Terrible Hacks, Claire Silver's Fund, Community Art, A new Curatorial Publication and more!

Spoiler: How I won 2.6 ETH playing the $yoyo game

Hey friends!

Time for another roundup of blockchain art space news and my latest adventures. Guess what? I won 2.6 ETH in a memecoin game - details in a bit!

So, let's dive in. Lots has been going on, both awesome and not so much...

A Week Full of Hacks

  • Ledger inner libraries got hacked, affecting many dApps and services; I shared a bit about this as it happened.

  • Art Block’s X account was compromised yesterday. Snowfro and the ArtBlocks team reacted exceptionally quickly and mitigated most of the damage.

  • The Flamingo DAO X account was compromised last week, resulting in many losses and affecting prominent digital art collector Pixelpete. He shared lessons learned here.

There were probably a few more hacks and exploits over the past few days. This will continue to happen, so be extremely careful whenever you connect your wallet or click a link.

If it sounds too good, it is probably the opposite.

Claire Silver’s Fund: Accelerate Art

This space is magical. One day, hundreds of people get scammed, while the next day, hundreds of people get support, and sometimes, it could be life-changing.

Pioneering AI artist Claire Silver raised close to $20,000 to support artists with minting costs. She has done this via her non-profit, Accelerate Art, which she and Ben Roy co-founded.

New Curatorial Publication in the Works: hidden gems

We really need to amp up our curatorial game.

Everyone's chasing the next big, shiny thing, but we're overlooking groundbreaking artworks already minted on the blockchain.

That is why I’ve been working on a new publication focusing on blockchain art curation (and relevant content and products). Digestible and straightforward, in 5-minute reads.

Sounds interesting? Just subscribe to this newsletter (if you haven’t), and you will get notified when it launches.

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🏘 Community Artists & Curators

Our premium community is growing and filled with exceptional talent. I’ve been following their works through our Discord group and will start showcasing them more openly through my newsletter.

Included the flags to highlight how diverse this community is. Incredible!

Note: If you are part of the premium community and I missed your work, remember to share it on Discord. I’ll be highlighting community artists more often in the future.

Join ±10,000 art fans that get my Newsletter and Podcast in their inbox or upgrade to a premium membership👇

🎙Kaloh’s Podcast: Madison Page, Derek Edwards, Malte Rauch from Glitch Marfa

Last week, I published a conversation with Madison Page, Derek Edwards, and Malte Rauch from Glitch Marfa.

They are working on an analog gallery that showcases internet objects in the magical town of Marfa, Texas. Learn more about their gallery, curatorial process, advice for artists, and more below.

On Memecoins and Points

Meme coins and points are all the rage lately. Same old story, right? You grab a coin, hope it spikes, and then sell - pretty much like hitting the casino.

So here's the crazy part. I was on Farcaster (this cool decentralized social network you should check out) and stumbled upon the $yoyo game.

Now, if you've been following me, you know I'm not usually into the speculation game. But, on a whim, I threw in 0.1 ETH just for kicks.

Fast forward 10 hours, and I'm cashing out my $yoyo for 2.6 ETH (yeah, that's a x26 gain)... Sheer brilliance or dumb luck? I'm leaning towards the latter.

$yoyo memecoin

Dropped this update on Discord - I hope some of you managed to snag some $yoyo before the rush. But hey, I wouldn't suggest jumping in now unless you're cool with the risk.

On another note, Rainbow Wallet is rolling out a new points system. You can score points just by downloading and using their wallet (and it's pretty solid, honestly). It's a bit of a mystery what you can do with these points, though.

Closing Notes on Posting Schedule

Wrapping up, there's this little thing bugging me.

I'm having a tough time nailing down a regular posting schedule. I'm managing one to two articles and a podcast each week, but I can't seem to lock in specific days or times.

Honestly, I'm pretty stoked about keeping up this pace since I started the newsletter (almost three years, wow!), but I keep wondering if fixed days and times might work better for you.

Would love your take on this. Hit me up with a reply to this email - I make it a point to get back to every message I get.

Until next time,


PD: If you enjoyed this issue, please like it (❤️) and share it with your friends so more people can discover it.


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