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Igniting Change: Your Portal to the World of Impactivism

Stay Informed, Stay Inspired with the Impact Report

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Impact Report, your essential guide to the ever-evolving landscape of Impactivism. This movement, a harmonious blend of innovation, technology, and social consciousness, is redefining our approach to global challenges. At the core of Impactivism is the unique concept of 'Impactium', a measure of the positive, negative, or neutral effects of every action and decision. As we dive into this transformative journey, the Impact Report will be your beacon, keeping you informed about the latest developments, success stories, and insights from Renaissance Analytics' groundbreaking projects like Spark. Through these pages, we aim to connect, inspire, and empower our community of changemakers, ensuring that every step we take is a stride towards a sustainable, equitable, and thriving future. Join us in this venture where every action counts, and each story shared is a ripple in the vast ocean of positive impact.

In reflecting on our journey so far, it's important to share some recent news and extend our heartfelt thanks. Mid-2022 marked the launch of PRIME, our app aimed at rewarding positive community impact. Despite its promise, we realized the need for a quicker revenue-generating solution. Thus, early in 2023, we embarked on Spark, an AI-powered virtual incubator. Thanks to the insights from Sparky, our initial AI companion, we crafted a business plan and pitch deck, securing a $10,000 grant from FOR-M. Late 2023 saw us developing Spark's MVP, where we acknowledged the necessity of maintaining momentum and broadening our funding efforts. This led to the January 2024 launch of ImpactHub, an innovative open-source project designed to assist startups in crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.

We're also excited to announce the upcoming 10/10/10 Campaign, an ambitious initiative to turn our $10k grant into $10M in just 10 months. Additionally, our founder, Wish Born, will be speaking at the Gatherverse AI Summit'24 on January 31st. His panel discussion is scheduled for 12 PM CST, and more information can be found at Gatherverse.

Our progress would not be possible without the invaluable advice and support of our brain trust, to whom we owe immense gratitude: Joe Poeschl, Joey Dunne, Jim Delong, Christopher Lafayette, Nick Grbavac, Alexandre Vieira, and our newest member, Israel Squires. Their guidance has been instrumental in our journey towards making a positive impact through Impactivism.

And a very big thanks to Kathy Henrich and the grant committee at the MKE Tech Hub Coalition for the $10k grant.

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