Special April offer and more news!

A short update from Kaloh...

Hello there!

I just wanted to send a quick note to thank you for being a Premium monthly subscriber and share some news.

  1. I am running a special 25% discount on yearly and lifetime subscriptions — just $102.75 per year or $250 for life — available until May 1st.

    This is one of the most significant discounts I’ve ever offered

Get 25% off forever

  1. I’ve been working on kaloh.space over the past weeks. The goal is to make it easier to navigate the generative art space.
    You can see hot collections and artists’ stats in a given time range, curated articles, events, and your collector profile.

Here is a sneak peek of my collector’s profile:

Kaloh’s Space Collector Profile view.

At the moment, Kaloh’s Space is in Private Beta, integrated with fxhash (more platforms will be integrated soon).

Reply to this email with your Tezos address if you want to try it out.

3.Blind GalleryNews:

“Surreality” by a mysterious AI artist, will be the first Limited Collection release. The collection will be previewed on Monday (May 1st) and available later in May.

“Surreality” by a mysterious AI artist is the first Blind Gallery Limited Collection release. It will be previewed next Monday, May 1st.

Until next time,

- Kaloh

PD: As a Premium member, you have access to my Discord server. This is the place where my readers meet to talk about digital art, upcoming releases, and more.

Here is an invite: https://discord.gg/dcDNEP4Z3v

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