The internet can be a cold dark forest, full of strangers and info hazards in every direction. Predators hiding in plain sight. The world is drowning in cynicism, nihilism and irony. Where people sell their soul and troll innocents for a living. Where they love to argue and leave hater comments. Where hate is the new currency, spreading love is the ultimate act of rebellion. You have a choice. Take the lovepill.
Don't be numbed by your screens, atomised by a lack of contact with people. Deadened by your empty routine, your monotonous life. Where you work looking at a screen and take breaks looking at your small handheld screen to then sit on the sofa to look at an even bigger screen. Stop living in the shallows, scrolling screens, consuming content and not connecting. The lovepill is your wakeup call.
A cosmic alarm clock that switches what bandwidth you are operating on. A new frequency that will transform the way you look at life. Love, harmony and blessings are ringing, will you pick up? Will you answer the call to help humanity? To help usher in a new golden age, the golden bullrun. The satya yuga, utopia isn't a place, it is a group of people, denizens who have taken the lovepill.
The love pill will transform you by transforming how you see the world. When your heart is filled with love, you magically become lucky, you become optimistic, your mind is open to potential and abundance. You operate at a higher ideal, you become unburdened and you escape the petty squabbles and mimetic rivalries. The real resource shortage in the world right now, is love. The fertility crisis is a symptom of the real crisis, the love crisis. People are too afraid, too scared, too hateful. The lovepill will solve this.
A better future is possible, it starts with you taking a chance, a risk, the lovepill. If not you, then who? Be the first to spread love. Be the first to open your heart to jolly and whimsy. To start seeing every moment as a moment for joy, accepting fate and loving it. To see everything you look at, beautiful, to see all of creation as part of GODs plan and through the hate, the negativity. GOD is on the side of love. GOD is on our side.
The lovepill will allow you to love the entirety of the experience of existence. It will help you put down your phone and pick up presence. Learn to love and start feeling deeply. For too long we have shut out our emotions, shut out the door to human experience. Tap into the raw and primal energy that humanity is binded by. The lovepill overcomes all, it overcomes the deepest trenches.
Love is a living, breathing force that requires constant nurturing. It's a skill like any other that takes time to develop. You need to take the lovepill daily. Life is about choices and Every day, you have a choice. Take the LovePill or remain numb. - Signing off, Gritcult.
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Feeling overwhelmed by the negativity online? @grit’s latest blogpost suggests taking the "lovepill" as a wakeup call to embrace love and optimism. Break free from screen addiction, renew your perspective, and help usher in a new golden age. Start seeing beauty in every moment and nurture the force of love daily.