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Daily AI Project | D-ID, allowing for natural, face-to-face conversations with digital entities

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Basic Info

D-ID specializes in creating AI-generated videos through its Natural User Interface (NUI), aiming to humanize digital interactions by allowing for natural, face-to-face conversations with digital entities.

Market Positioning

D-ID differentiates itself by focusing on Natural User Interfaces (NUI), which represent a significant evolution from traditional interfaces by enabling more human-like interactions with technology. Their approach includes integrating large language models, emotion analysis, and high-quality video streaming to create experiences that are not just interactive but also emotionally resonant.

Target User-base

D-ID's technology caters to a wide audience, including businesses seeking to enhance customer experience through AI, educators aiming to leverage AI for more engaging learning experiences, and content creators looking for innovative ways to produce digital media.

User Journey

Users can then create personalized digital entities or videos, integrating them into their platforms or workflows for various applications, including customer service, education, and marketing.


  1. Creative Reality™ Studio: The Creative Reality™ Studio by D-ID offers you the most robust set of generative AI tools to produce stunning videos featuring digital people. Combining the powers of D-ID’s deep-learning face animation technology, LLM-based text generation, and text-to-image capabilities, the self-service studio is the essential platform for those seeking to create amazing and cutting-edge videos. Users can choose an image for the avatar, input a script or recording, click the Generate button and within seconds they’ll have an MP4 file that they can download or share directly from the platform.

  2. AI Agents: Craft lifelike conversational AI agents that know everything about you, your products, and services, all while reflecting the look, voice, and tone of your brand.

  3. API: D-ID offers an API for developers looking to integrate the platform’s capabilities into their own applications, enabling more human interaction with technology.

  4. Chat.D-ID: the world’s first app that lets users hold a real-time conversation with a digital human powered by a combination of D-ID’s technology and LLM and NLP. User can use either keyboard or voice to input and communicate with the AI.

  5. Integrations: The platform offers integrations with various tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva, and Google Slides, evolving workflows with AI video integrations.

Price / Cost

D-ID offers various pricing plans, including options for personal use with limited features and commercial licenses with advanced features like custom watermarks, premium support, and extensive AI presenter prompts. All plans consider the number of credits, which correlate to video length and the number of AI-generated sessions.

Pricing of Studio

Pricing of API

Tech Innovation

D-ID's innovation lies in its comprehensive NUI platform, which combines the latest in large language models, emotion analysis, and video technology to create digital humans that can interact naturally with users. This technology has broad applications, from customer service to education, and represents a leap forward in making digital interactions more human-centric.



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