Updates: EX-LIBRIS

I think I'm possessed by George R. R. Martin or something

Hello everyone,

I have some unfortunate news to share. The excitement surrounding the release of EX-LIBRIS and the fever dream that comes with launching a new project got the better of me. Regrettably, I overlooked the fact that we’re mere days away from Christmas and I think I got ahead of myself. This project holds immense significance for me, and I believe it would be doing it a disservice if unveiled during a time when we should all be disconnecting and cherishing moments with our families.

Considering both the project's importance and my own well-being, I’ve decided to postpone its release at least until January. This break will afford me ample rest and allow me to return in January, reinvigorated and fully prepared to embrace the new year and the creative process once more.

I trust you'll understand and join me in Genuary as we explore this project together.

For those celebrating, I wish you happy holidays, and here’s to making 2024 a normal year.


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