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Portfolio metrics by month
Active MIDS / sub merchants
Number of MIDS / sub merchants added
$ payments volume processed
Net revenue received broken out between processing and monthly/annual fees
Attrited accounts/closed or inactive
Breakdown of MIDS/sub merchants by merchant categories or groupings
Losses, fraud, chargebacks - how much? How are they handling it?
Sales channels
Direct or indirect
Third parties
If they pay anyone else beyond processing partners
Acquisition costs
Per Month
What is included in these costs
How many merchants do you need to reach profitability?
Scenario analysis for high growth vs profitability
What exactly goes into this? Payroll should be included
Who gets what? Assuming transaction COGS are interchange.
Who is your acquiring bank and what is the relationship structured like?
Take rate
Get as much information by MIDS as possible
Value proposition
Description of core offering
Integrations to other POS systems