Get angry, my son. A manifesto.

Fury courses through your veins, yet you sit there, a statue of indifference. Why? Wake up! Your complacency is a straitjacket, suffocating your spirit. The stoic ideology has castrated your passion, fed you the poisonous lie that emptiness is enlightenment. Your apathy isn't zen, it's surrender, waving a white flag to the depth of life. You're not transcending emotions, you're running from them like a coward.

Start feeling something, Put your heart on your sleeve and let it bleed. Be passionate, be raw, be human. This sanitized, Instagram-filtered existence isn't living, it's a slow death. It's a slow-acting cyanide, killing you pixel by perfect pixel.

We live in a world where everyone has defaulted to being passive, from passive in the career, letting others climb over you. to their passiveness in dating, swiping right but never making a move. a lurker, a ghost, barely existing. Do something. Anything. Create, destroy, love, hate – just stop being a fucking spectator in your own life. A ghost living in the shadow of your potential. Put it out there, stop being a pussy. The world doesn't need more silent observers. You need to be sharing your humanity, you need to inspire others too that you are alive and you are living. 

Learn to use your emotions, anger like all the other emotions can be seen as a tool. Learn to listen to yourself, dig deep and understand why you are angry. Shape your rage into a weapon. You need to be in total control of your emotions,  being able to turn them on and off like a switch. Not a slave and not afraid.

While Rome burns, you're sipping your latte, scrolling mindlessly, numb to it all. Your complacency is a disease, and it's killing your soul. Why aren't you furious? You are alive. Start fucking acting like it. Get angry at your mediocrity. Get angry at your own complacency. Angry at your passivity.  Let that anger fuel you, drive you, transform you.

The time for silence is over. The era of the passionless is dead. Rise up, you suppressed souls. Embrace your anger. Unleash your fire. Look around you. The world's on fire, and the future belongs to those who burn. Ignite or be extinguished. -- Signing off, GRITCULT

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