, turned to meet Arden’s gaze. Squinting out and with one hand raised up against the fire, he gave what Arden was sure was a brief, knowing wink before a breeze crossed the lake water again and the vision began to shift. After this last, fleeting exchange, Bleakmuse seemed to be drawn back urgently to the tending of his fire, and that would be the last time Arden would behold the fallen Lord, or any flickering vision at all. The water reflected again only nature’s artistry and shapes, including their own.


With a firm grip on each other’s hands, Arden and Cora looked deeply into one another’s eyes. In those glassy, reflecting eyes, now too like lakes, they imagined orange and green fires burning, a memory of the flickering power — they could feel — they still possessed. But it was painful not to be able to share their emotions through visions, any more.


Cora inquired about what Arden’s had seen, and he spoke of Bleakmuse and the fire, still present on the island, tending to his ever-burning flames. Arden made a solemn promise that no tower would draw him in again. The darkness that once tempted him now held no sway over his heart, though in its way it had served some dark purpose, illuminating just how vital things could become lost, yet be found and treasured still. 


Arden brought forth a small wooden flute, a simple, carved instrument. “We can still flicker with these.” He told her it could produce enchanting sounds, music that would echo through the village, preserving the expression of emotions in a different form.


As they sat by the lake, the flute’s music filled the air, intertwining with the soft rustle of leaves as the breeze moved around them. The Flickering, though no longer as it once was, lived on in other ways. It had transformed into a new harmony that celebrated the beauty of nature and the power of imagination.


Arden and Cora held onto each other, treasuring the love that had been forged through their adventure. Soon they no longer traced shadows beneath each other’s eyes. They knew they would face challenges in seeking harmony, but knew also they would always be part of their island for they had learned the meaning of balance and the deeper power that came from connection with one another and the world around them.


Somewhere out of sight in Fountellion, the figure of Bleakmuse continued to tend to his flames, a ceaseless, restless spirit of creation and control. But elsewhere, a new chapter had begun — filled with love, hope and enduring spirit, similarly eternal forces that could ever bring down the towers of distraction in the sand.

Yet it was true, that Fountellion had become a land torn now of the flickering, colder in expression and one of heightened hunger and desire, with forces released from the tower like its shine. However, it was also one where imaginative power could be found and summoned through other forms. And it was also an island, at least for now, where no other power sought to rise above its wildness, to darken its mountains and forests, marshes and deep, glassy lakes. 


Finally, as Arden played on, a great fountain began to flow upwards out of the earth, not far from their village and where a river forked and circled around a small clearing. From its centre it rose upwards and higher, shining with a magical power and energy, not just in blue but in other colors too — a fiery red, a deep orange, emerald green and blazing yellows. They were like jewels that lit up the blue magic flowing forth and splitting apart into many tendrils of light. This was the fountain and its glow, akin to some aurora, would inspire all those who came near or stood before it. 

It seemed as if their spirit, and the spirit of the Emberfolk, had taken on this new, visual, natural formation.


A Song for the Flickering

(Verse 1) 

In Fountellion’s twilight grace,
Where flickering dreams once took their place,
Now shadows loom, and visions fade,
A realm of magic, in sorrow laid.

Oh, the flickering, lost and gone,
In Fountellion’s landscape, we mourn,
Emotions’ power, once so bright,
Now dimmed to wane in endless night?

(Verse 2)
The Emberfolk’s hearts, once ablaze,
With dreamspeak’s language, they would craze,
In harmony with nature’s art,
Now fractured, torn, and worlds apart.

Oh, the flickering, lost and gone,
In Fountellion’s landscape, we must mourn,
Emotions’ power, once so bright,
Now dimmed to wane in endless night?

The spiral tower, once so tall,
A beacon of power, a siren’s call,
But Bleakmuse’s quest, a path astray,
In Fountellion’s heart, it led away.

(Verse 3)
Arden and Cora, love entwined,
In flickering’s embrace, they shined,
But tempted by the tower’s lure,
Their love and flickering now unsure.

Oh, the flickering, lost and gone,
In Fountellion’s landscape, we mourn,
Emotions’ power, once so bright,
Now dimmed in endless night?

(Verse 4)
The tower crumbled, worlds set free,
Fountellion weeps, a somber sea,
For creations of the mind too bold,
All lost, forgotten, growing cold.

Oh, the flickering, lost and gone,
In Fountellion’s landscape, we mourn,
Emotions’ power, once so bright,
Will never be dimmed, nor by endless night!

In Fountellion’s sorrowful embrace,
A forlorn melody, we now trace,
In memories of flickering’s light,
We bid farewell to the fading night.

An example of ‘In Fountellion…’ recounted in ‘dreamspeak’ the language of the Emberfolk:

Dreaming through the darkness of the long days we shadowy ones, burning low, as the Flickerfolk, floating in cool boats on the large lakes and in the deep leaves lived well and green and loved and knew our world and its great, dark mechanism; a bright, unending force and fire.

Near pure forests humming and brimming with the winds, feel for us there in a light warm gale and the tall reach of cold fresh stems of swaying grass.

Harmony was not often hollow in our minds turning only with the humble ways to harness and master its moods, forever moving.

We were instruments and knew the world would play its music through us for a time, and this was our secret lore, deep craft of knowing, a magic sparkling in blue eyes as sunlight catches water flowing and alive.

So such a force must move with fire, and so a fire burned hungrily inside, perpetually in need of fuel to keep it stoked and burning.

And so it was that within our tribe of feeling beings visions rose as fuel also, pulling and inspiring, rising and so too rose this one, bright and new...

A light and dark flicker of a boy to rise to the tower’s power through this hunger... and bring many with him... Into a realm within the realm between these smoking lines... and the bright girl bringing freedom back…like sun into the lake reshuffles..

I have spoken of our tribe before the Knowing... Of the tower, towering, rooted to our deep ground, our flowering... sewn into our souls. Ready, set - perhaps - to spiral out as a fractal wave crashes out about itself, infinitely. Not before, though, it had magnified many grim immensities and changed things all around in our hearts and in our flickering forever.

(written by a Scribe of the Emberfolk)

Concept Art
(Generated by AI)

A Summarised Version
(With Key Aspects & Story Developments
For potential AI generation)

Note: and for wider interpretations you can edit or make this simpler, add themes, generate alternative endings etc.
Copy and Paste the chapter outlines and then ask LLMs (such as Chat-GPT) to create the chapter within your custom conditions.

Chapter 1: Of the Flicker and the Tower 

  1. Setting: The story takes place in the quiet village of Embertime, located deep within the wild forests of Fountellion. The Emberfolk reside in this village, blessed with the Flicker, a powerful gift of imagination and emotion.

  2. Flickering and Dreamspeak: The Emberfolk can manifest vibrant visual forms through flickering, allowing them to express fears, dreams, and desires to each other and the world around them. They communicate using dreamspeak, a language flowing with imagery and feelings, which connects them to each other and the living aspects of Fountellion, fostering harmony with nature.

  3. Characters: The focus is on two young Emberfolk named Arden and Cora. Arden is adventurous and eager to explore beyond the village's boundaries, while Cora is more contemplative, finding wonder in nature's details.

  4. The Tower: To the north of Embertime, near the mountains, lies an abandoned-looking stone tower. It was created by a flickerer who turned inward, isolating himself from the world. The tower is a place of mystery and melancholy, and rumors suggest that it may be a doorway to other realms.

  5. The Bleak Lord: The tower's creator is known as the Lord Bleakmuse or the Bleak Lord, who resides at the top of the tower's shining spire called the Dreamspire. The Emberfolk rarely speak of him, and his history remains enigmatic.

  6. Bleakmuse's Obsession: Bleakmuse desires greater flickering and 'clearer sight,' which drives him to build his tower higher from within. He seeks a glimpse of his long-lost home, Fountellion, but becomes blinded by his obsession, unaware that the tower and spire are already part of the world he seeks.

  7. The Tower's Symbolism: The Emberfolk view the tower as a symbol of the Bleak Lord's plight, cautioning against desiring too much power and control through flickering. They seek harmony and balance between their inner worlds and the living beauty of Fountellion.

  8. Unforeseen Changes: The Emberfolk are unaware of the tower's true potential and the significant changes it could bring to their worlds, both internally and externally.

This opening chapter introduces the village of Embertime, the Emberfolk, their unique abilities, and the mysterious tower. It sets the stage for an adventure that will delve into the secrets of flickering, the Bleak Lord's past, and the tower's hidden potential to impact the Emberfolk's lives and their world. The narrative is filled with elements of wonder, mystery, and the consequences of unchecked desires.

Chapter 2: The Flickering of the Emberfolk 

  1. Setting: The focus shifts to the heart of Fountellion, where the Emberfolk reside. Their flickering powers allow them to express themselves empathically through vibrant visual forms.

  2. Arden and Cora: The two young Emberfolk, Arden and Cora, are strong flickerers, and they embrace their powers with joy and wonder. Arden's restless spirit leads him to explore beyond the village, often transforming into various creatures through his flickering. Cora, with her gentle wisdom, understands his yearning for adventure.

  3. Flickering as Art: The Emberfolk use flickering as a form of art, exchanging visions filled with emotions, dreams, and desires. This language connects them not only to each other but also to the Flicker (Fountellion itself).

  4. Heightened Empathy: Flickering enhances the Emberfolk's emotional insight and empathy. They can connect with the world of animals and the ways of wildlife, fostering a deep bond with nature and all living creatures.

  5. Harmony with Nature: The Emberfolk's flickering powers remind them of their dependence on the harmony they share with nature. It becomes a profound expression and a bridge that binds them together as a community.

  6. Pale Blue Glowing Light: The imagery produced by flickering casts a pale blue glowing light, which aids them in communication, protection, hunting, and foraging. Their powers flourish near the village, driven by wonder and fellowship rather than ambition.

Chapter 2 further explores the unique abilities of the Emberfolk and how they use flickering not only as a means of communication but also as an art form to connect with each other and the world around them. It highlights the profound empathy they feel towards nature and the harmony that defines their lives. This chapter deepens the reader's understanding of the Emberfolk's culture and sets the stage for the potential conflicts that may arise as their flickering abilities play a crucial role in the unfolding story.

Chapter 3: The Shine of the Spire

  1. Venturing Beyond the Village: The Emberfolk sometimes venture into the wild forests and coastline of Fountellion, guided by their flickering powers. They are aware of the dangers posed by larger predators in the wild.

  2. Bleakmuse's Tower: Bleakmuse's tower has been slowly getting higher, absorbing traces of flickering from any Emberfolk who venture beyond the village. From the Dreamspire, Bleakmuse watches for signs of flickering in the distance.

  3. Arden's Lack of Confidence: Arden lacks confidence in his flickering abilities and seeks to create a majestic tiger vision as a form of protection and control over the natural world.

  4. The Beacon from the Dreamspire: Arden catches a glimpse of a beacon-like flash from the northern horizon, unknowingly drawn to Bleakmuse's call, which promises boundless power and possibilities.

  5. Arden's Desire for Knowledge: Arden believes that the vision from the Dreamspire can grant him deeper insights and enable him to create beyond his imagination. He is excited about the prospect of sharing this newfound knowledge with the village and Cora.

  6. The Journey Begins: Filled with the desire to connect with something larger than himself and change things, Arden decides to follow the vision of the Dreamspire, embarking on a journey that will confront the complexities of the mind and the allure of power.

Chapter 3 delves deeper into Arden's character and his yearning for something greater. It introduces the mysterious allure of the Dreamspire and the potential dangers it holds. Arden's journey towards the tower sets the stage for further exploration of the complexities of flickering and the nature of Fountellion. The chapter leaves readers curious about the consequences of Arden's decision and the shadows that await him in his quest for knowledge and power.

Chapter 4: Unto the Spiral Tower

  1. Arden's Journey: Arden ventures into the dark woods, following the blue glinting light of the symbol that leads him to the Dreamspire. Along the way, he encounters various creatures but is solely focused on reaching his destination.

  2. Uneasy Arrival: As Arden ascends higher, the forest becomes sparser, and he notices the trees appear twisted and drained of energy. He arrives at the towering spiral structure surrounded by a fine, glistening white sand, emanating an eerie and enticing aura.

  3. The Enigmatic Spiral Tower: The tower is square and wider at the base but slowly twists into a spiral motion as it rises. It appears eternal yet out of place, shrouded in swirling mist that seems to lure travelers in, promising secrets and fulfillment of desires.

  4. Moonlit Intrigue: Arden is captivated by the moonlight casting a silvery glow upon the fine sand surrounding the base of the tower. He feels drawn to enter, curious about the flickers that lie within.

  5. The Enchanted Door: Arden approaches the wooden door, decorated with worn outlines of strange symbols carved into the stonework. He opens it easily, and as he steps inside, his worries and desires seem to blur into the mist, leaving him entranced by the tower's allure.

  6. The Tower's Power: The Dreamspire has a captivating effect on those who enter, feeding off their desires and dreams. Arden is under its influence, and the mysteries and perils of the tower await him.

Chapter 4 deepens the intrigue surrounding the Dreamspire and Arden's journey. The tower's mysterious allure and its ability to ensnare those who enter create an atmosphere of anticipation and uncertainty. Arden's emotions and desires are heightened as he steps into the tower, and readers are left wondering what lies ahead for him as he becomes entangled in its captivating powers.

Chapter 5: Of Worlds of Power

  1. The Tower's Interior: Inside the Dreamspire, Arden discovers shining blue crystal walls contrasted with cold stone. He realizes his flickering powers are amplified in the tower, allowing him to manipulate and create new worlds or environments.

  2. The Allure of the Tower: Arden encounters a crystal staircase that invites him to ascend further into the tower. He feels a mix of trepidation and excitement as he explores the realms and visions the tower offers.

  3. Creation and Disconnection: Arden creates elaborate worlds and ornate spaces within the tower, but he starts feeling disconnected from the simplicity and beauty of his village. The allure of the tower's illusions challenges his sense of reality and purpose.

  4. Yearning for Fountellion: As he delves deeper into the tower, Arden becomes more determined to see Fountellion again, realizing that his true power comes from his connection to the natural world beyond the tower.

  5. The Unfulfilled Escape: Arden attempts to leave the tower by creating a powerful flicker of his sea eagle, but he finds himself returning to a different window within the tower, unable to escape its confines.

  6. Confronting Temptation: Arden resists the tower's temptations of greater power and control and instead channels his abilities to adorn the tower's interior with the wonders of Fountellion, hoping to break through its walls.

  7. Unyielding Tower: Despite his efforts, Arden finds that the tower does not allow him to leave easily. He is torn between his desire to explore higher realms within the tower and the need to reconnect with his village and Cora.

  8. The Inner Struggle: Arden admits to himself that he is not yet ready to leave the tower. He yearns to see more, meet the figure responsible for the tower's shine, and find inspiration to enhance his flickering abilities.

Chapter 5 deepens the conflict within Arden as he grapples with the seductive allure of the tower's power and the longing to reconnect with his village and the natural world of Fountellion. The tower challenges his perception of reality and raises questions about the true nature of his flickering abilities. Arden's inner struggle becomes more pronounced as he faces the unyielding nature of the Dreamspire, unable to escape its captivating hold.

Chapter 6: The Flickering Blinds

  1. The Whirlwind of Flickering: Arden becomes entranced by the tower's allure, creating dazzling and captivating flickering visions within its walls. He finds it difficult to resist the temptation to explore and create more.

  2. Distorted Creations: Arden attempts to recreate familiar scenes, like the lake, but the flickering takes on a life of its own, transforming the landscape into an otherworldly dreamscape. He begins to lose control over his creations.

  3. The Search for Cora: Seeking comfort and reassurance, Arden conjures a vision of Cora within the tower. However, he struggles to connect with her, and frustration and exhaustion overwhelm him.

  4. The Desire to Escape: Determined to regain control, Arden forges new stairs upward, hoping to reach the spire and find a way out or gain a new perspective. He encounters a dark figure, possibly the key to understanding the tower's secrets, but uncertainty and fear hold him back.

  5. Torn Between Worlds: Arden feels torn between the alluring dreamscape of the tower and the memory of the village and Fountellion outside. He is unsure of where the Source lies and finds himself lost in the illusions of the tower.

  6. The Labyrinth of Desires: Feeling trapped and confused, Arden retreats deeper into the tower, trying to escape the enthralling power that obscures his vision and leads him further away from the truth.

Chapter 6 continues to explore Arden's inner struggle and the power the tower holds over him. He becomes more immersed in its illusions and is torn between the allure of the tower and the reality of his home and connections outside. The chapter introduces a mysterious dark figure, adding an element of intrigue to the story and leaving readers curious about the secrets of the Dreamspire.

Chapter 7: The Search for Arden

  1. Cora's Concern: Cora becomes worried when Arden doesn't return, and she senses that he might be in trouble. She uses her flickering abilities to search for him and discovers a vision from one of Arden's messengers, a damselfly, which leads her to believe he is trapped in the tower.

  2. Gathering the Village: Cora informs the villagers about Arden's disappearance and leads them in a search for him. They set off toward the mysterious tower on the northern horizon.

  3. Doubts and Determination: Some villagers doubt Arden could have strayed so far, but Cora remains steadfast in her belief and determination to find him. They cast forth flickerings of her owl and also wolves to guide them through the dense forest.

  4. Tower's Awareness: Unbeknownst to the villagers, the presence of Cora's owl and the wolves act as signals to the tower and the spire, potentially drawing attention to their approach.

Chapter 7 intensifies the suspense as the search for Arden continues. Cora's concern and determination lead the villagers to embark on a journey to find their missing friend. The introduction of the tower's awareness adds a new layer of complexity to the story, hinting at potential dangers that await them as they draw closer to their destination. Readers are left on the edge of their seats, eager to discover what awaits Cora and the villagers in their pursuit of Arden.

Chapter 8: A Soul-Stoker is Forged

  1. Arden's Struggle: Inside the tower, Arden faces challenges and frustration as he tries to reach a window with a view of Fountellion. He attempts to cast a flicker of himself, which unexpectedly creates a shadowy figure, his "stoker," with its own energy and purpose.

  2. Encounter with Bleakmuse: Arden finds himself in the presence of Bleakmuse, the Lord of the Spire. Bleakmuse remains distant and mysterious, leaving Arden with more questions than answers about the tower and its power.

  3. Tempting Visions: Arden is enticed by visions of ornate, crystal windows that seem to hold great potential and power. However, these visions quickly fade, leaving him yearning for more and pushing him to alter the room with his flickering abilities.

  4. Confronting the Tower: Undeterred, Arden summons machinery and constructs to aid him in climbing higher within the tower. He is determined to reach the Spire and confront Bleakmuse to uncover the truth.

Chapter 8 delves deeper into Arden's journey through the tower and his encounters with the mysterious forces within. His frustration and determination drive him to manipulate his surroundings and seek answers from the enigmatic Bleakmuse. The introduction of the "stoker" adds an intriguing element to the story, leaving readers curious about its significance and purpose. As the tension builds, readers are left eagerly anticipating the next developments in Arden's quest to navigate the tower's challenges and confront its secrets.

Chapter 9: The Stoker Hunts

  1. Encounter with the Soul-Stoker: The villagers encounter the shadowy figure, the soul-stoker, that was born from Arden's flickering power. The stoker demonstrates its dangerous potential, nearly attacking one of the villagers.

  2. The Stoker's Retreat: The stoker hesitates to enter the village and eventually moves away, sensing Cora's presence, and heads towards the distant mountains. Cora decides to follow the stoker, feeling urgency to find Arden and warn him about the danger posed by the tower.

  3. Fear and Concern Spread: The villagers are filled with fear and concern after the encounter with the soul-stoker. They realize the tower poses real danger and intrigue, and they begin to take the threat more seriously.

  4. Cora's Absence Noticed: One of the villagers realizes that Cora is missing and rushes back into the forest to find her, armed with a bow and arrows.

Chapter 9 intensifies the sense of danger and intrigue surrounding the tower and the soul-stoker. The encounter with the stoker heightens the urgency to find Arden and reveals the potential danger his flickering powers have unleashed. The villagers' fear and concern grow, and Cora's brave decision to follow the stoker adds suspense to the narrative. The story is building towards a climactic confrontation, as the characters are drawn closer to the mysteries and perils of the tower. Readers will be eager to see how the search for Arden unfolds and how the confrontation with the tower and its secrets will be resolved.

Chapter 10: Cora

  1. The Squirrel's Vision: Cora conjures a red squirrel to climb a tall cedar tree to get a glimpse of the distant spiral tower. Through the squirrel's eyes, she briefly sees the tower, but the vision quickly fades, leaving her with a strong sense of longing.

  2. Confrontation with the Soul-Stoker: The soul-stoker, attracted by Cora's flickering, appears before her. It captures her with its menacing lance and carries her high above the forest.

  3. The Villager's Attempt: A villager tries to rescue Cora but is unable to stop the stoker. He shoots an arrow at the stoker, but it has no effect.

  4. Approaching the Tower: Cora is carried closer to the tower, glowing faintly with a blue aura. Despite her fear, she resolves to confront whatever lies ahead and save Arden.

  5. Power Drain: The stoker's lance drains Cora's flickering power, making her unable to conjure anything. She is determined to face the challenges that await her in the tower.

Chapter 10 intensifies the tension and suspense as Cora is captured by the soul-stoker and taken closer to the tower. The village's fear of the tower grows as they witness the stoker's power, and Cora's bravery in the face of danger adds depth to her character. The stoker's ability to drain Cora's flickering power adds a new layer of complexity to the tower's mysterious abilities. Readers will be eager to see how Cora confronts the challenges ahead and how her journey will intertwine with Arden's fate inside the tower. The stage is set for a gripping climax as the characters draw closer to the heart of the tower's secrets.

Chapter 11: A Deeper Flickering

  1. Arden's Trapped State: Arden finds himself trapped within the tower, haunted by visions of greater flickering power and the elusive sight of Fountellion. The tower's walls seem to mock his attempts to break free, and weariness weighs heavily on him.

  2. Conflicting Desires: Arden is torn between his desire for the spire's shine and his yearning to be reunited with Cora and the Emberfolk in the village. This internal struggle is depicted as a dance of light and shadow, mirroring the twisted architecture of the tower.

  3. Tower's Enchantment: The tower's enchantment ensnares Arden further with each passing moment, leading him deeper into its maze of flickering creations. His once insatiable curiosity for its secrets is now tinged with doubt and fatigue.

  4. Ambition for Power: Bleakmuse's whispers fuel Arden's ambition for greater power. He becomes fixated on reaching the spire's pinnacle and unlocking its secrets, convinced that it holds the key to fulfilling his deepest desires and possibly escaping the tower.

  5. Resistance and Inner Battles: Arden encounters resistance when attempting to break through the tower's walls, reflecting the strength of his own flickering heart and the inner battles he faces. The tower seems to challenge him to confront his desires and motivations.

  6. Desperate Plea: As the struggle intensifies, Arden's flickering becomes a desperate plea for release. He longs for the tower to let him go and grant him passage to the outside world, away from its confinement.

The chapter focuses on Arden's emotional and mental turmoil as he grapples with the allure of the tower's power and the longing to return to his village. The ongoing conflict between his desires and the tower's resistance creates tension and uncertainty, leaving readers eager to see how Arden's journey will unfold.

Chapter 12: Cora and the Stoker

Here we see both Arden and Cora facing challenges within the tower. 

  1. Cora's Encounter with the Stoker: Cora finds herself inside the tower after being pushed through a high window by the menacing stoker. She attempts to communicate with the stoker, hoping to find traces of Arden within the shadowy form, but is disappointed when her words go unanswered. The stoker, however, seems to show a moment of shame before leaving through the window.

  2. Arden's Struggle and Longing: Arden continues his internal battle within the tower, torn between his thirst for greater power and his yearning to return to the simplicity and beauty of his village and be with Cora. His desire to connect with Cora becomes more evident as he summons a vision of a lakeside scene to convey his emotions to her without words.

  3. A Shared Power: Through the vision, Arden urges Cora to follow the trail of green light, symbolizing the source of their shared power, Fountellion. He hopes she will understand the message and resist the allure of the tower's darkness while embracing the bond they share.

  4. Flickering Power and Hope: Arden's flickering power surges with newfound purpose as the walls of the tower momentarily soften, offering a glimmer of hope. He is determined to bridge the divide between them and gain Cora's support amidst his struggles.

  5. The Bleak Lord's Plan: Unbeknownst to Arden and Cora, higher up in the Dreamspire, the Bleak Lord needs both of them and as many Emberfolk as possible for his plans.

The chapter highlights the emotional struggles of both Arden and Cora and the significance of their connection and shared power. It also adds an element of intrigue by hinting at the Bleak Lord's intentions and the role the Emberfolk play in his plans. The story continues to build tension and anticipation as the characters face greater challenges within the mysterious tower.

Chapter 13: Cora in the Tower

It focuses on Cora's experiences within the tower as she responds to Arden's vision and attempts to find him. 

  1. Arden's Vision: Cora receives Arden's vision, urging her to search for him and follow a green light through the forest, which symbolizes the source of their shared power, Fountellion. Determination fills her as she embarks on the quest to find Arden and break free from the tower together.

  2. The Revealed Staircase: Cora uses her flickering power to reveal parts of the staircase, which alternates between shining blue crystal and green undergrowth. She spots Arden on a lower landing and they reunite, intertwining their flickering powers.

  3. Arden's Changed Behavior: Despite the reunion, Arden's focus is on reaching the spire and attaining more power. He wants Cora to ascend with him, but she is focused on finding a way out and returning to their true home.

  4. The New World: Arden creates a false version of their village within the tower, but it feels hollow and unsatisfying to Cora, emphasizing the growing divide between their desires.

  5. Cora's Frustration and Isolation: Cora becomes frustrated as Arden ignores her pleas to descend and find an escape. She feels isolated as he becomes consumed by his thirst for power and ascent in the tower.

  6. Growing Tension: The chapter ends with Arden ascending the spiral staircase, leaving Cora alone on one of the landings, highlighting the tension and growing distance between them.

The chapter delves deeper into the conflict between Arden and Cora's desires and highlights the influence of the tower on their emotions and decisions. It also explores the struggle for power and control, as well as the strain it puts on their relationship.

Chapter 14: Found and Lost

It explores the growing distance between Cora and Arden within the tower as they are pulled in different directions by their desires.

  1. Cora's Dreams: Cora's dreams are filled with images of her village and her fellow Emberfolk. She conjures flickering animals to help her descend but feels a sense of loneliness and isolation within the tower.

  2. Arden's Fixation: Arden remains fixated on reaching the spire's shine and is haunted by visions of the blue window at the top of the tower, pulling him upward.

  3. The Stoker's Actions: The stoker-shadows continue to haunt and hunt in Fountellion, striking fear in the villagers' hearts and capturing one of their own.

  4. Cora's Attempt to Reach Arden: Cora decides to use her flickering power to reach out to Arden in a vision. She reminds him of their happy times together and the beauty of Fountellion, and where they are: trapped.

  5. Arden's Moment of Clarity: Cora's vision triggers a moment of clarity for Arden. He realizes that his pursuit of greater flickering power has caused him to lose sight of their friendship and the beauty of their world.

  6. Fear and Shame: Arden is filled with fear and shame at the possibility of becoming like the Bleak Lord, consumed by power and losing his true self.

The chapter marks a turning point for Arden as he seriously questions his obsession with power and starts to remember the importance of his connection with Cora and their home. It also highlights the continued danger posed by the stoker-shadows and the impact of the tower's enchantment on both characters.

Chapter 15: The Seeing and The Fall of the Spire

This marks a critical moment in the story as the characters confront the illusions of the Dreamspire and face the consequences of their choices. 

  1. Arden's Descent: Arden attempts to descend the narrowing stairwells of the spiraling tower to reach Cora but realizes that he is actually ascending deeper into the Dreamspire, which is an illusion created by Bleakmuse.

  2. Disappointment and Revelation: As Arden breaks through the illusion, he discovers that the shining tower is just a facade, and the reality is the old, ivy-covered stonework he encountered at the beginning of his journey.

  3. Bleakmuse's Temptation: Bleakmuse tries to lure Arden with the promise of greater power and easy access to Fountellion through the shining opening, but Cora's arrival and connection with Arden snaps him back to reality.

  4. The Fall of the Spire: As Bleakmuse's grasp on the illusion weakens, the spire begins to crumble and collapse. Bleakmuse struggles to maintain control but eventually falls into the darkness of the collapsing tower.

  5. Arden and Cora's Fate: As the tower collapses, Arden and Cora find themselves in great peril, holding onto each other as reality shakes around them.

The chapter explores the themes of temptation, illusion, and the consequences of one's desires. It also shows the power of connection and love as Cora's presence helps Arden break free from the illusion and return to his true self. The collapse of the spire symbolizes the downfall of the false promises of power and the importance of embracing reality and genuine connections.

Chapter 16: Back in Fountellion 

This marks the conclusion of the characters' journey through the tower and the resolution of its influence on Fountellion. 

  1. Triumph Over the Tower: Arden and Cora combine their flickering powers, summoning their eagle and owl, to escape the collapsing tower and land safely on a high tree branch. They watch as the tower crumbles, releasing visions and worlds from its windows.

  2. Fountellion Reclaims Itself: With the tower's influence waning, Fountellion reshapes itself and reclaims its natural state. The falling tower and the dark figures of the Stokers dissolve, and the captive villagers escape to safety.

  3. Emotion and Connection: Arden and Cora, weary and changed by their experiences in the tower, connect emotionally as they walk back to the village. Their journey has deeply affected them, both physically and emotionally, leaving them forever changed.

  4. Return to the Village: As Arden and Cora return to the village, they are greeted with great joy and celebration by the Emberfolk. They have triumphed over darkness and found their way back to the warmth and light of their home.

The chapter emphasizes the importance of emotional connections and the strength of bonds, as Arden and Cora's friendship and love for their village enable them to overcome the allure of power and control. The tower's collapse symbolizes the end of its influence and the restoration of Fountellion to its natural state. The characters' journey has brought growth and change, leaving them forever impacted by their experiences but stronger in their connection to each other and their home.

Chapter 17: The Feeder of the Flames

The epilogue to the story, providing closure to the characters' journey and showing the impact of their experiences on Fountellion. 

  1. The Vision of Bleakmuse: Arden and Cora see a vision of Bleakmuse tending to a blue fire on the island, having become the Feeder of the Flames. They ponder whether the fire is the source of the tower's power and if it could potentially rise again to bewitch the flickerfolk.

  2. Emotional Connection: Arden and Cora deeply connect with each other, vowing to resist the allure of the tower and its darkness. They acknowledge the changes they've undergone and treasure the love that has grown between them.

  3. The Wooden Flute: Arden presents a wooden flute, symbolizing a new form of flickering and expression. Its music represents a harmony celebrating nature and imagination.

  4. A New Chapter: Arden and Cora embrace a new chapter in their lives, filled with love, hope, and connection. They understand the importance of balance and the power of their bond.

  5. Bleakmuse's Continuation: Bleakmuse continues to tend to his flames, representing a ceaseless, obsessive spirit of creation and control.

  6. The Spirit Fountain: Arden's flute playing brings forth a magical fountain, shining with various colors. It symbolizes the enduring spirit of the Emberfolk and their connection with the natural world.

  7. Fountellion's Transformation: Fountellion has changed, impacted by the events of the tower, and now allows for a different, colder form of flickering, much like our own. However, the island remains wild and free, untainted by internal powers seeking to control it, for now.

‘In Fountellion’ seems somewhat of a sad tale of loss, or waste of potential (or salvation) for the Lord Bleakmuse, and it depicts the cyclical connection that control (or the mind and body) can exert over inside and outsidel (environmental) forces, along with the pain brought by  change. Despite this, the epilogue concludes with a sense of renewal and hope, showcasing the resilience and eternal (love) of the characters and their connection with nature. Flickering expression still continues but in new forms, and the Fountain rises as a symbol of the enduring spirit of all this. So we’ve also learned something of the Fountain’s origin, following the fall of the Spiral Tower.

‘In Fountellion’s Soul’

By Fountellion's lake, a tale unfolds,
Of Arden and Cora, two souls unbound,
Emberfolk of dreams, in nature's clasp,
Their flickers sing, near Embertime.

Cora's owl alights, green creature of light,
Through moonlit forests, it soars in flight,
Her heart with nature, in whispers it speaks,
In Fountellion's shadows, its wisdom seeks.

Arden's eagle, a dance on the breeze,
A flicker of life, in the forest's trees,
He yearns to explore, beyond the village hold,
In Fountellion's secrets, his destiny unfolds.

Beside the shimmer, they would meet,
In Fountellion's images, their souls can greet,
A bond of flickering, their dreams ignite,
In Fountellion's depths, love takes flight.

A tower stands still, a spiral to the skies,
In Fountellion's heart, the Bleak Lord lies,
Obsessed with power, he ascends ever higher,
In Fountellion's fears, he loses sight.

The forest's allure, a sanctuary pure,
In Fountellion's sway, they feel secure,
But the tower's allure, a temptation fierce,
In Fountellion's balance, they must understand.

Through visions and dreams, their hearts entwine,
In Fountellion's tapestry, their souls align,
But the tower's shadows, a threat they face,
In Fountellion's fire, they’ll find their grace.

In the heart of the tower, the spire shines bright,
In Fountellion's mystery, they will fight the night,
For the tower's deception, a veil it weaves,
In Fountellion's shadows, they must retrieve.

Now the fountain flows, a symbol true,
In Fountellion's soul, that love can renew,
Nature's harmony, a melody to seek,
In Fountellion's song, we find their tune.

In Fountellion's soul, the tale unfolded,
Of Arden and Cora, their hearts consoled,
Changed by nature, their love never dies,
By Fountellion's fire, their spirits now shine.

by a bard of Embertime

Final note…

This is what I’d call the Origin version of this story. It need not be the only one: tales can be told in different ways and styles. They may evolve or adapt, expand or contract, ie. 

A note on AI generation: So I included a Summarised Version for anybody to use or generate their own versions from, in whatever writing style, via Copy & Paste into LLMs like Chat-GPT. [see the chatbot section on this page].

I started to use AI to help free or unlock some of the ideas and images for this story. But they go much further back, and in truth I had to rewrite most of this version anyway. 

For generated images, many emerged missing elements I couldn’t include or perfect. That’s why they’re under as ‘concept art’. Perhaps you can find prompts which get closer to the story.

I hope to finish a Greenwise Guide chatbot/data document so I can generate more content (that I’m happy with), and explore the spiritual game version of Fountellion. This will be available online, see the Twitter/X @greenmetaverse account etc. for more, and also ‘Fountellion: Treasured Island' fragments.

To nature, nothing is sacred, only the environment of the present time.

So... flicker thee well, fellow Emberfolk.


  • Ade mc @ Ade’s Press 2023.

An influence to mention:
The Dark Crystal’ a (1982) fantasy film, the legacy of Jim Henson, Brian Froud and of this era.

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