Exclusive Access Granted: $LEND Token Sale Awaits You!

As a valued LEND Community member, you're whitelisted! Don't miss this privileged opportunity to elevate your earnings with $LEND.

Great news for DeFi enthusiasts, as you participated in a previous LEND Finance whitelist event, you get exclusive access to the token sale event of the year, and we can't wait to launch! Today we're pleased to announce details for the LEND token sale and let you know how to take part!

The $LEND token sales are launching on lend.finance/buy and as you are already on our whitelist we're pleased to invite you to be a part of this exciting journey.

📅 Starting May 17 at 14:00 UTC

As you know, LEND Finance is a cross-chain DeFi lending platform. Our upcoming token sale presents a remarkable opportunity to maximize your crypto assets' earning potential through real yield and a share of 25% of all cross-chain revenue.

To showcase the key selling points of our cross-chain DeFi lending protocol powered by Multichain, we have created a promotional video that highlights the platform’s unique features and benefits. Immerse yourself in the LEND Finance experience by watching the video below:

The LEND token is not just an investment; it's a passport to a new way of earning. By participating in the token sale, you're backing a promising DeFi project, and in return, you gain the potential to earn protocol revenue right from launch.

Q - How to take part in the sale?
Simply wait until May 17 2023 14:00 UTC and visit lend.finance/buy to secure your LEND token allocations.

To read more details about the LEND token sale please read our full guide

We appreciate your support and enthusiasm. If you have any queries, feel free to reach out to us. Follow us on Twitter for more news and updates.

Join the LEND family today. Let's shape the future of DeFi together.

Best regards,
The LEND Finance Team

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