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Introducing "What Wilson Heard"

My new blog of sorts to hear myself think as recidivist founder.

Why my new blog?

Over the last years, I've been using The Otonomist to blog about a number of topics, first via, which we then moved to Substack and now host on the Otonomos site using Ghost.

The Otonomist was conceived as "a monthly missive from Otonomos with free and premium content to help readers build a business on blockchain and invest in crypto."

Its posts range from how to set up a crypto hedge fund (still one of our most popular) to double-clicks on specific jurisdictions, to updates on the tech we're building at Otonomos and its onchain sister OtoCo, to "Unbounded Thinking" pieces on anything from how to bootstrap new nations on blockchains to reviews of books I read, crypto related or not.

Increasingly, the only communality between posts in The Otonomist became the irreverent tone I tried to maintain as writer/editor and the tongue-in-cheek graphic assets chosen to (hopefully) make you chuckle.

Also increasingly however, I felt it untenable to assume that Otonomos users, who look for facts and shared intel on where to incorporate their entities and build in Web3, would want to read my call to arms for a "¡Cripto o Muerte!" revolution in Cuba or my notes on The Dawn of Everything.

If they do, perhaps such contents is more appropriate for a genuine Founder Blog, so I decided to create one.

A way to hear myself think

As most of you will know, Wilson is a character in the movie Cast Away, portrayed as a volleyball that becomes the sole companion of the protagonist, Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks), whose plane crashed on a remote island.

Throughout the four years that Chuck spends isolated, Wilson serves as his inanimate companion and silent confidant, allowing him to express his thoughts and feelings.

A lot of what I've written in The Otonomist and earlier blogs has largely been to hear myself think, which is why I called my new personal blog What Wilson Heard.

The idea is that What Wilson Heard is a way for me to talk about what's on my mind as recidivist founder, with you, the reader, the silent Wilson of my blog.

So expect chronicles of new and existing Web3 projects of mine as they develop, field reports from the frontier of crypto, and poking and probing of decentralized ideas.

I also like to talk about books I read and - like Chuck - there may be the occasional rant...

Live now!

Over the last weeks, What Wilson Heard has gradually been populated with select posts from the past that didn't really belong to a company blog - some written before the time of the Ethereum main net launch.

New posts on anything that keeps my mind - or my day! - busy will appear at regular intervals of at least twice a month, starting this month.

The initial email distribution will be the same as The Otonomist however, I expect the subscriber base to start leading its own life over time.

Finally, hosting What Wilson Heard on paragraph.xyx will also let you collect posts by minting a unique NFT, earn rewards by sharing posts, and directly comment via Farcaster.

My hope is that you will find ideas and thoughts in my new blog that somehow help you author your own life and keep you sane while out there alone building!

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