

北京时间 2021年11月27日

19:00-20:00 现场即兴电音演出
阵容:Tooto 不知福

20:00-Late 相遇宙(Meetverse)派对
地址: 北碚民生公司商船派对,请着metamask出席,热切与人碰撞
阵容:Liquid Farmer、Cephalosis、於阗、高嘉丰、Starstar星之星、Neptunian Maximalism



作为Archverse北碚项目的子计划,相遇宙(Meetverse Party)是一个发生在Decentraland龙城区域(Dragon City)的虚拟实境音乐派对。

Meetverse Party举办地点:民生公司商船(Party时间:北京时间2021年11月27日晚 8:00)

区别于常规的“线上演出”,Meetverse Party有着更开放的发声机制——它承袭千禧年野长城锐舞派对的动物狂喜,也不拒斥其他的音乐类型参与其中重述自身。而倘若我们潜意识中认定在一个新生技术中出现的声音就理应隶属于一个“更有科技感的”风格,那么我们就进了技术的圈套了。


宣传片配乐:Cephalosis – Youngest Day


本次相遇宙(Meetverse)派对邀请了六位音乐人,他们分别是来自中国昆明的冷潮和电子乐二人组Cephalosis和其成员JH的单人计划Starstar星之星、来自比利时的大编制乐队海王星极繁主义(Neptunian Maximalism)、来自中国上海的实验音乐人於阗和后网络流行乐(post-internet pop)制作人/歌手高嘉丰,以及来自日本现居浙江省的DJ和实验电子音乐人Liquid Farmer。


Neptunian Maximalism,又名NNMM,比利时实验噪音/厄运/嗡鸣/迷幻/融合爵士乐队,其2020年的首张专辑《Éons》登上多家媒体的年度榜单。他们称自己为一个由多个“魔法神秘主义的文化工程师”(Genesis P-Oridge语)组成的社群。这个项目由Guillaume Cazalet(CZLT;SOL KIA;ZAÄAR)和资深萨克斯演奏家Jean Jacques Duerinckx(ZAÄAR;Ze Zorgs)于2018年在布鲁塞尔发起,两位鼓手为Sebastien Schmit(K-Branding)和Pierre Arese(AKSU)

早在两人乐队Cephalosis成立前,JH就在虾米音乐注册了个人页面,成为了字面意义上的“卧室音乐人”,几乎以每月一曲的速度上传原创音乐,这些基于本能的创作无不例外地以触手可得的软音源、粗糙的制作来呈现。DIY精神下是不断地怀疑却又保持较高的自我认可,不受各音乐流派束缚,从起初可爱且忧郁的Lofi pop,到现在的具有实验色彩的electronic pop music,不同时期的歌单塑造了她不一样的音乐气质,但那些有才华的女性音乐人总能影响并激励她。2021年JH改名Starstar星之星。

Liquid Farmer,日本电子音乐人,现居浙江松阳
2020年他搬到浙江丽水松阳继续做农耕生活,制作迪吉里杜和演奏音乐。农耕生活影响他的音乐的创造性。他的现场电子音乐的风格包括phy flow, down tempo, deep trance, ambient, progressive 等等,在他的电子音乐中,他会使用迪吉里杜,尺八,口弦等世界民族乐器加入演奏。

高嘉丰 (a.k.a. jiafeng) 来自上海的后网络流行乐(post-internet pop)制作人/歌手。
未来流行乐、地下俱乐部和网络社交日常,这些都是音乐人/艺术家高嘉丰身上最有辨识度的主题。身兼制作人和歌手,高嘉丰以前卫的听感和戏谑的方式持续创造着个人风格鲜明的中文流行乐,也作为东亚声音的重要一员活跃在国际先锋流行乐界。他曾与大张伟、张蔷、AKINI JING等中国知名流行明星合作,并与Catnapp、Bloodz Boi、felicita、Galen Tipton、Recovery Girl等先锋音乐人一同活跃在世界电子/超级流行场景中。


於阗,⾳画交互的实验者,副教授。甜蜜的孩子乐队 主唱兼吉他,爻媒体实验室的主创与总监,现为中国美术学院上海设计学院副教授。其研究方向集中于舞台影像、灯光及自动控制等领域的实验。曾担任崔健“蓝色骨头”全国巡回演出视觉设计总监,全国首部大型全景交互新媒体剧《梦境》舞台总监,西湖音乐节舞台总监,爵士上海音乐节舞台总监等。


派对召集人:黄孙权 张铎瀚 张晋珲




Chinese | English


Special Event: Archverse Launch Party: Meetverse 
19:00-20:00 live show
Artists:Tooto,Bu Zhi Fu
20:00-?Online Party on the Minsheng Ship, Beibei, Decentraland(Please wear a metamask, and be eager to collide with each other.)
Artists:Liquid Farmer / Cephalosis / Yu Tian / jiafeng / Starstar / Neptunian Maximalism


Special Event:Archverse Launching Party,“Meetverse”

👋 Join the party!:beibei.city

Meetverse Party, as a side-project of Archverse Beibei, is an online music party that takes place in the Dragon City area of Decentraland.

Unlike conventional "online performances", the Meetverse Party has a more open mechanism of the sound - it inherits the animal-like ecstasy of the millennial the Wild Great Wall rave party, but does not exclude other musical genres from participating in it to rewrite themselves. And if we subconsciously assume that the sound that emerges from a new technology should be the so-called "more technological" sound, then we are already in the technology's trap.  How do we use and even cheat this virtual space to make it a better place while it is naturally getting insaner? Just having more music styles is not enough, more urgent thing is that in this online party happened in Decentraland, participants can make random sounds by interacting with each other, and these off-stage sound fragments are simultaneously performed with the music on stage, and are collected by a "total radio" in this universe. Everyone participates in the construction of the "soundscape" of the zone, so the centralization of the right to make sound brought about by the stage is expected to be melted down, and this "soundscape", together with the liquid historical messages and the rapidly changing technological platform, has become the Meetverse Party's telescope to look into the past, present and future - Even if our watching is turning into a desperate action due to the speculation of some people on this platform. 

Let me put two quotes here: " It is only for the sake of those without hope that hope is given to us."  (Benjamin); "We only wish to have a hope as a revenge." (Mu Dan) - The Meetverse Party is the MEET of despair and hope, and the "MEET" is an action that is always always always "happening".

The Meetverse party featured six musicians: Kunming-based coldwave and electronic duo Cephalosis and its member JH's solo-project Starstar(星之星),Belgium-based big-band Neptunian Maximalism, Shanghai-based experimental musician Yutian(於闐) and post-internet pop producer/singer Jiafeng(高嘉丰), and the Japanese DJ and experimental electronic musician Liquid Farmer, who now lives in Zhejiang Province.

(Initiator: Prof. Sunquan Huang, Duohan Zhang, Earth Zhang)


Liquid Farmer (Japanese electronic musician, now lives in Songyang, Zhejiang)In 2020 he moved to Songyang to continue his farming life, making didgeridoo and playing music. The farming life influences the creativity of his music. His live electronic music style includes phy flow, down tempo, deep trance, ambient, progressive, etc. In his electronic music, he will use didgeridoo, shakuhachi, mouth string and other world folk instruments to join in his music.

Cephalosis is a duo from Kunming, China. Li Hao and Hu Jie both like same music, Europe industrial, dark ambient and underground electronic music which make Cephalosis become who it is now. They signed to Ruby Eyes Records in 2017 and put out debut album Voluntary Ambition in January 2019. They followed with Spring Styxin 2020, a more powerful and firmer record than last one. Cephalosis is inactive and obscure, changing in a way they expect.

Yu Tian Experimental musician, lead singer and guitarist of Sweet Child, creator and director of Yao Media Lab, currently an associate professor at the Shanghai Institute of Design, China Academy of Art

Jiafeng Producer/singer-songwriter Jiafeng creates a distinct style of Chinese pop music that provides extreme, playful and nostalgic auditory experience. Being a non-fundamentalist on music genres, he practices on a variety of topics: pop, consumerism, underground electronics, rock throwback, and most importantly – the unique Chinese internet culture. He has collaborated with significant Chinese pop stars such as Da Zhangwei, Zhang Qiang and AKINI JING, and also been involved in the world’s electronic/hyper pop scenes with figures such as Catnapp, Bloodz Boi, felicita, Galen Tipton, Recovery Girl, etc.

Starstar is the moniker of singer/producer Hu Jie, a bedroom electronic pop music project untethered by any genre expectation. In each period her playlist shapes her different senses of music but certain female artists who are talented always influence and encourage her.

Neptunian Maximalism Belgian experimental noise/doom/drone/psychedelic/fusion jazz band Neptunian Maximalism a.k.a. NNMM whose 2020 debut album “Éons” made the annual charts of several media outlets. They call themselves a community of multi “occultural engineers” (*Genesis P-Orridge). This project was initiated by Guillaume Cazalet (CZLT ; SOL KIA ; ZAÄAR) and the veteran saxophonist player Jean Jacques Duerinckx (ZAÄAR ; Ze Zorgs) in Brussels in 2018, especially during a residency with the two drummers Sebastien Schmit (K-Branding) and Pierre Arese (AKSU).

DJ list

Tooto Too is the “too” of too much. It could be either adj. or adv.; and “Tooto”the “too……to” from “too……to do something”.

Bu Zhi Fu To understand another animal is definitely hard for an animal. Miss Bu Zhi Fu, in her second year of Master at China Academy of Art, hides her tastes in piles of old paper, stirring cute with catastroph. She is good at music-montage, like a wondering alley puppy, pooping rainbows under the poles at the crossroad. Her music list is usually suspicious but not suspended, offering her audiences a happy puffy treat. She is ued to taking performance seriously, to bring audiences happiness with her ernest list!

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