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Turtle Turtle

Alpha is coming

Slow and steady wins the race they say. This statement was golden before the dawn of AI, now changes are happening at breakneck speed and the culture of perfection is being outmoded more and more every day. That being said, AI has given us a boost in our ability to be creative but also questions the narrative on what it means to be creative in the first place.

AI is blurring the lines.

The processes of creation have been available to everyone, but few take the time to develop the talent, and even fewer still are born with the knack to pick it up. AI however changes that. Not just in our ability to execute on our dreams, but also out capacity to dream bigger dreams!

As we near the launch of the Spark Alpha, codenamed: TurtleTurtle, everyday I am amazed at how AI is changing the way we work. In the development of Spark I have been using the Cursor IDE, an AI powered IDE that is almost spooky in how well it understands your intentions and can deliver the code changes you desire.

Sneak Peak

Sparky also is coming along and this same level of thrilling engagement is present while working on projects. Of course we still have ALOT of kinks to work out as new tools come online, but here is a peak at Sparky helping to work on just one of those tools. And yes, this is all live generated content from the AI, nothing was scripted.

Defining the problem your new idea will address is the first step in the Spark Process. Sparky will brainstorm with the user to clearly define the problem being solved. The majority of interactions with Spark are facilitated through the chat UX, and yes, Voice chat support is on the roadmap.

Once the user is satisfied, sparky can save that information as a "Memory" that can be used later on while working on different aspects of the idea.

Project and System Menus

At it's core, Spark is an AI powered project manager that comes equipped with special tools that assist in turning your ideas into thriving businesses. In Spark, a project can be any of 17 different Project Types, starting with the "Idea" type. Each type has different sets of tools attached to it so as your project gets worked on, you can level it up to bigger types with more tools. Example: an Idea project becomes a Prototype and then a Prototype can become a Service or a Product.

Projects also have different ways of interacting with them based on the Role a user might have with a Project. Owners obviously get Full Access, but an anonymous user(Void) or a Guest, might have access to a very different set of interactions with a given project. This allows each user to have unique, and secure, conversations with the AI about a project. The owner of a project has full control over what information is made public, thus influencing the conversations the AI has with other users. As we bring on more user types, (investors, consumers, talent, etc, this kind of interaction will set Spark apart from most investor, development and workforce platforms.

What does that actually mean?

The landscape of how we engage in work and play and the models we utilize are being disrupted more and more. More industries are becoming decentralized and entrepreneurship is becoming more common. This decentralization doesn't end with the work-force either. The way ideas get funded, developed and executed is also part of this wave of change, a Spark aims to be part of that wave by providing a rich set of tools and a well connected network of talent for those who have the passion and courage to take control of their lives and manifest their dreams.

Stay tuned for more exciting news and if you want to get in on the Alpha, reply to this email.

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