👁 Introducing the Blind Gallery Club!

Learn more about the Blind Gallery Club and the upcoming Blind Gallery edition!

Hello art fans!

I’m very excited to introduce the next step for the Blind Gallery, the Blind Gallery Club!

The Blind Gallery is an online event that aims to put art first. If this is your first time hearing about it, I recommend you read this first.

Blind Gallery club

With the first two Blind Gallery editions, we gathered a strong group of digital art enthusiasts - 35 artists and over 500 collectors. Since then, we have been thinking about how to drive this community forward.

Forming a club is the natural next step to consolidating the Blind Gallery vision together.

  • For artists: we want to ensure Blind Gallery artists are in for the long run and not just for a one-time drop. All the previous Blind Gallery artists will be part of the Club, and we are designing ways so they can use the blind dynamic in the future.

  • For collectors: we want to ensure the Blind Gallery's early supporters play a more significant role in shaping our community through ideas and feedback. More importantly, participate in future Blind Gallery editions with reserved mint passes and discounts.

By being part of the Blind Gallery Club, you will get the following:

  • Early access and discounts to upcoming Blind Gallery editions.

  • Early access to surprise drops from Blind Gallery artists.

  • Access the Discord community.

We worked with a “mysterious” artist to create a unique generative token that captures the essence of the Club.

blind gallery club membership

The membership is a generative token created by a Blind Gallery artist and is powered by fxhash.

  • Regular Membership: 2 Mint Passes reserved at a discounted price per Blind Gallery edition.

  • Premium Membership (5% chance): 1 Mint Pass airdrop and 2 Mint Passes reserved at a discounted price per Blind Gallery edition.

We will release the Blind Gallery Club Membership on fxhash on the 16th of December.

blind gallery club image

The Premium membership (less than 5% minting chance) gives access to one Mint Pass + 2 reserves in all upcoming Blind Galleries.

The Premium membership (less than 5% minting chance) gives access to one Mint Pass + 2 reserves in all upcoming Blind Galleries.

Reserve List

Participants of the first two editions received a Mint Certificate for free. You can burn those on our website to enter the reserve list and get a discount between today and the 14th of December.

If more than 250 mint certificates are burned, we will do a raffle and select 250 random winners.

mint certificate image

If you participated in the previous Blind Galleries, you received a free Mint Certificate. Those can be used to enter the raffle for a reserved spot in the Blind Gallery Club.

Burn your mint certificate or old mint passes here.

The price and the exact number of editions will be announced in the upcoming days.

Sign up for the newsletter to get notifications, artists’ hints, and our editorial content directly in your inbox.

Putting art first. Mint an NFT from a mysterious artist.

By Kaloh

The following Blind Gallery edition will happen early in 2023 and will be powered by fxhash. All collections in this edition will be generative-coded art.

As always, we are working on a whole experience around guessing games, sharing hints and clues about the artists, their techniques, and their background.

Get ready to use your detective skills once again!

blind gallery upcoming edition

We created an open call for the third edition that gathered over 60 submissions. A curation panel (consisting of Blind Gallery artists, collectors, and gen art enthusiasts) reviewed the entries, voted, and selected a winner.

Blind Gallery @BlindGallery_

gm 👁️! The #BlindGallery curation panel has reviewed the generative collections submissions and has made a decision We are excited to reveal their names: @Rrose_Selavy_11 @chilltulpa @sableRaph @Datzel3 @cryptobaret Stay tuned because big news will be announced in 1 week 🥳

2:40 PM ∙ Nov 28, 2022


Selected generative artists joined the open-call winner, and the group has been working on their collections for a few weeks. Stay tuned, as we will start to share collection previews and hints soon 👁

Additional Information

Our website has been redesigned to include previous Blind Gallery editions, the Blind Gallery Club, and the frequently asked questions.

Old Mint Passes: some of you didn’t use the old mint passes before the deadline; you can use those to enter the reserve list as if they were Mint Certificates.

Provenance: one of the significant suggestions from the community was to use the artist’s main wallets instead of anon wallets. All the upcoming Blind Gallery drops will be minted through the main wallets. We will ensure the blind concept by using a different mechanism in the future.

Questions? We understand the dynamics could be complex, especially if this is your first time participating in the Blind Gallery. Feel free to reply to this email or ask on our Discord server. We are happy to help you ✌️

- Kaloh and the Blind Gallery team.

PD: If you are a premium newsletter subscriber and joined after the 2nd Blind Gallery edition and before today, feel free to reach out to get one entry in the reserve list.

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