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πŸ’Ž hidden gems: A rare HEX piece

First community airdrop by Tim Maxwell, $degen deep dive, and more...

gm friends πŸ‘‹,

Welcome to another hidden gems edition, a weekly curation of onchain art, content, products, and whatever caught my interest.

This one is special because we reached 15,000 subscribers! Thank you for your support over almost three years (I started my publication in May 2021β€”time flies!).

Before starting, remember you can join the inner community, access token-gated content, participate in monthly surprises, and support my content by getting an NFT subscription in my HyperSub.

πŸ’Ž Gem of the day

HEX by Andreas Gysin

Andreas Gysin, also known as ertdfgcvb, is a generative artist specializing in procedural graphic design for screens and installations. His work embraces purely digital tools.

  • HEX is a rare Base mint, available for less than $3.

    Hexagon study: an (approximated) hexagon SDF on a character grid that has an aspect ratio of about 1/2.

    The renderer uses default system fonts (monospace or some variants), the appearance may vary depending on the configuration and OS.
    It’s possible to control the CSS β€œfont-family” property via URL parameter, along with some layout settings (columns, rows, colors, font size, etc.). Explore the html source for some insights.

🎩 In case you missed it

All you need to know about $degen

Last week, I shared a deep dive into the hottest trend in Web 3: $degen. Find out why it is more than a meme coin, how you can earn $degen, and it's next evolution.

Half of the article requires my NFT subscription to read.

🎁 Airdrop Alert

A Purple Passage | Abridged by Tim Maxwell

Yesterday, I sent the first airdrop to onchain subscribers.

I couldn't be more excited about this collaboration with Tim Maxwell, a New York-based artist who creates outstanding ink-on-paper art inspired by deep concepts. Tim started incorporating digital alterations recently and is sharing his art via /aligned.

Exactly two years ago, Tim spoke about his art in the newsletter. Read it here.

πŸ“– Interesting Content

Isaac Newton and the perils of the financial South Sea

While recording a podcast episode (which will be out soon), the guest shared an interesting story on how Isaac Newton made some very bad investments back in the 1700s. The topic emerged while discussing hyperfinalization and how $degen and crypto investment frenzy isn't anything new... it has been happening for centuries.

πŸ”¨ Basement Builders

Chatting with Kugusha

As an early adoter, Kugusha has been doing an amazing job for the art community on Farcaster. She joined Aleks and me to share her journey, best tips for creators and her outlook on community building in Web 3.

If you like the episode, remember to follow Basement Builders on YouTube.

That's it for today.

Did you enjoy this curation? Share it with your friends (if they collect the post, you can earn a small referral fee πŸ‘€)

Until next time,

- Kaloh

This hidden gems issue is a free collectible (almost free; you pay protocol and gas fees).

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