the next big thing

so it seems everyone is bridging their eth to base rn. and though i’m excited about the possibility of getting rugged again and again on another chain, i think there may be a better plan of action for me personally.

lately i’ve been trading horribly. call it the market, call it greed, but it hasn’t been going so well in terms of memecoin trades for ol jp. luckily i’ve been pretty conservative with my funds, a lesson i learned long ago — if you’re trading bad, trade just a little. i’ve made some good picks, but i’ve noticed i’m getting wiped out far more with my gains in this market than previous ones. i want to deploy more capital, and i want to in a high risk trade, but i’m afraid i’ll really get rekt on base. so here’s what i’m going to do.

honestly, i only have one deep conviction play, and that’s layer zero tokens. i’ve been watching them over the past few months, and i believe they’ve yet to gain full traction; specifically $OMNI. after an insane launch, it’s been trading mostly sideways, and fairly liquid across a few big chains. i believe this will continue until october, where it may see a meteoric rise then. because we’ve yet to see layer zero take the stage. because it will have access to every major chain in a fully irrational and liquid market then. and because we’ve yet to see a cat coin take over. my guess in price? 2b mc minimum, which would be somewhere around a 200x from current price levels of $0.0004721

look — everyone’s got a fucking coin i know. but i want a meme of value, and the only one i’ve been able to make consistent x2 gains like clockwork every two weeks with its sideways trend is $OMNI. i’m going to take that over some unknown opportunity that is likely just a rug of some sort. i want meme security.

so i won’t be going to the next big thing this time around. i like the color blue and i’m excited to read about the crazy money in spring you’ll make on it. but i’m trading bad mfers, so i’ll stop trading and dca into my conviction. i’m pretty sure of this, at least from my observations it looks good. let’s see what happens.

and stay safu out there on that new one, mfers.

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