5 Digital Artists to Watch: July 2023

Two generative coders, two AI artists and a gif maker made this month's list...

July is over, so it is time for another 5 Digital Artists to Watch issue, where I share five artists I discovered over the past month.

🔐Note: this issue is for premium members or those that referred at least one friend over the past month.

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Before we get started, here are the artists I discovered in June:

5 Digital Artists to Watch - July 2023

Let’s get started…

Erin Wajufos

I discovered Erin from her recent collab drop with Ilithya on Art Blocks — Net Net Net. Although she hasn’t released many long-form generative artworks, she has a handful of pieces on Foundation, including <<Meditation In Nature>> (owned by Dmitri Cherniak), A Generative Hug, and Habitat (still available).

The Brookly-based artist is very active in the creative coding community, being the community admin for Creative Code Art. She has been exhibited at Ars Electronica, Neo Shibuya Tv, Atlanta Digital Art Week, Concrete House, Creative Code Festival, and in Time Square for Vizmesh and performed live visuals for Carl Cox, Honey Dijon, Solomun & Dj Diesel at Electric Zoo Festival, Brooklyn Mirage, Quantum Brooklyn and Elsewhere.

Net Net Net #4 by Erin Wajufos and ilithya.


The prolific “gif addict” uczine has been creating electric artworks since December 2021 (according to his blockchain digital print). His work resembles a hybrid between XCopy, A.L. Crego, and Neurocolor.

A reader shared his work as he is succeeding despite the dry market conditions. He has over 15 collections, with the following standing out:

getting high on engagement by uczine.

getting high on engagement by uczine.

Pale kirill

pale kirill was introduced to me by ClownVamp in the podcast when I asked for AI artists to watch. His work consistently portrays deep meanings, stories, and religious symbols.

an artist and digital designer with a master's degree in architecture, immerses himself in the realm of religious and spiritual motifs, portraying them using minimalistic and lucid symbols

Taken from his site.

sermon on the basketball court by pale kirill

sermon on the basketball court by pale kirill

Among his collections, PLAY HARD and plAy ya 0wn gaNИes stood out to me, as they deeply relate to basketball, street culture, revolutionary ideas, and religious meaning.

Daniel Jerome Obispo

Another recommendation from ClownVamp, Daniel has been building a name for himself in the AI art circuit. His style has been redefined over time, and now it is easy to identify his AI collages caging pop culture symbols and memes.

Work From Home by Daniel Jerome Obispo.

Work From Home by Daniel Jerome Obispo.

My favorite collections from the retired international dancer are The Full First Name, Strange Echos (collab with Dehiscence), and just, but not just art '22.

Carlo Lato

I discovered Carlo's artwork while scouting new artists on fxhash (using Kaloh’s Space trendy collections).

He has released three generative collections —a trilogy that remixes Stephen Wolfram’s cellular automata to generate landscapes.

  1. CA Vista — landscape generation.

  2. CA Monti — a second approach to landscape generation.

  3. CA Panico — includes many rules to control coloring, textures, noise influence, divisions, glitches, and outages.

I have to say I love the three of them and look forward to seeing more from Carlo in the future.

CA Monti #20 by Carlo Lato.

CA Monti #20 by Carlo Lato.

And there goes the third monthly artist-to-watch issue. If you missed the previous ones, you can find them all here.

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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