Mappings by Ira Greenberg, Qubibi 1/1 auction, Rare Staking and more!

Here are 5+1 things worth sharing from last week...

Welcome to the 128 new members who have joined us since the last week!

This is the weekly digest, where I share 5 things worth sharing about the generative and A.I. art world. I also include a recap of my Newsletter and Podcast.

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Hello friends,

It has been a busy week with a lot of action… So, I expanded the list to six news this time.

1. Kaloh’s Podcast: Agoria and Ivona Tau

Last week, I chatted with the international DJ, producer, composer, and generative artist Agoria. This was a fun one!

I will chat with Ivona Tau, an A.I. researcher, photographer, and A.I. artist, this Monday. I’d like to learn about her neural network research, transition to a full-time artist, and upcoming collections.

Set a reminder for the recording here.

Episode #11: Ivona Tau — award-winning A.I. researcher and artist.

The collaboration between Blind Gallery, Feral File, and Casey Reas is underway! This time, the works are inspired by the landscape theme.

  • Over 300 Mint Passes have been minted.

  • The last day to redeem your Mint Pass is September 6th.

  • The artist will be revealed on September 7th.

Idem Locus is one of the six generative collections in the Blind Gallery Vistas Editions and is inspired by the engravings from the Late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.

Idem Locus is one of the six generative collections in the Blind Gallery Vistas Editions and is inspired by the engravings from the Late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.

3. Proof Signal Segment

I was invited to write a segment on the Proof Signal newsletter. In the first issue, I submerged into Kim Asendorf’s Grails IV piece: “Open Console.”

Read One about the Kim.

Kim Asendorf’s Grails IV piece: “Open Console.”

Kim Asendorf’s Grails IV piece: “Open Console.”

4. Rare Staking by Super Rare

Last week, the Rare Staking protocol was introduced by Super Rare; it aims to be a decentralized way for collectors to curate artists and earn rewards.

Super Rare introduced a new curatorial tool called Rare Staking.

Super Rare introduced a new curatorial tool called Rare Staking.

As part of the RARE Protocol, we propose a novel cryptoeconomic system in which users stake on each other to signal reputation and support, creating a peer-to-peer network similar to a web of trust. The statefulness of this network generates an open dataset for participant reputation at scale, without the use of verified credentials or centralized intermediaries. We anticipate that data generated by this network will aid users in discovering relevant and reputable content, resulting in powerful network effects that transcend any individual marketplace and promote increased visibility for new and emerging creators.

Read the whitepaper here.

5. [Hot Collection] Mappings by Ira Greenberg via BrainDrops

Ira Greenberg — who we previously covered on the release of BEASTS via EmProps — released Mappings to great reception last week.

The collection accumulated close to 100 ETH ($160k) in secondary sales and has maintained a floor price of ±0.14 ETH ($230) after minting out for 0.1 ETH (±$160).

Mappings arose organically through an exploration of generative space and form. Map structures began emerging and with them suggestions of underlying motifs. In this way, the generative AI process exists orthogonally to a traditional observational approach, where an artist begins with a motif.

Mappings by Ira Greenberg.

Mappings by Ira Greenberg.

6. [Hot Auction] wn10R8tl723Cb by Qubibi via & Objkt One

This 1/1 piece, by Japanese artist Qubibi, sold for 8,500 Tezos (±$6,000). It is part of Techno Terrain: Nature in the Age of the Metaverse exhibition, curated by Anika Meier.

wn10R8tl723Cb by Qubibi

wn10R8tl723Cb by Qubibi.

I had the pleasure to interview Qubibi not too long ago. Read the interview here.

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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