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#20 – 2024.01

Interface Monthly Update – #20

RetroPGF, Farcaster Follow Frames, bug fixing and improvements on the infrastructure side.

Highlights 🚀

  • We have been working on a few new experiences. The first updates should be out soon;

  • Interface received the RetroPGF grant from Optimism 🔴;

  • We now have a Follow Frame on Farcaster. You can share your profile on FC and users can follow you onchain (= on Interface) in one click, without leaving their feed. We’ve had over 140 users sharing their Interface profiles so far! See most popular Farcaster frames by domain here.

Traction 👣

  • Interface users 3497 → 3625 +3.7%

  • MAU 1822 → 1533 -15.9%

  • Total connections 76126 → 82021 +7.7%

  • Twitter followers 6550 → 6574 +0.4%

  • Mirror subscribers 764 → 831 +8.8%

  • interfacelabs.eth followers 1119 → 1468 +31.2%

Asks 🫡

  • We’re looking for Backend and Frontend engineers to join the team. If you know anyone who might be interested, or if you are looking for a job yourself, please send us an email at;

  • If you’re on Farcaster (as you should be by now), join Interface channel for updates, feature requests, feedback, bug reports and whatnot!

Love 💜

Interface Labs

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