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Guide Mouga Natural Wines News No. 79 - March 17 2024

Japan, Wine Certifications and Labelling, Piquette, New Sommelier, Rasteau, Amphora in Italy.

A weekly roundup of Natural Wines news from around the world. Naturally curated in French and English (occasionally Italian) by William Mougayar, a natural wine aficionado since 2010.

Please visit the News page. It is updated daily. For new Restaurants, Natural Wine Bars Openings, and shops listings, please visit the full site at GuideMouga.

Spend enough time drinking wine in Tokyo, whether it be in a hip natural wine bar, at a regional wine event or simply at a home party with fellow wine Mar 16, 2024

Alors que le vin conventionnel ne subit généralement pas le fait d’être associé à un seul goût, son pendant nature est parfois réduit à n’embrasser qu’un seul type d’aromatique, au mieux fruité Mar 15, 2024

Piquette Was Natural Wine’s Cool New Fad. Now It’s Forgotten. | PUNCH – PUNCH

Piquette Was Natural Wine's Cool New Fad. Now It's Forgotten. | PUNCH PUNCH. The post Piquette Was Natural Wine’s Cool New Fad. Now It’s Mar 15, 2024

Light and refreshing, low-intervention wines let grapes take the lead

The hands-off approach guides the grapes to express their varietal character and terroir. Source: Light and refreshing, low-intervention wines let grapes take the Mar 14, 2024

Safeway’s MW Says Consumers Want That | Yet 71 Percent of U.S. Wines from Organic Vines Do Not Label Organic Organically Grown Wines .... Mar 14, 2024

What does 'fine wine' really mean, and is it relevant for true wine lovers?. The post Fine Wine isn’t wine, it’s just commerce Mar 13, 2024

Tout savoir sur les vins doux naturels de Rasteau

Les vins doux naturels font la fierté de l'appellation Rasteau, en Vallée du Rhône. The post Tout savoir sur les vins doux naturels de Rasteau Mar 13, 2024

“Amphora Revolution”, a new joint project, is born, staged June 7-8, 2024 at Gallerie Mercatali by Mar 12, 2024

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