Is Not Sleeping Driving You Mad? (Guest Post by Ross Brown)

Is Not Sleeping DRIVING YOU MAD?

Most people have occasional trouble sleeping, which is usually related to stress and worry.

Creative people in web3 are often driven to build, create, promote, connect, sell, and/or stay relevant in the fast-paced, round-the-clock world of social media. Over time we can develop bad habits that in the long run make sleeping more difficult.

Most people can improve temporary sleep problems by developing better sleep habits outlined in a concept called sleep hygiene.  This article highlights some of the do’s and don’ts of good sleep hygiene. By following a few simple strategies, most people can improve their quality of sleep, which in turn can improve energy and focus during the day.

Read on for helpful sleep hygiene tips!


[caption id="attachment_746" align="alignright" width="150"]

A red stop sign against a blue sky, with a red rocks on either side

ⓒ Lauren McDonagh-Pereira Photography 2013[/caption]

Before we get into it, please consider a few quick DISCLAIMERS.

  • This is a guest post authored by Ross Brown. 

  • Do your own research before investing in web3. 

  • This post does NOT replace medical advice. Please talk to your doctor if you are struggling with sleep. 

  • Links may lead to NFTs or web3 investments that I, or Ross Brown own. 

  • As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualified purchases.

  • Review my Privacy Policy here

Do These 7 Things for Better Sleep

DO! Address your worries. Write down what is worrying you on a sheet titled “Things to Worry About Tomorrow”.  When the worries come up as you are trying to sleep, remind yourself you wrote them down, and you can pick them up again tomorrow.

DO! Go to bed and get up about the same time every day. This trains your brain and body when to be tired. Avoid daytime napping.

DO! Put down your phone, turn off your monitors, and dim the house lights at least 30 minutes before bed. The bright lights from your monitors and screens send a signal to your brain to stay awake. If you struggle with going to sleep, scrolling on your phone in bed does not help!

Do! Use your bed for sleep and sex only. Doing work, watching TV, and eating in bed sends the message that more than sleep happens here.

DO! Get out of bed if you’re not asleep within 20 minutes. Go do something boring or calming. Read something boring like an old economics textbook, mend socks,  or just sit with your eyes closed and count slowly to 100 (thousand ) .

DO! Take a hot bath 1-2 hours before bed. After your bath your cooling body promotes sleepiness.

DO! Take regular exercise greater than 6 hours before bed. Rigorous exercise within two hours of bed should be avoided as it can be activating

An image of a lone tree in water

Apache Blue - © Ross Brown

Avoid These 3 Things for Better Sleep

AVOID! Alcohol. While alcohol can be sedating initially, as it is metabolized it becomes activating, driving highs and lows in blood sugar, and impairing sleep architecture. Using alcohol in order to sleep actually makes sleep worse in the long run.

AVOID! Caffeine – for obvious reasons. Caffeine should be avoided 6-8 hours before bed.

AVOID! Watching the clock. This activates the thinking brain and stimulates worry about not getting enough sleep. Avoid worrying about how little sleep you're getting or how rotten tomorrow will be if you do not get to sleep now. This is just not helpful or relaxing. 

High Desert Rose © Ross Brown

Closing Thoughts on Sleep Issues

I hope the Do’s and Don’ts listed here help you get a better night’s sleep. Changing habits takes time, so stick with it for several weeks.

Ongoing difficulty sleeping can be a disorder called insomnia*. The primary characteristics of insomnia are:

  •  occurs at least three days per week for at least three months

  •  difficulty falling asleep or staying sleep, or waking early morning and can’t get back to sleep

  • causes significant destress or impairment in day-to-day function (DSM-5)

If you worry you have clinical insomnia and the tips discussed in this article do not help it to resolve, there may be other factors getting in the way of sleep such as a medical or mental health condition that warrants further investigation. Please check in with your primary medical provider if needed and before starting any ongoing sleep medications.

Fleeting Light © Ross Brown

Meet Ross BROWN

Ross A Brown is a Landscape and Nature Photographer and a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner based in New Mexico, US. 

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Information from the diagnostic and statistical manual 5(DSM-5), and Up-to-date were consulted in writing this column. accessed 02/05/2023.

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