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Thruster Ambassador Program



Need I say more about Thruster? They've got a huuuuge community on Blast, with tons of die-hard supporters and, most importantly, the TVL and security levels are off the charts (Top 1 for Thruster with $500M, top 3 for HyperLock, our metagovernance protocol, with $350M!).

Besides, who doesn't love our intern? They're the cutest in the whole Web3 industry—seriously, we've got the charts to prove it! (Okay, maybe not, but they're definitely a strong contender!)

As a cherry on top, Thruster consistently rake in the most Blast Gold, and their ambassador program is a goldmine (literally and figuratively). Dive in, earn some serious rewards, and become part of the Thruster fam!

From the official google docs of on gold distro #2

Ambassador program

So, what's the deal with the Thruster Ambassador Program? It’s your golden ticket to joining the Thruster elite!

Ambassadors get exclusive access to our ambassador chat group on telegram, early alpha on new features, and the chance to earn sweet, sweet Thruster Credits. Whether you're spreading the word on social media, creating content, or helping onboard new users, there are plenty of ways to earn and engage.

As an ambassador, you’ll be in the thick of the action, helping to shape the future of one of the fastest-growing DeFi protocols on Blast. Plus, you'll have a direct line to the Thruster team and other top-tier DeFi projects.

Why am I so excited right now? Cuz the Thruster Credits are just too juicy XD

What you'll do

I get that it was kinda confusing on what specific tasks you guys will do, so let me break it down!

Basically, we are counting on you guys to spread the word about us! As you can see in the screenshot below, the tasks are designed to be pretty simple; you can do them with ease!

After you've completed the required tasks (mostly retweeting, liking, inviting, and things like that), you mark a 1 on the left side of your name. Each epoch has about 14 tasks and lasts 2 weeks. We expect you guys to be passionate and consistent!

Enough talking, how do I get in?

It's super simple! First, join our official Discord server, verify through the captcha, and locate the #onboarding channel.

Drop an intro like everyone else, and give me (tanakakazuma), Miss Ice, or any of the mods a mention. Then, just wait for us to onboard you guys (it'll take a day tops)!

When you're in the group, we'll send you a link to our Google document. Write down your name, Twitter handle, wallet address (for receiving Thruster Credits), and any other necessary info. Then you're all set! Be sure to stay active and friendly with other ambassadors in the chat!


これまでに何度もThrusterのことを紹介してきました!Blastを狙っている人はThruser/Hyperlockに資金を預けることでBlast point、Gold、私たちの独自ポイントなどを狙うことができてかつセキュリティーにも保証があり、最高な場所です!

また、Pantera, OKX, Miranaから7.5M の資金調達もしており、Blastにおいて最も熱いPJです。


こちらの記事の通りですが、個人的に超激アツと思ってることがあって、およそ2週間に一度Thruster Credits(まあThrusterのポイントですね)のリワードがあって、それが結構の量をもらうことができます。私自身のアカウント7千ドル程度LPしてるよりも何倍も効率がいいことをわかった私も必死で最近頑張ってやっていますw

基本やることは簡単で、ツイッターのいいね、リツイー、ブックマーク、コメントだけ。2週間、14個のタスク、全てのタスクは別のGoogle Sheetで記録しており、少なくとも半分以上を完成することを期待されています。



DiscordのOnboarding チャンネルで軽く英語で自己紹介(GPTで翻訳して書いてみてください)をして、私やその他のModをメンションしたら完了! (私のDiscord ユーザーネームはtanakakazumaになります)


また、先から何回か言及したGoogleシートにおいて自分のリワード受け取りようのウォレット、ツイッター、Discordを編集すれば、毎Epoch のタスクをやって、アクティブ維持して楽しむだけ!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice. Thruster Credits currently do not have any monetary value. Always do your own research and consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

免責事項: 当ブログサイトは一般的な情報を提供するものであり、投資アドバイスや個別の推奨事項ではありません。利用者は自己の判断とリスクを考慮し、情報に基づいて行動する責任を負います。

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