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Watch and Learn with Us | Why Does OpenAI Need a 'Stargate' Supercomputer? Ft. Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas

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Stargate Supercomputer Project

  • Microsoft plans to build a supercomputer named "Stargate" for OpenAI, providing significantly more computing power than currently supplied.

  • Stargate's completion is targeted for around 2028 and will require substantial energy, but advancements in chip technology make it feasible.

  • The project aims to match Google's computing capacity and train larger language models like GPT 7, 7.5, and 8, which demand vast computational resources.

  • OpenAI believes achieving AGI requires scale, and Stargate will enable unprecedented model training scales.

Challenges in Reinforcement Learning

  • The speaker suggests we have only completed step one of AlphaGo, which is imitation learning, and need to achieve step two, reinforcement learning.

  • Current methods of reinforcement learning from human feedback and imitation learning are insufficient and need improvement.

  • Long inference, allowing models to think longer before generating responses, can significantly enhance performance and potentially lead to breakthroughs.

Risks and Potential of AI

  • The speaker highlights the risks of voice imitation systems and suggests banks reconsider using voice authentication.

  • Advances in photorealistic text-to-video generation, such as Sora's example, demonstrate the ability to create highly realistic and visually appealing content.

  • AI's creativity poses a risk to the economic value of artists' work.

AI's Impact on Society

  • At a recent artist conference and festival, the term "AI" was discussed, acknowledging that AI is here and will disrupt businesses.

  • The speaker compares the current situation to stepping through a Stargate, with an uncertain future and no clear way back.


The Stargate Supercomputer Project aims to push the boundaries of AI, crucial for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Reinforcement learning remains a challenge, as does managing the risks associated with AI's capabilities, such as voice imitation and content generation. Its impact on society, particularly in fields like art and security, is profound, shaping an uncertain future reminiscent of stepping through a Stargate.

Note: above summary is generated using

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