About Japanese channel「Japanese Square」


GM! everyone!Are you enjoying Warpcast? This is @kanispi.

Today we will introduce "Japanese Square", a comprehensive channel for Japanese people that was just launched in August 2024.
今日は2024年8月に出来たばかりの日本人向け総合チャンネル「Japanese Square(日本人の広場)」を紹介します。

Although the number of participants is still in the 200 range, it gives the impression that it is a very active channel.

The host of the channel is @JINNMA, but it is a decentralized comprehensive channel in which each follower feels like a host.

The purpose of the channel is to help all Warpcast beginners, including Japanese people, to serve as a gathering place for Japanese people, and to maximize engagement.

I actually asked the following question to "Japanese Square".
実際に私も"Japanese Square"へ、こんなキャストをしてみました。

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Cast details“/moxiejapan can also be used as a Japanese question channel, right?  Who should I contact if I receive a spammer label? Thank you very much for your support.”
キャストの内容です/moxiejapan(Japanese Square) は日本語の質問チャンネルとしても使っていいですか? スパマーのラベルを受け取った場合、誰に連絡すればよいですか? ご支援誠にありがとうございました。」

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Then, within 10 minutes of casting, multiple people liked and recast the cast.

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And the kind guy replied to my question. The content of the reply was what I was looking for. Thank you Doryaaa-san.

JapaneseSquare is a very friendly channel that is easy to get engagement (likes, recasts, replies). Although it is mainly cast in Japanese, there is no problem at all if it is cast in English.There are many people who are fluent in communicating in English.

As someone who supports this channel, I would be happy if you were interested in JapaneseSquare. I would appreciate it if you could follow that channel.

Please have a hot summer. Thank you for reading.

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About Japanese channel「Japanese Square」