Quil Node Running Guide - Mac M2 Mini

For M2 Mac Mini Base Model

This is a a guide for Quilibrium on how to setup a node for M2 CPU.

UPDATE (8th June 2024 - post v1.4.19 release):

  • added how to check your reward.

  • 8gb ram limit is no longer required, the new version uses less ram.

UPDATE (8th June 2024):

  • release-cdn branch is now used for Quilibrium v1.4.19


  • M2 Mac with at least 8GB of ram.

  • Do NOT Encrypt your storage, turn off the encryption by going to Private & Security -> FileVault (off). Encrypted storage causes issues in node performance.

Getting Started

Install & Run

Git Installation

Open the Terminal, and type:

Confirm the installation by typing:

GO Installation

  • Install GO using the GUI provided by the downloaded package.

  • Close the terminal & open it again (to reload the GO bin path).

  • Confirm the installation by typing:

go version

Cloning/Downloading the Quilibrium Repository

To clone the Quilibrium repository, open the Terminal and choose a directory you want to download the files to.

cd <directory path> e.g. cd /Users/<user>/Desktop/ceremonyclient
ls <show directory contents> #confirm this is the quilibrium directory.
  • Clone the repository on the chosen directory, this will download the Quilibrium files which contains the core files for Client (Quilibrium Client - /client folder) and Node (Quilibrium Node - /node folder):

git clone https://source.quilibrium.com/quilibrium/ceremonyclient
cd ceremonyclient
  • Change the branch to 'release-cdn':

git checkout release-cdn
  • Go to the node folder, and run the node:

cd node

Checking Rewards (v.1.4.19^)

To be able to check your rewards, you must enable the gRPC.

  • To enable the gRPC, open the config.yml file in your /ceremonyclient/node/.config folder. And find the listenGrpcMultiaddr: line. Add /ip4/

listenGrpcMultiaddr: /ip4/
  • Restart your node. And in the /ceremonyclient/node folder execute ./node-1.4.19-<your os>-<your arch> --node-info

# For Macs:
./node-1.4.19-darwin-arm64 --node-info

Maintaining the Node

  • By reading the logs, you can find your difficulty_metric score which is a good measure of how your node is doing. This score will reflect on the amount of rewards you will get - currently the rewards are manually distributed and can be checked at: https://quilibrium.com/rewards by entering your Peer ID (Quilibrium Wallet).

  • You can find your peer ID by going to the node folder again (in the Terminal) and executing
    ./node-1.4.18-darwin-arm64 --peer-id

  • Post v1.4.18, PoMW (Proof of Meaningful Work) has been activated therefore your rewards are based on your node's contribution to the network. More cores means more rewards.

  • Starting at v1.4.19 the rewards will be updated automatically so you can see your rewards in real time.

  • Network Bandwidth usage is minimal - current rough rate per node on M2 Minis is 300mb every 24hrs.

  • You are rewarded while syncing frames.

  • Apple's Utilities Remote Desktop App is recommended for managing multiple M2 machines. A guide is available here: https://paragraph.xyz/@kingcaster/quil-node-mac-remote-control-and-automation

Reducing Ram Usage (for 8GB ram)

This step may not be necessary for those with more than 8GB of ram. Excess use of RAM by the node may result in the node software to shutdown and restart in loop.

To mitigate this issue, reduce the node's ram usage by going to /node/.config folder and modifying the dataWorkerMemoryLimit property to 512MB ram in the config.yaml file. Save the file and restart your node.

NOTE: the .config folder is hidden within the node folder. You can show hidden files
in mac by pressing: 

Command + Shift + . (period)

Improve Temperature

It is recommended to take the plastic cover of your Mac Mini to improve the airflow.

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