Mina Protocol - Testworld 2.0

This time i will share how to install Node for Mina Testworld 2.0, coincidentally I was also selected as a Block Producer on this testnet. Mina is a unique blockchain, its size is only 22KB and at any time, the following is Mina roadmap which will continue to be developed.

Remember, this tutorial is only for Block Producer participants.

First run the following code and press ENTER:

wget -O install_mina.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maragung/testnet/main/mina/install_testworld_2.0_ubuntu.sh && chmod +x ./install_mina.sh && ./install_mina.sh && rm -rf ./install_mina.sh 

Finally, if it appears like the image above, it means that Mina has been successfully installed.

Next step (Environment Variables):

To save various variables and passwords to ~/.mina-env, follow these steps (copy the password from the community-xxx-password.txt file from the email):

The following is an example of the contents of the community-xxx-password.txt file:

Run the following command to download the setup script:

wget -O setup_keys_and_password.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maragung/testnet/main/mina/setup_keys_and_password.sh && chmod +x setup_keys_and_password.sh && ./setup_keys_and_password.sh && rm -rf setup_keys_and_password.sh

Once successful it will look like the following:

Next step (Keys):

Upload the files in the archive that you have received from the Mina team to the ~/keys folder, except the file community-xxx-password.txt

Change the file name community-147-key to my-wallet and community-147-key.pub to my-wallet.pub as in the following image:

Then run the following command:

sudo chmod 700 ~/keys
sudo chmod 600 ~/keys/my-wallet
ls -lh ~/keys

Then the file details will appear along with the access rights that have been applied as shown in the following image:

Next Step (Allow Mina Port):

sudo ufw allow 8302
sudo ufw allow 3089
sudo ufw allow 10001 

Next Step (Services):

Run the following command to create the unit file for the Mina service:

wget -O create_mina_service.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maragung/testnet/main/mina/create_mina_service.sh && chmod +x create_mina_service.sh && ./create_mina_service.sh && rm -rf create_mina_service.sh

Starting the Service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable mina
sudo systemctl start mina

Checking the Service Status:

sudo systemctl status mina

Stopping the Service:

sudo systemctl stop mina

Disabling the Service at Startup:

sudo systemctl disable mina

Removing the Service:

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/mina.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload


Viewing Node Logs:

sudo journalctl -u mina -n 1000 -f

Viewing Node Status:

mina client status

Updates Available:

wget -O update_testworld_2.0.0rampup6-4061884_ubuntu.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maragung/testnet/main/mina/update_testworld_2.0.0rampup6-4061884_ubuntu.sh && chmod +x update_testworld_2.0.0rampup6-4061884_ubuntu.sh && ./update_testworld_2.0.0rampup6-4061884_ubuntu.sh && rm update_testworld_2.0.0rampup6-4061884_ubuntu.sh

wget -O update_testworld_2.0.0rampup7-4a0fff9_ubuntu.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maragung/testnet/main/mina/update_testworld_2.0.0rampup7-4a0fff9_ubuntu.sh && chmod +x update_testworld_2.0.0rampup7-4a0fff9_ubuntu.sh && ./update_testworld_2.0.0rampup7-4a0fff9_ubuntu.sh && rm update_testworld_2.0.0rampup7-4a0fff9_ubuntu.sh

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