Kaloh's Newsletter Ad Placement Options.

This is a sample edition containing the newsletter sections and placement options.

Sponsor Section

Together with YOUR LOGO HERE.

  • This section is ideal for brands, companies, or NFT projects. It is the first thing my readers will see.

  • Price (1 x edition) = 0.20 Eth or 160 tez

  • Price (4 x edition) = 0.70 Eth or 550 tez

Edition’s Content Section

The edition story appears in this section - usually a 3 to 5 minutes read. You can be part of the creation process, and there could be multiple links to your site or NFT.

  • This section is ideal for any project, artist, NFT, or brand that would like to tell a complete story.

  • Price (custom edition) = 0.50 Eth or 380 Tez

Shilling Section

Sample Image Results – remove.bg

Your NFT Name by Your Name

  • This section is ideal for artists that would like to promote their NFTs.

  • Price (1 x edition) = 0.005Eth or 3 tez

  • Price (4 x edition) = 0.019 Eth or 10 tez

Kaloh’s Newsletter Distribution:

  • My newsletter goes out every Tuesday anytime from 7 am to 8 am ET.

  • I publish the edition on Twitter the same day, anytime from 7 pm to 8 pm ET.

  • Two weeks after the original publication, I publish it on Medium and do another Twitter post.

  • My newsletter editions are always available at www.kaloh.xyz and https://kalohnft.medium.com. They continue to receive visits in the future after the email delivery from Google and Medium. Publications, websites, and social media platforms can share it.

Kaloh’s Newsletter Stats and Audience:

I started my newsletter in May 2021. In less than three months, these are my stats:

  • I have ~2500 followers across my social media channels, including Twitter, Email List, Medium, and BitClout.

  • Each publication gets over ~500 reads (and going up).

  • Each publication tweet gets around ~20,000k impressions, and my Twitter is on pace to reach 300,000 impressions per month.

  • My followers consist of NFT artists, collectors, and crypto influencers such as Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee

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