2022 Year in Review

Code States, States DAO, Education, B2B, Hiring, Web3, Coaching, and more

There have been many grateful things in 2022. Challenges arise every year, but the Code States overcame them well thanks to many crew who worked together to solve them.

270 crew now work at Code States. Revenue has grown about three times, and now we're looking at $100M. We're growing fast with a good operating profit, but we dream bigger.

Core Value, the core of the company's culture, was revamped to 2.0 with the mission of "Enabling everyone to fulfill their potential regardless of economic and social background." We are hiring great colleagues based on CODA HDMA (Customer Centric/Outcome Drive Culture/Desire for Excellence/Always One Team/Highly Aligned/DRI/Move Fast, Review, and Improve/Aim High and Keep Growing).

More than 1,000 companies have hired Code States graduates, and more than 400 are hiring partners. We collaborate with people in the field through various methods, such as corporate collaboration projects, internships, recruitment tasks, mentoring, and seminars. We create models that increase the recruitment success rate, not just a resume.

We have also entered the B2B education market with leading companies such as Klaytn, NEAR, Bithumb, Wemade, LG U+, and Kakao. In 2023, we plan to enable more businesses to take advantage of on-demand/live, full-time/part-time, short-term to long-term to run upskilling/reskill/recruitment-linked training to meet their needs. Code States will now help you with B2C and B2B digital training.

In addition to Front-End/Back-End Web Development, Blockchain, AI, DevOps, Product Management, and Growth Marketing, we are developing a wider range of bootcamps to equip with digital skillsets. If there is a field that the Code States would like to create, please feel free to suggest it.

The market is not good right now, but the opportunity for Web3 is still huge. We created projects such as Send States (Multisender) and Spacebar NFT through the States DAO. We invested in about 10 of them by providing support to Korean and Global teams building Web3 projects.

Future jobs will develop into more diverse forms, not just full-time jobs in one company. In the future, States DAO will also create a structure that can share ownership with global talent through tokens and strengthen the incentive alignment. Join the Spacebar NFT community if you want to learn Web3 together, support Web3 projects together, and invest. https://abit.ly/spacebar

I'm trying to reduce trial and error through the wisdom of seniors who experienced it first. Thankfully, this year, the founder of a unicorn startup has joined as a shareholder of Code States, and we will continue to invite seniors from various fields as advisors and shareholders.

Thank you again to those who believed in the Code States and joined us as new investors, even under challenging circumstances.

We now have 10,000 customers using the Code States service. We will do our best to provide services to more than 100,000 people, from children to adults, from Korea to Global, and to achieve the mission of unlocking human potential regardless of circumstance.

I tried to improve my English skills by continuously receiving English coaching in 2022. It is a part that I consistently attempted to challenge the global market by pitching to foreign investors, meeting with global partners, and working with international talents. In 2023, I'm going to get CEO coaching. CEO needs to get good CEO coaching and make efforts to become better leader.

I learned various things through podcasts, YouTube, blogs, books, and Twitter, and I got a lot of thoughts and inspiration from people I met while traveling to cities around the world. I'm growing further by following people in the field of interest, continuously watching and executing the content they create. Matt Mochary, Naval Ravikant, and others are inspiring. Among them, Naval's How to Get Rich (without getting lucky) content is suitable for everyone to read. There are many things to think about, but I'll introduce one.

"Play Long-term Games With Long-term People. All returns in life come from compound interest in long-term games. Essentially, all the benefits in life come from compound interests. Whether it's in relationships, or making money, or in learning."

In 2023, I will organize my thoughts in writing more. I invested a little in the Web3-powered newsletter platform, Paragraph. In the future, I'll upload public and NFT membership-based content together on Paragraph. For those interested, please visit https://paragram.See xyz/@ingikim.

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