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Guide Mouga Natural Wines News No. 80 - March 31 2024

Italy, Naples, Pizza, Friuli, New York, Dubai, London, BlaufrÀnkisch

A weekly roundup of Natural Wines news from around the world. Naturally curated in French and English (occasionally Italian) by William Mougayar, a natural wine aficionado since 2010.

Please visit the News page. It is updated daily. For new Restaurants, Natural Wine Bars Openings, and shops listings, please visit the full site at GuideMouga

Natural wine, exploring Italy and decorating eggs, Konfekt Korner 38 – Radio – Monocle

Starita Pizzeria’s Innovative Journey with Natural Wines – Il Mattino – English Edition

Wrigley Mansion sommelier gives his take in ‘natural wine’ vs. traditionally made wine debate – Fronteras: The Changing America Desk

New York uncorked: Manhattan’s coolest wine stores – Financial Times

Has the natural wine movement finally started in Dubai? – Gault&Millau UAE

London’s new-generation natural wine scene – The Times

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