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herocast log #5

see content from Warpcast, Twitter and nouns build in herocast feed ✅ better permissionless channels ✅


  • See info from Warpcast, Twitter and Nouns.Build right in your herocast feed

    • less clicks, more information where you need it

  • Improved Press R anywhere to reply

  • Better channel and notification keyboard navigation

    • Use ⬅️, ➡️, or Tab to navigation in notifications, use J or K to navigate down or up

herocast is live at

What's next?

  • Log in with Wallet (finally) → preparing for permissionless signups

  • Add more cast embeds into feed

    • PropHouse, Nouns.WTF, Zora, OpenSea → What do you want to see in your feed?

Help build herocast

  • Which websites do you want to interact with in your feed? Which channels would you like to see automatically added to herocast?

  • What do you love about herocast? What do you hate? Send feedback and feature ideas on Warpcast @hellno or telegram @HELLNO_HELLNO

  • Collect this post to support the development ⬇️ (I'm testing a paid mint)

Full changelog

Thanks to everyone that reached out for feedback or reported bugs 🙏🏼

Collect this post to support the development ⬇️ (I'm testing a paid mint)

Collect this post to permanently own it.
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