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Here is a summary of what happened last week:

  • I published a new FxHash Market Update. I crunched the numbers, and they revealed the highest ever gains I’ve seen on FxHash.

Kaloh’s Newsletter

📈 FxHash Market Update

It isn’t a secret anymore; there is a bear market across the Ethereum NFT ecosystem. But similarly, it shouldn’t be a secret that the Tezos NFT ecosystem is thriving (especially generative art on FxHash). I crunched the numbers, and they revealed the highest ever gains I’ve seen on FxHash. Let’s take a look (if you are new to my market analysis

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2 years ago · 1 like · Kaloh

  • I wrote about my thought process before collecting my first Art Blocks Curated piece.

Kaloh’s Newsletter

Musings Before Collecting My First Art Blocks NFT

I wrote this just before collecting my first Art Blocks Curated piece. I’ve been pondering for a while if I should collect a particular NFT. It has been two to three weeks eyeing the floor and trying to decide. The collection is called entretiempos from Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez on Art Blocks Curated

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2 years ago · 6 likes · 1 comment · Kaloh

Blind Gallery Updates:

  • The Mint Pass sales will go live on the 4th of June.

  • There will be 1100 in total.

  • We have been sharing the Blind Gallery NFTs and artists’ hints on the Discord server. Join here.

  • All Premium subscribers that joined before the 14th of May will get one Mint Pass airdropped. Just fill in this form before the 1st of June.

Kaloh’s Newsletter

👁 Introducing The Blind Gallery

Update: Join the Blind Gallery Discord here. In the 70s, a French wine businessman organized a wine tasting competition in France (considered the world’s best wine producer), resulting in a shock to the wine world. A Californian wine rated best in each category, defeating French wines for the first time in history. The intriguing thing is it was a

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2 years ago · 10 likes · 2 comments · Kaloh

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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