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HAM๐Ÿ– Chronicles #1

A daily Newsletter on the HAM ecosystem

Welcome to the maiden edition of HAM๐Ÿ– Chronicles!

A daily newsletter that covers the growing HAM ecosystem on Farcaster, where I track and investigate the most exciting and crazy Ham-centric stuff.

Brace yourself anon, Itโ€™s going to be a wild ride ๐ŸŽข

1. The HAM Chain launch with Syndicate

The Ham team will collaborate with @syndicate to launch the HAM chain. The HAM chain is an Ethereum aligned layer 3 blockchain that will support $TN100x, the HAM ecosystem, and a global community of builders. The HAM chain will be built on @base using the OP stack.

2. $TN100x Airdrop will be on the HAM chain!

Here's an exciting one for every Ham lover out there. The next Ham drop of $TN100x will be on HAM chain. As a means of bootstrapping the new layer 3 Chain, over 16,000 Ham lovers would claim their $TN100x airdrop on the HAM chain. Pure genius!

3. Floaties gonna float!

All supported Floaties can now be installed as cast actions! Tip ERC20 tokens instantly, Powered by HAM and $TN100x. Want to get started? Get your Floaties at

4. Fun Corner: hampbell's condensed ham soup ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿฅซ

hampbell's condensed ham soup ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿฅซ edition of 69 from @animated, now available to redeem by burning 'hampbell's favorites'. You can check them out here.

Thatโ€™s it for today. Thank you for reading today's edition of HAM๐Ÿ– Chronicles Newsletter. I hope you found my insights helpful and informative.

Ps: This is the first edition of HAM Chronicles, Iโ€™m open to feedbacks and suggestions from you to make the next edition better!๐Ÿ˜‰

See you tomorrow!

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