⭐️ 5 Crypto Art Influencers You Need to Follow Right Now

These guys are leading the community, shaping the markets, and making fortunes...

Whether you are new or established in the crypto art space, staying up to date with the latest trends is essential. Paying attention to the leaders, market shapers, and visionaries is critical to your success; it doesn’t matter your role in this new world (artist, collector, flipper, etc.). For that reason, I’ve put together a list of the Top 5 crypto art influencers you should be following. To come up with the list, I looked at a combination of variables such as their audience size, reputation, knowledge, earnings, community support, and influence. They have influenced me greatly, from getting up to speed in the NFT community to making solid financial decisions. I’m not saying you should blindly follow them, but since you read my newsletter, I’m sure you will enjoy their tweets and content too. Let’s cut to the chase.

#5 - Zeneca AKA @Zeneca_33

He has been around for long enough to create a solid understanding of the mechanics of the NFT market while building a fortune. His current NFT portfolio is worth 500 eths (~2 Million USD), which gives him more than enough credit to advise and suggest crypto art moves. I especially like Zeneca because he gives back to the community with his newsletter and podcast. If you are looking for deep financial analysis, his newsletter has one of the best research and stats out there.

Two Bored Apes Podcast Artwork Image

Two Bored Apes Podcast

#4 - Cole AKA @ColeThereum

If you’ve been reading my newsletter, you’ve probably seen Cole’s name floating around. He is the Co-Founder of the Pudgy Penguins (which made me 25k USD ✌️) and why I discovered the forgotten AI42 project. The Pudgy Penguins alone is a 100 Million USD collection. He also founded a lesser but also successful collection called My Fucking Pickle. If you are looking for projects with high potential, you better follow Cole. Nevertheless, he sometimes gets paid to advertise other collections (the Fame Lady Squad paid him 4 Eth to promote their project), but that’s what influencers do, don’t they?

Cole’s Twitter Account

Cole’s Twitter Account

#3 - Pranksy AKA @pranksy

Pranksy got the highest revenue in the list with a mind-blowing ~14k Eth / USD 25 Million. His current portfolio is worth an additional USD 25 Million. He was one of the early birds, as he has been buying and flippin' NFTs since December 2017. Among his accomplishments is being one of the Crypto Punks’ original minters, but unfortunately for him, he sold some of them at meager prices. He still holds seven, so not too bad 😉. His moves usually shake the market; that was the case with the Crypto Hodlers collection (skyrocketing after he purchased a big batch of hodlers).

Pranksy Revenue, according to NFTBank.ai

Pranksy Revenue, according to NFTBank.ai

#2 - Allen Hena AKA @RealAllenHena

Allen Hena’s Twitter Account

Allen Hena’s Twitter Account

Before I started writing my newsletter and entered the crypto art space, I listened to multiple Clubhouse rooms where Allen was helping the community understand the complicated dynamics. He was very vocal, helpful and could explain the tech part very clearly. As I continued my journey, I’ve been following Allen along the way. Like the rest of the people on the list, he has built a fortune on digital assets (see his Twitter bio - crypto punks, mooncats, bayc, etc.). He is part of the HashMasks team as a moderator, and, more recently, he joined the Adams Bomb Squad streetwear brand team and delivered one of the most incredible launches in recent times (25k bombs sold out in minutes!). He is one of the thought leaders, and if you are looking for a well-balanced influencer, you can’t go wrong with Allen. He cares about moving the industry forward and not just making quick bucks.

Adam Bomb Squad

Adam Bomb Squad

#1 - Digital Art Chick AKA The Queen or @digitalartchick

artchick.eth 🔥👠 @digitalartchick

drinking wine taking profits

7:02 PM ∙ Aug 24, 2021


Humor, profits, and more profits. That’s how I would describe Digital Art Chick. She started her journey as a writer, blogging about artists every day before building a solid community of up to 50k followers on Twitter. She has collaborated on multiple projects in the past with skyrocketing success. It seems everything she touches becomes gold. For example, she collaborated on three projects over the last two months - Waves on Chain, Pulses of Imagination, and the Fatales. All sold out in a couple of minutes after she tweeted about it! That’s around 12k NFTs for an average of 0.03 Eth = 360 Eths ~1.5 Million USD in total volume (again, in just two months!). Besides making crazy profits flipping NFTs, she facilitated the Fame Lady Squads’ transition to new owners after a big scandal (the original creators faked their identities). The project is pretty much alive now. Promoting female avatar projects to help spread diversity and onboard more ladies into a sphere dominated by men places her #1 on this ranking.

Be careful. The Queens’ influence is scary high.

Fatale 117

Fatale 117

I recommend you follow their accounts, but as always, do your own research before buying NFTs and always use the money you can afford to lose. Their recommendations are not always a guaranteed success, but their ideas, conversations, and content are 100% worth reading.

Did I miss your favorite influencer? Drop his Twitter profile in the comments :)

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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