
Large inputs converted to simple outputs

This is what you get from ChatGPT after asking "What does 'hashed' means?":

The term "hashed" refers to the output of a hashing process, which is a key function in computer science and information security. Hashing is the process of converting an input (or 'message') into a fixed-size string of bytes, typically for security or data retrieval purposes. The output, known as a hash, represents the original data in a form that is usually shorter and of a fixed length.

Here are some key points about hashing:

  1. Fixed Length Output: No matter the size of the input data, the hash output is of a fixed length. This makes it useful for ensuring data integrity in various applications.

  2. Unique Representation: Ideally, every different input should produce a unique hash. However, due to the fixed size of hash outputs, different inputs can occasionally produce the same hash (known as a collision).

  3. One-way Function: Hashing is a one-way process. You can easily generate a hash from input data, but it is computationally infeasible to reverse the process and recreate the original data from its hash.

  4. Sensitivity to Changes: Hash functions are sensitive to changes in the input data. Even a small change in the input will produce a significantly different hash.

  5. Common Uses: Hashing is used in various applications such as in data retrieval (hash tables), in verifying the integrity of data (checksums), and in security (storing passwords, digital signatures).

For instance, when a password is "hashed", it means that the actual password is transformed into a hash before being stored. When you log in, the password you enter is hashed again, and the resulting hash is compared with the stored hash. This way, the actual password does not need to be stored or transmitted, enhancing security.

Ooof, AI is so much smarter than all of us!

There is one sentence that calls my attention the most, and it's also one of the reasons I'm so fascinated working in the blockchain industry the past 7 years: "The output, known as a hash, represents the original data in a form that is usually shorter and of a fixed length."

This publication, named Hashed, will then be a personal forum where I will attempt to summarize or simply write about ideas, reflections, professional research, and anything that excites me to share with others.


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