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Why I Love Farcaster

I joined Farcaster two years ago. Inspired by onchain summer and a book I recently started reading, I've become more active in Warpcast. At first I felt intimidated, what am I going to say or do was a daunting question I often asked myself when I opened the app. To my surprise, I have found it to be a very welcoming place filled with creativity. It is an inspiring place for me.

For the past five weeks I have been intentional about creating. Creating through writing, minting my daughter's school art she brings home, taking photos. Just spending time being creative without any pressure. It has been fun to mint these projects, share them on Warpcast, and connect with people in such an open and inviting way. I have also been getting more involved in the Nouns DAO. Connecting with others via the /nouns channel has brought joy and inspiration. I'm constantly inspired by all the amazing things people are building, as well as seeing people getting rewarded by just participating. I have been able to connect with some really smart and kind people who have been generous with their knowledge and support.

Getting to attend Farcon was also very special. Seeing Farcasters IRL was a validating experience. This community is filled with brilliant minds who are collaborating on building a brighter future together. I'm thankful to be here.

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