
日期﹕2016年11月14日-11月16日 主办:中国美院跨媒体学院 网络社会研究所

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全球互联网何处使用率最高?一幅西方中心的网络地图会在你我心中浮现出来。然而这张网络技术设施靠海底光纤相互链接的图景仅仅是西方跨国大公司的一面之辞。今年二月一份由宾夕法尼亚大学网络政策观察站、密苏里新闻资料库和香港中文大学新闻与交流学院联合的研究报告所示,一旦我们从互联网实际使用流量的(而非技术角度)角度来观察网络,得到的将是一幅去中心的多姿多彩的网络区域文化地图。网络空间越来越脱离美国独占鳌头的景象,南半球已成为网络文化参与的主力在巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国,非西方的在线文化如雨后春笋蓬勃发展。 [caption id="attachment_54" align="aligncenter" width="754"]

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The Internet as Global Usage: 2009 (left), 2011, 2013 (right). The dots are websites and the lines represent the existence of significant traffic overlap between them. These show that global Web usage clusters itself into many communities of websites based on shared traffic. What the member websites of these clusters have in common with each other allows us to identify them as expressions of online regional cultures (see legend).[/caption] 一面是非西方地区生猛的网络实践,一面是西方的知识范式理论,是时候反思西方理论对网络乃至技术之见,重新描绘和想象另一种异质的赛博空间了。 第一届网络社会年会将以“网络化的力量”为题于2016年11月14-16日,在杭州中国美术学院召开。网络社会研究所邀请来自美国,英国,德国,法国,荷兰,比利时,巴西以及亚太地区包含中港台与日本的学者,报告最新研究心得与对中国网络社会的提问。从美学、生态、物质和算法四个维度出发,讨论当下社会中物联网、智能物件、社交网络、大数据分析等技术所创造的不同形式的网络化社会。 年会除了理论主题演讲外,另筹划了青年圆桌论坛,以研究交流与艺术实践观摩为主。在微信用户高达5.7亿,支付宝成为日常经济工具,小米手环成为智能穿戴市场的中国第一,世界第二的现实条件下,我们应该有新的研究来指出既有之网络理论的不足,事实是:没有含括中国网络现实的研究是不可能成为网络理论的。没有比这个时刻更需要我们自己的经验研究了。我们需要浸泡在中国网络环境中的青年学者来交流自己的田野观察和批判;我们需要年青艺术家来超越理论术语的限制,带来希望与创造性破坏。这是国内首次有关网络社会实践之青年的圆桌会议,是国内首次“数码原住民”(digital nativism)火炬晚会,是创新交流聚会和思想实践之电子舞会。现在你唯一要作的事情,就是跟参加舞会前的准备一样,物色对象与装扮自己。 由是,我们热切向居住于国内与港澳台青年有志者征稿。论文发表者主题不限,唯需是当地的经验研究;艺术创作者以媒体艺术和网络艺术为主,两者均请于2016年7月30日24:00前提交至 308645611@qq.com

  • 500字之内的“论文摘要”或“作品简述”(作品需同时附3张呈现效果图)

  • 200之内字个人简历,中英文皆可;

  • 信件标题注明“Paper for Round Table”。


Call for Papers of Youth Round Table | The First Annual Conference of Network Society “Forces of Reticulation”

Date:14-16th November, 2016 Organizer: The Institute of Network Society (INS), School of Inter- Media Art (SIMA) of China Academy of Art (CAA)

There is one question: which place has the highest rate of global Internet usage? Maybe a Western centric Internet map will automatically rise in front of you. However, this map, which is facilitated by the technology of submarine optical fiber, is only a one-sided statement claimed by western big multinational corporations. In February 2016, a research project that was initiated by the Internet Policy Observatory of University of Pennsylvania, the Journalism Library of the University of Missouri, and the School of Journalism and Communication of Chinese University of Hong Kong, revealed that the Web, when mapped based on its usage, does not have its core in the West, but is a mosaic of online regional cultures that associate with physical places. They analyzed traffic to the world’s most popular 1,000 websites – which consistently account for 99 percent of global Web traffic. The result showed that the Internet is becoming more decentralized, or to be more precise, de-Westernizing, as more users from disparate cultures are taking over its topography by bringing in their own cultural identities. Web witnessed a gradual process of “de-Americanization". In other words, the global South has become the main part of the network culture. Non-Western online cultures have strengthened, especially those linked to Brazil, Russia, China and India. [caption id="attachment_54" align="aligncenter" width="754"]

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The Internet as Global Usage: 2009 (left), 2011, 2013 (right). The dots are websites and the lines represent the existence of significant traffic overlap between them. These show that global Web usage clusters itself into many communities of websites based on shared traffic. What the member websites of these clusters have in common with each other allows us to identify them as expressions of online regional cultures (see legend).[/caption] These user-centric maps mentioned above challenge, rather than reinforce, the existing concept of an Internet anchored by Western knowledge and norms They encourage the (Anglophone, especially) general public to refresh their own preconceptions by exploring the vastly heterogeneous cyberspace. Therefore, The First Annual Conference of Network Society themed “Forces of Reticulation” would take place during 14-16th November 2016 in China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China. The Institute of Network Society INS will invite famous scholars from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Brazil as well as Asian and Pacific regions to attend the conference and present their latest research findings and thoughts on the Chinese network society. Scholars will mainly focus on four dimensions: aesthetics, ecology, materiality and algorithm to shed light on the different forms of network society created by the Internet of things, intelligent objects, social networks, big data analysis and other technologies in the present day. Apart from the academic speeches, the conference will also include Youth Round Table Summit in the main forms of exchanging ideas and artistic practices. The fact that the WeChat has got up to 570 million users, Alipay becomes citizens’ daily economic tool and Mi Smart Band manages to become the most used item of wearable devices in China and the second in the world—it urges us to come up with new hypotheses and findings to challenge the existing network theories—because in fact, it will not even be possible to claim that there is a network theory when the research of Chinese network reality is excluded. The experiences and relevant researches are desperately needed, from both young scholars who grow up in the Chinese network environment and can provide with their own field observation and criticism, and young artists who can break through the boundary of theoretical phrases, bringing hope and creative destruction. This will be the first ever youth round table summit for network society in China—a first ever “digital nativism” bonfire party as well as an electronic ball for innovative exchanges and thought practices. Now all you need to do, is to pick a theme and dress up! Hence, we initiate this call for papers fromall ambitious young people who live in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. If you would submit a research paper, there will be no limit on the theme so longas it has to be an empirical study; if you are an artist, please focus on mediaart or network art. All work should be submitted before the midnight of 30th July 2016 to 308645611@qq.com including:

  • a 500-word “Abstract” or “Introduction”with 3 pictures of final effect drawing

  • a 200-word CV,either in Chinese or in English

  • with the title “Paper for Round Table”

After the discussion of the organizing committee, the final results will be released in Mid August along with further details of deadline for papers, the conference and invitation letters for coming to Hangzhou. The selected scholars and artist are expected to complete their work before the deadline; otherwise the committee will cancel their qualifications. The content of the conference will be assembled in the full text for the official publication so that the latest findings and results can be widely spread. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email (811196862@qq.com) .

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