Where Vaping Is Illegal: 5 Vape Laws You Should Know About

Where Vaping Is Illegal: 5 Vape Laws You Should Know About

Vaping has quickly become a trending activity. In fact, one in 20 people in the U.S now use vape pens, e-cigarettes, vape machines, etc.

However, before you whip out your vape pen, do you actually know the vape laws of your area? This is especially important if you’re traveling and are in an unfamiliar place. The last thing you want to do is get arrest or fined for something you believed to be perfectly legal!

Unfortunately, vape laws don’t vary from country to country, they vary state to state, province to province, city to city. No matter where you’re at, make sure you’re 100% certain of the local vape laws and regulations before you risk legal trouble!

Keep reading to get a better idea.

Vape Laws and Regulations You Should Know About Pertaining to Your Area We know how exciting it is to learn more about new vape stores in unfamiliar areas. New flavors and products are part of what makes traveling fun. However, before you get too excited, you need to make sure you’re operating within the confines of the law.

The following points are the most important and easy-to-follow vape laws and regulations you need to concern yourself with. The internet is a vast world of knowledge where you can easily research a new area before you visit. It also wouldn’t hurt to bone-up on your current location either, just to be safe!

  1. Indoor and Outdoor Public Usage What is the vape laws concerning public usage? Is it allowed in private indoor and outdoor spaces or in public areas as well?

If it’s illegal indoors, are there exceptions, such as in bars or clubs? Can you smoke in open outdoor spaces such as parks or parking lots? What about in a private car while in a public parking lot?

These are important answers to know before your next vape!

  1. Vape Content Depending on your state, vaping may be legal as long as you’re not using a banned substance, such as THC or CBD. This can be difficult to regulate, but you’re better safe than sorry.

However, there are some states, such as Oregon and California where medical and recreational marijuana use is legal. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s legal to use it in public.

  1. Legal Purchase and Possession Age Surprisingly, the legal purchase age of vape products varies from state to state, regardless of the vape oil used. Some states allow people who are 18 to buy and possess vaping paraphernalia while others limit it to people who are 21 or older.

You must abide by the vape laws of the state you are currently in. Where you bought your vape oils or vape pen is irrelevant if you’re carrying it illegally now.

  1. Airport Usage Interestingly, airports operate slightly outside of the vape laws and regulations of the state they’re in. If it’s illegal in the state, then it’s illegal in that state’s airport.

However, public usage regulations may vary, as many airports have specific areas set aside for travelers to smoke and vape. It’s not reasonable to ask them to wait for the entire span of their trip to smoke or vape again, yet, they can’t exactly head outside of secure areas either.

  1. Signage Finally, as a vape enthusiast, you have to pay attention to more than just the areas vape laws. Many places of business may ban vaping on the premises, even in cities where it is otherwise perfectly legal.

Just like cigarette smokers, vapers must adhere to standards set by businesses and property owners.

Be Smart and Enjoy Where You Can Remember, vaping legally isn’t always a given. Pay attention to local vape laws and regulations and play by the rules. Sneaking a vape in isn’t worth a hefty fine or worse!

Enjoy your vaping where you can and be patient where you can’t! Remember to research new areas ahead of time to save yourself frustration and disappointment!

Good luck!

This post is originally published at Halt.

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