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Lowering Barriers to Crypto

How the GoDaddy-ENS Partnership Could Introduce Millions to Web3

Rejoice, fellow crypto enthusiasts! Today we'll take a look at how a major partnership could help more of us explore the exciting frontier of blockchain-based technologies.

For those just dipping their toes into decentralized domains, let's start with some basics. ENS stands for Ethereum Name Service - a system akin to the regular internet's DNS (Domain Name Service) that maps human-readable names to cryptographic addresses. This helps turn those long strings of numbers and letters that make up Ethereum wallet addresses (0x7cc696a7734f459d55d1b4d716b1f56416f0c21f) into something easier to remember and type (gryphonboy.eth)

GoDaddy, meanwhile, is likely a name you've heard of even if crypto is new to you. As the world's largest domain registrar, GoDaddy helps over 20 million customers register and manage traditional web addresses. But what does a big domain company have to do with the blockchain? Well, that's where things get interesting.

In a move that could have big implications, ENS recently announced a partnership with industry giant GoDaddy. Through a clever new technology that avoids expensive transaction fees, GoDaddy users will now be able to seamlessly connect their regular domain names to ENS addresses. This means the same name can act as both a traditional website and a crypto wallet.

Read the announcement here

In this essay, I'll break down how the partnership works, what it could mean for the future of online identity, and the potential impact of making decentralized tech more accessible. By the end, I hope you walk away with an clearer understanding of this exciting development at the intersection of old and new internet worlds. Let's dive in!

Simplifying Domain Management

Now that we've set the stage, let's dive into the nitty gritty details of how this partnership actually works its magic. At the heart of it all is a clever new technology called Gasless DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extension). For those who've interacted with Ethereum before, you'll know that transactions require "gas" fees paid in ETH - but these can get quite pricey!

Gasless DNSSEC solves this problem using a novel approach. Developed by Ethereum legend Nick Johnson, it allows DNS records to be verified "off-chain" without transactions. This is done through a special smart contract that handles verification on demand at the DNS top-level domain level. No more expensive blockchain interactions just to link a domain!

With this innovation in place, integrating domains into ENS becomes seamless. GoDaddy users simply log into their account dashboard, select a domain, and enable DNSSEC through a few quick clicks. They can then input their ENS address to link it to that domain name. And just like that, a single name can now act as both a traditional website and crypto wallet address.

Old web, meet the new web.

Under the hood, the partnership utilizes industry standards like EIP-3668 to facilitate interoperability. But from the user perspective, the process is beautifully simplified. No more manually configuring domain records or paying gas - it just works. This lower barrier to entry could expose many more people to the exciting world of decentralized technologies.

Through clever tech and standardization, GoDaddy and ENS have beautifully bridged traditional and crypto domains. But how might this impact you and I in the real world?

Establishing ENS as Core Internet Infrastructure

With domains now easily bridged between traditional and crypto worlds, what impact might this have? For one, it significantly simplifies the user experience of managing online identities across both spheres. No longer must domain owners juggle separate tools and records - everything can be done from a single, familiar interface.

All your infrastructure are belong to us.

This lower barrier to entry could expose cryptocurrency to GoDaddy's huge existing user base. As millions familiarize themselves with linking domains to ENS addresses, it introduces the underlying technologies in an accessible, low-commitment way. Simply put, it's never been easier for the average internet user to dip their toes in the crypto waters.

This widespread integration also positions ENS front and center as fundamental internet infrastructure. As more projects and services support ENS names, it will become as ubiquitous online as regular domain names are today. And with a standard now in place, other major registrars may follow GoDaddy's lead in bringing ENS to their user bases as well.

Looking ahead, simplified management and increased exposure could see many traditional internet users begin to naturally adopt decentralized applications that leverage ENS. From direct website payments to new forms of digital content monetization, ENS may help weave crypto-native features into everyday online experiences.

Streamlining Cryptocurrency Payments for Creators and Businesses

With domains now serving as on-ramps for both traditional web and crypto experiences, exciting new business models are emerging. One area ripe for innovation is digital content creation. Artists and makers of all stripes can leverage ENS to sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) directly through their websites.

For example, a musician could host their album on Bandcamp or but also offer exclusive NFT tracks or merch bundles purchasable with a single click via their ENS-linked domain. This streamlines the process while allowing creators to retain more proceeds. Patrons could even send recurring crypto donations to directly support artists they love.

In similar fashion, independent journalists may offer premium encrypted newsletters accessible through ENS subscriptions. Bloggers could sell custom emoji or badges as NFTs to their most engaged readers. And ethereum-native social platforms may integrate ENS profiles to enable new monetization avenues.

Permissionless transactions are the robot uprising

Beyond individual creators, even large organizations are experimenting. An online retailer may let customers checkout with cryptocurrency by scanning a QR code linking to their ENS point of sale address. Universities could issue verifiable diplomas and transcripts on the blockchain through ENS records.

The possibilities are vast as this new paradigm inspires innovation at the intersection of traditional services and decentralized technologies. Exciting times ahead indeed!

The Need for Widespread Cryptocurrency and Decentralization Education

While the partnership unlocks exciting opportunities, challenges remain in fully realizing its potential benefits. One technical hurdle is that changes to DNS records require time to propagate globally - up to 48 hours in some cases. This could introduce friction for users expecting immediate address resolution.

Widespread adoption also relies on education around the value and proper use of decentralized identifiers. Many may not understand why linking domains to crypto wallets matters or how to avoid common security risks. Clever tutorials and demonstrations will be needed to onboard mainstream audiences.

Regulators too will want to ensure domains doubling as financial accounts don't enable illegal activities like money laundering. Careful policymaking is needed to maintain an open internet while addressing such risks. Standards like EIP-3668 can help promote interoperability in a compliant manner.

Longer term, an open question is whether ENS ultimately replaces or coexists with traditional top-level domains. If it becomes the primary system for online identity, what happens to existing domain registries and their business models? Cooperation or competition between the two worlds remains to be seen.

The new shiny thing can be very strange compared to the old boring thing.

Overall the future looks bright, but challenges remain on the road to mass Web3 integration. By confronting issues proactively through open-source solutions and community education, the promise of this partnership to drive meaningful cryptocurrency adoption can be fully realized.


In bringing traditional web domains and decentralized identifiers together so seamlessly, GoDaddy and ENS have truly bridged old and new frontiers of online interaction. The innovations inspired by their work may one day reshape the internet as we know it. Exciting progress indeed awaits us on the road to mainstreaming a Web3 future!

I have tested out the integration. I registered the godaddy domain and linked it to my gryphonboy.eth ENS domain.

Shit just got real!

I am very excited to see what the future holds.

Full disclosure, I received an $ENS airdrop.

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