第五届网络社会年会"实践智慧之网" 总议程

中文 | 英文

The fifth Annual Conference of Network Society: The Web of Phronesis
2020 第五届网络社会年会"实践智慧之网"




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Panel 1 基进市场(天问第六场:危机与转机)请扫以下:

天问特别场 危机与转变 线上报名

主办:中国美术学院 跨媒体艺术学院 视觉中国协同创新中心
协力:上海极粟信息科技有限公司、dWeb Shanghai


假设实践(praxis)产生的实践智慧(phronesis)可以使人之行动揭蔽(aletheuein),以达操心的环视(solicitous circumspection)的效果。那么,为了践行亚里士多德所谓的“善用技术(techne)”,我们需要在实践智慧的指导下筹划和选择,以利用那些对揭露真理有重大缺陷,无法去蔽的,处在自身之外的技术。本次年会意在将(有所行动的)思想当作制作技术的始点,以便我们开启针对全球技术扩散与集中并行的讨论;去创造有分枝的未来,以谋求在病毒与治理紧急状态下的新生活。


Panel 1基进市场(天问特别场第六场 危机|转机)

2020/10/20 (週二) 18:30-21:30
地点:中国美术学院象山校区 8号楼 山北体育馆




  • 维塔利克·布特林 Vitalik Buterin(以太坊创始人)

  • 格伦·韦尔 Glen Weyl (《基进市场》作者,微软政治经济与社会技术部门首席执行官)



时间:2020/11/14─15 (周六、周日)10:00-17:00
地点:中国美术学院南山校区 4号楼405、408教室

组织者: dWeb Shanghai

如果有一天世界上再没有商业互联网可用,我们将如何与彼此沟通?在dWeb Shanghai带领下,网狀网络工作坊将以小组协作方式制造自己社群的互联网。工作坊为期两天,第一天,参与者将动手制作机器,并将其装配在南山校区4号楼。第二天则将被用于分组内容规划及将此互联网打造成原型。在年会期间,全校师生及年会参与者们将会拥有自己专属的无线网络乌托邦。这将是中国第一场于西湖畔边诞生的网状网络实验。


全球這些網格网络组织,正在更新社区、共享与附近的概念。在全球南方,非洲、印尼、墨西哥,加拿大与欧洲也很多。德国的Freifunk有四百多个无线社区、英国的蓝开夏B4RN有光纤到府服务,加拿大的guifi.net可能是欧洲最大的社区网络,遍及整个西班牙,上万人透过wifi和光纤使用,有志愿者、非营利组织、公共管理和小的媒体公司都在网络中。Sarantaporo、这个在希腊奥林匹亚山脚下的农村组织,在2010金融危机后年轻人自己想办法救家乡,2013年建立起非营利组织,现在则服务超过10个村子, 5000个村民,皆使用app,获得新知,相互交易,并在2019年获得欧洲最佳宽带奖(European BroadbandAwards)。而像法国的FFDN则是包含许多社区网络的大组织。

没有一个网状网络是完全相同的。在都市地区、乡村与贫民窟、移民社区都有。有的因为连网太贵,或者服务太差、网速不行。除了连结性的需要也有因为哲学、经济、社区和个人动机的不同。 总之,网状网络所属的范畴是去中心化网络,通过切断与中心化的网络服务提供商的依赖,成为一个真正属于用户自己的网络。去中心化网络将我们从巨头垄断的世界中解放出来,让我们可以获得自治的自由。



时间:2020/11/20 10:30-17:00
地点:中国美术学院南山校区 4号楼一楼 南苑大会议厅(拉姆咖啡厅旁)


Panel 2 网际网络档案馆

时间:2020/11/20 18:30-21:30
地点:中国美术学院南山校区 4号楼一楼 南苑大会议厅(拉姆咖啡厅旁)




  • 周蓬岸(中文世界第一个在线交互式电脑博物馆创始人)

  • 山姆·威廉姆斯 (Sam Williams) (Arweave 联合创始人兼首席执行官)

  • 林亦凌 (香港亚洲艺术文献库馆藏总监)

Panel 3 分布式网络

时间:2020/11/21 18:30-21:30
地点:中国美术学院南山校区 4号楼一楼 南苑大会议厅(拉姆咖啡厅旁)




  • 多米尼克·塔尔 (Dominic Tarr)(在船上通过太阳能发电写代码的的协议设计者,scuttlebutt的创始人)

  • 迪伦·瑞柏林( Dylan Reibling)(电影导演,交互艺术家)

  • 丹尼·奥布莱恩 (Danny O’Brien)(电子前沿基金会 EFF 策略长)

  • 刘怿斯(dWeb Shanghai小组成员,Dimension 技术长)

  • 马克·纳达尔(Mark Nadal )(数学家、程序员,开源公司ERAGun的创始人)


时间:2020/11/22 18:30-22:00
地点:中国美术学院南山校区 4号楼一楼 南苑大会议厅(拉姆咖啡厅旁)




  • 高重建(LikeCoin创始人)

  • 阎晗(Dimension创始人)

  • 弗兰克·博朗 (Frank Braun)&乔纳森·洛根 (Smuggler)(加密无政府主义者,Cypherpunk Bitstream联合创始人)

  • 哈里·哈尔平(Harry Halpin) (Nym Technologies首席执行官)

  • 帕沃尔·卢普塔克(Pavol Luptak)(加密无政府主义者,Nethemba创始人,Hacktrophy联合创始人)




2020/10/20 6:30-10:00 PM
PANEL 1 基进市场
Radical Market
中国美术学院象山校区 8号楼 山北体育馆

🍭维塔利克·布特林 :乙太坊社群治理与gitcoin的平方投票
Vitalik Buterin:Ethereum community governance and Gitcoin Quadratic Voting
Glen Weyl:The Political Philosophy of RadicalxChange
综合讨论 Discussion

West Lake Mesh Network Network

中国美术学院南山校区 4号楼405、408教室


2020/11/20 10:30-17:00
Youth Round Table

中国美术学院南山校区 4号楼一楼 南苑大会议厅(拉姆咖啡厅旁)


2020/11/20 18:30 - 21:30
PANEL 2 网际网络档案馆
Internet Archive


🍭周蓬岸: 为中文社区重建具有历史价值的数字体验--网页里的电脑博物馆项目报告
Zhou Pengan:Bringing Digital Experiences of Historical Value Back to Chinese Communities -- A Report of Computer Museum in Web.
Sam Williams:Building a web that never forgets.
Kaleidoscopic Contemporary: Asia Art Archive’s Collections 
综合讨论 Discussion

2020/11/21 18:30 - 22:00
PANEL 3 分布式网络 Dweb

Dominic Tarr: How Decentralized Web Help People Live The Real Life
🍭迪伦·瑞柏林 看见不可见的:分布式网络的深描
Dylan Reibling: Seeing the Unseeable - Depicting the World of the Decentralized Web
Danny O'Brien:Adversarial Interoperability
🍭刘怿斯: 在不信任中建立信任 - Maskbook为例
Yisi Liu:Build Trust Upon the Untrusted - A Discussion on the Trust on the Internet based on Maskbook
Mark Nadal: How to Build & Scale the Decentralized Web
综合讨论 Discussion

2020/11/22 18:30-22:00
PANEL 4:加密主义 Crypto-ist

Kin Ko:LikeCoin: Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure
🍭阎晗: 由加密主义驱动的数字劳工联盟
Yan Suji: Cyber Labor’s Union Powered by Crypto-ism
🍭弗兰克·博朗 &乔纳森·洛根:加密无政府主义视角
Frank Braun & Smuggler:The Vision of Cryptoanarchy
Harry Halpin: Pandemos-Cryptography against Hypercontrol
Pavol Luptak:Impact of crypto-anarchy and sharing economy

2020/11/22 22:00-22:15


2020/11/22 22:00~~
After Party



The Fifth Annual Conference of Network Society: The Web of Phronesis

Chinese | English


2020/10/20; 2020/11/14-11/15; 2020/11/20-11/22


Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou; Room 405,408, BLD.4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art; Nanyuan Auditorium, 1F Building 4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art.


Prof. HUANG Sunquan & LIU Yisi


Institute of Network Society, CCVS, SIMA, China Academy of Art


Dimension Inc. dWeb Shanghai


Prof. GAO Shiming,Prof. GUAN Huaibin, Prof. HUANG Sunquan

If the ENROLL link does not work, please scan the QR code for registration.

While capitalism seems to be generally frustrated with the global spread of the Covid-19, surveillance capitalism has secretly risen with the virus explosion. In the name of security, a centralized digital regime with unchallengeable legitimacy power is now strictly monitoring people, which seems to bring about an information centralized online society.

Aristotle indicates that the phronesis (wisdom of praxis) produced by praxis can lead people to aletheuein and to achieve the solicitous circumspection. It means that there should be phronesis to manage the use of techne, so that the techne has major flaws in revealing the alethea (truth) but outside of itself could be made the best use of. According to this, we assume that to take the thought (with action) as the starting point of the techne production would construct the future of humans under the Covid-19 state of emergency, because the starting point could trigger discussions that go beyond proliferation and concentration of global technology, then fork our futures.

In the previous Annual Conferences "Forces of Reticulation" (2016), "Another Walk with Lefebvre: Critique of Urbanism and Everyday Life in the Algorithmic Age" (2017), "Intelligent Urban Fabric" (2018) and "Neitizen21: Beyond Personal Account" (2019), INS connected worldwide scholars and activists to construct criticism toward current network society and explore a network of practices together. The fifth annual conference, the Web of Phronesis, tries to explore technical practices hindered by social dilemma, and to review the life of infinite branches created by love between we and the world along with imaginations.


2020/10/20 Tuesday 18:30-21:30
Venue:Shanbei Gymnasium (BLD.8), Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou

The global crises of declining productivity, economic stagnation, conflict and inequality are caused by the inherent predatory accumulation, monopoly, and inequitable distribution of capitalism, as well as the poor democratic mechanism, restrictions on labors and immigrants’ mobility. The “radical market” is a thought experiment seeks “radical change”, in order to plot the bottom-up economic, social, and informational technology plans of future, taking into account the allocation efficiency of the free market and investment incentives at the same time, and turning crisis into opportunities for the common good. What are the critical issues of the current crisis? How to strike a balance between a free economy and state economic intervention in long-term risk management? How does modern society deal with the associated risks that are positively correlated with its system complexity?

Moderator: Huang SunQuan, Liu Yihong

Keynote Speakers:

  • Vitalik Buterin(Founder of Ethereum)

  • Glen Weyl(Author of ‘Radical Markets’,Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New England)

  • Commentary:Liu yisi, Yan Suji

This session is also the 'Panel 6: Crisis-Change'of the 'Inter-World-View Hangzhou China 2020')


2020/11/14─15 Saturday、Sunday 10:00-17:00
Venue:Room 405,408, BLD.4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art

How could we keep in touch without commercial internets? With technical supports of dWeb Shanghai, attandees of the workshop will try to set up wireless internet in groups at Building 4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art. In this two-day workshop, participants are going to install the equipments on Day1, then design and set up the internet on Day 2. Like an utopia, this wireless network should be able to get accessed by all people in Nanshan campus until the end of the fifth annual conference. It will be the first experiment of setting up Mesh Network around the West Lake, Hangzhou, in China.

The mesh network will be come a platform recording the weather of participants' locations such as the temperature, the humidity and qualities of the air, with no need to pay for the internet provided by ISP.

The DIY of mesh network all around the world is updating knowledge about the 'communities', the 'sharing' and the 'nearby'.

Freifunk in Germany covers over 400 wireless communities; B4RN in Lancasire is now serving UK government with optical fiber. As a community network, the coverage of guifi.net in Europe is probably the widest. Tens of thousands of Spanish people including volunteers, non-profit organizations, public management organizations and media companies are served by this network.

A non-profit organization in the rural area at Mount Olympus in Greece, Sarantaporo, have been established for saving the community from financial crisis in 2010 by local youths since 2013. The wireless mesh network they DIY'ed is now serving over 5000 residents in more than 10 villages. People exchanges views and goods on the applications, which help the organization won the European BroadbandAwards in 2019. FFDN in France is a combination of community networks.

All the mesh networks are distinguished from the others. The networks are covering not only urban areas, but also rural areas, slums and immigrants communities. The motivations to set up the mesh networks are different, whereas all the networks could be defined as decentralized webs. The webs belong to users rather than commercial internet service providers, they liberates individuals from digital oligarchy and empower the autonomy of users.

References of workshop see below link:https://github.com/DWebShanghai/draft/blob/master/proj_west_lake.org

Convener: dWeb Shanghai


2020/11/20 Friday 10:30-17:00
Venue: Nanyuan Auditorium, 1F Building 4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art

The Web of Phronesis focuses on not only praxis, but also theories. To architect a better future, we try to review the intelligence and experiences gained by technology using. In addition to a workshop and four panels, we called for papers from young scholars and people with faiths all around the world, holding the Youth Round Table. In this session, there will be ten presentations from the scholars carefully evaluated and selected by the committee. Selectees are going to present on the spot, discussing with each others and expand their practice and thinking from the philosophical, artistic, socialized and technical levels.


2020/11/20 Friday 18:30-21:30
Venue: Nanyuan Auditorium, 1F Building 4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art

The truths history narrates could always be footnotes to the facts. They are quarantined by the reality of the time. Since the establishment of the Internet Archive in 1996, information generated by the Internet has far exceeded the total amount of human history. Today, digitized files and metadata records have become the main issue of art museums and galleries. Under this circumstance, to preserve, to record and to file human civilization are critical challenges to technicalize and to externalize human history.

The 'archive' is accumulation of documents cataloged by authorities. Under this circumstance, it is the method to catalog, operated by archivists, made up the narrative of human history.

The automatic digital archives are now saving the hidden and the deleted to photoelectric media. Under this circumstance, human civilization resists the absence, which means ideologies and bias on cultures can do nothing to question recorded truths, and people have no power are not allowed to correct or even to simply write a history. The shared root of modernology and archaeology found that there is no authorities presently but only searching algorithm and the metadata in our age. It seems like we are living in a time without archivist.

Moderator: Katt Gu

Keynote Speakers:

  • Zhou Pengan( Founder of the first interactive online computer museum in China)

  • Elaine Lin (Head of Collections at Asia Art Archive)

  • Sam Williams (CEO & Co-Founder at Arweave)


2020/11/21 Saturday 18:30-21:30
Venue:Nanyuan Auditorium, 1F Building 4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art

Should Internets owned by oligarchs? How to create Internet in which inclusive love could stand, publicness would be compatible with privacy, and everyone would be welcomed? When decentralizing, people are exploring the relationship between networks and human society rather than simply updating technologies. Decentralizing is not for the sake of decentralization, but for benefiting human societies, to decreased harms and inconveniences that digital orligarchy have made. Decentralized internets should be open to all the people, because that is what Internet was originally made for. In this panel, practitioners of Decentralized Web will be invited to share their experiences on architecting in the atlas of the future has already taken place.

Moderator: Huang SunQuan

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dominic Tarr(Javascript Cyberhobo and computer wizard,Co-founder at scuttlebutt)

  • Dylan Reibling(Film director and interactive artist)

  • Danny O‘Brien(the International Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation)

  • Liu Yisi(Convenor of dWeb Shanghai,CTO at Dimension.im

  • Mark Nadal(mathematician turned programmer, runs a VC backed Open Source company ERA


2020/11/22 Sunday 18:30-22:00
Venue: Nanyuan Auditorium, 1F Building 4, Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art

Although to ensure one’s privacy and security on the internet are basic human rights, the monopoly and the algorithmic improvement of social media are now preventing the netizens from seizing back their lost human rights. To retake online privacy and security needs revolutions on both economy and society.

Gladly we found that there are plenty of technologies prepared for this revolution have progressed substantially in the past decade, including public key encryption, end-to-end encryption, zero-knowledge proof, and plenty of software protocols that are used in interactions, authentications and verification. We are aiming to achieve the ultimate possibilities within the existing social system.

Moderator: Huang SunQuan & Liu Yisi

Keynote Speakers:

  • Kin Ko(Founder of Likecoin)

  • Yan Suji(Founder of Dimension.im

  • Frank Braun & Smuggler(Crypto-anarchists,Founders of Cypherpunk Bitstream)

  • Harry Halpin(CEO of Nym Technologies, visiting Professor at KU Leuven in Belgium)

  • Pavol Luptak(cryptoanarchist and voluntaryist focused on technology and society hacking, the founder of Nethemba, the co-founder of Hacktrophy)

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