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Daily AI Project | Sudowrite, AI-powered writing tool designed to enhance the writing process

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Basic Info

SudoWrite is an AI-powered writing tool designed to enhance the writing process, making it faster, more fun, and less solitary. It assists in various stages of writing, from brainstorming ideas to polishing prose, aimed at both novice and professional writers.

Market Positioning

SudoWrite positions itself as a premier AI writing assistant, emphasizing creativity and productivity enhancement for writers. It distinguishes itself from competitors through features like Story Engine, which rethinks the writing process to help authors move from idea to novel in days. Such innovation reflects its aim to serve as the ultimate writing partner, understanding story structure and assisting in keeping all parts of the story organized. While some competitors exist, its positioning suggests it aims to outperform other AI writing tools by offering richer, more sophisticated, and writer-centric functionalities.

Target User-base

SudoWrite targets a broad spectrum of writers, from hobbyists and students to professionals. The tool is designed to cater to anyone involved in the writing process, offering tiered plans that provide flexibility in terms of features and usage limits to suit different types of users and their respective needs.

User Journey

A user's journey with SudoWrite likely begins with exploring its features, such as the Story Engine, and proceeds with utilizing these tools to enhance their writing process. Features like Quick Edit and Quick Chat further enrich this journey by offering inline editing and story-aware chat capabilities, making the writing process more interactive and responsive to the user's immediate needs.

  • The Write feature is like the most advanced autocomplete ever. It works like this: Place your cursor at the end of some text, and then click Write. Sudowrite will continue it, picking up right where you left off. To do this, Write looks back at the preceding text (up to 1000 words) to gather context and pick up the thread. If your Story Bible is turned on (and filled out!) Write will also take into consideration your Style, Genre, Characters, and any linked Chapter Outline. It works best with a minimum of 20 words (not counting the document’s title), so ideally there should always be at least a couple of sentences before the cursor… but the more words you provide, or the further into your document you use it, the better the results. Write will typically output around 150-200 words (but you can tweak that number in your Write settings).

  • Sometimes you dig the idea you’ve got down, but it’d be helpful to see a few alternative ways to phrase it. Other times, you know you need to be more succinct, more upbeat, or more descriptive. Rewrite feature can help with all of these!

    • Rephrase: Rewrite the passage in a different way while retaining the meaning.

    • Shorter: Rewrite the passage to be more succinct.

    • More descriptive: Adds more telling details to the passage. Similar to the Describe tool, but the AI will make its own decision on which elements to flesh out and incorporate.

    • Show, Not Tell: Improves the level of detail and adds in more action.

    • More Inner Conflict: Add more internal conflict and introspection. Works best when the passage selected is a close POV.

    • More Intense: Allows the AI to amp things up, improving the level of detail and pacing to create a more vivid reading experience.

    • Customize…: If you select Customize, you can prompt the Rewrite command with any sort of rewrite approach you’d like. It’s a super open-ended tools, and there are practically unlimited ways to use it.

  • Describe feature. Feeling stuck on the details? Describe is a way to very quickly get inspired with some super detailed descriptions of… whatever it is you highlighted. Describe will provide responses broken out by the five senses (Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, and Smell), as well as a couple of metaphors. Like other features, you’ll find the results in the History column on the right.

  • Sometimes you have a good idea of what you need—a new setting for your fantasy epic perhaps—but are tapped out on creative names or fresh angles. That’s where Brainstorm feature comes in. With Brainstorm, you bring the seed of an idea and get rapid-fire inspiration through a list.

Price / Cost

Users can try SudoWrite for free with 10,000 credits, which are consumed on a word basis whenever they use its AI-powered functionalities. SudoWrite offers various plans with different features and AI word limits, adapting to different user needs and budgets.


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