The ideal future is a future of human connection, expansion, liberation, and creativity.
And whether we like it or not it comes on the backs of bots.
Bots online.
Bots onchain.
Bots in space.
If we get down to the bottom of it all. The worst crime committed against the human species, was convincing ourselves that we must do all the activities propping up industries.
Instead of convincing ourselves that we must do all the activities that spread human consciousness, creativity, and expression.
This is not some mumble-humble talk. I believe this is deep characteristic of what we as humans have basic fundamental rights from birth to death. Until we figure out the ‘Don’t Die’ component.
In a future of abundance, those basic human rights serve as key pillars in accepting a future of bots.
When we accept this I think the following may occur:
Massive expansion on worldwide GDP
New industry will be propped up with bot augmentation and human intelligence.
Massive hysteria that even AGI can’t replace us
Poverty will shift from homelessness to botlessness
Hunger will shift from junk food to bot grown food
Old way of life would be deemed unthinkable
By the way this is exactly what happens in every single expansion plan of the human species.
Industrialization, wars, globalization, and everything has causes worldwide expansion one way or another, this time won’t be any different, even the universe does this, get over yourself. If bots can take over the useless wasted aspects of the human condition while we continue expanding, eg. Useless deaths, etc., we can have more positive sum, optimistic expansion.
New industries always pop up, a boring but bare-bone reality. The bots need to be build, trained, you know the deal. The supply chain will need reworked. Have you ever seen a change in human thinking that didn’t bring with it a corresponding expansion of a new supply chain? I haven’t.
This will be a new one, “AGI can’t replace humans”. In the end they will always seem lifeless and foreign to us because they can’t exhibit the randomness that creates life and emotion inside us, likely a different Seed Number. That will always be in full display and remind us, ah, just a bot, another super useful bot that I’m grateful to have around the house, and time and space.
Poverty is really a mental sickness vs a physical one. Homelessness provides shelter for a physical space, and what we see on the TVs today of ‘tent cities’ described as people being homeless is not entirely accurate. Yes they need help, but they’ll get better help from bots. The future is not going to be scarce with food or homes. I don’t even think they suffer from those today, since junk food and street living is so easily accessible. ‘Homeless’ today carry some of the most insane street smart, they know which buildings don’t have bodies in them, they know how to get around cities better than anyone and at what times. Yeah, getting arrested ain’t so bad if they give me comfort living conditions and food. But the police stations likely know this and throw them back on the streets.
As I said above, food is so easily replaced today with junk food. In a world where bots can produce food, and people in poverty can work with bots, I don’t think hunger will be an issue. It’ll be a crisis of mental illness, nothing else.
And as true as time itself.
Do you see yourself being able to live within the conditions of, let’s say around 2001, I think the answer for most will be yeah, I can. If you were alive.
How about 1991, yeah I can.
1776, oh damn that’s some crazy stuff happening there, I don’t know.
1300, mmh, the renaissance era, I don’t know didn’t all this crazy stuff happen there? Printing press and stuff like that.
Well instead of points in time, how about if we replace time with products or quality of life changes.
Live in a world before cell phones were a thing, that’s kinda hard to imagine today but I think some small part of brain says yeah I can do that.
Before there was electricity, mmh, I have to turn on a candle every time? Walk around with candles, the fumes, have all the windows open, oh but that also means there isn’t any AC. Wait, no electricity at all?
Or how about a location like the front-lines of Ukraine & Russia war, or be sitting in some major conflict zone.
The things of yesterday will always be unimaginable as "how did we ever did things in that fashion", this pattern will not change. Especially when you get industry defining expansion that improves the quality of human life.
Bots are going to be the same thought in a couple hundred, if not dozen, years.
We just need to stop being so hard on ourselves, and the bots.
Find the optimistic side of it all and you'll see we can get more in this world than we thought.