Inevitable Future: Human and Machine

The Inescapable Truth of Information

We can prolong the change, we just can’t stop it from happening.

Progress is about the evolutionary tale of information, not evolutionary tale of humans.

We are all a composition of information. Information only wants to optimize for one thing, and one thing only, processing, compressing, and storing. Well, maybe three things.

Processing: the ability to flow as much information through a pipeline as possible.

For example:

  • How many cars can drive through a residential road or highway?

  • How fast can you download Tupac - Dear Mama from Napster or Limewire?

  • How many people fit through aisle 9 at your grocery store?

  • How much water flows through your garden hose?

  • How much information can you take in before becoming overwhelmed?

This is all about how many or how much X information can fit through Y thing, be it a grocery aisle, highway, street road, internet cable, or garden hose. Be careful, avoid congestions, and headaches.

The second part, compression.

Compression: the ability to compress information down to the least amount of information without losing the original message.

For example:

  • This one is a bit harder to draw up examples simply because the idea is about getting a packet of information, compressing it down, and then send it across a pipeline (processing).

  • Which transformer model would help me create the least amount of overhead, increasing loss-less, decreasing traffic jams.

  • A car is a form of information compression, taking all it's raw resources, to transport a human or objects across a given space of time.

That's kinda all I got there, I'm sure there are more, like this transformer that passes energy.

An ideal transformer is linear, lossless and perfectly coupled. Perfect coupling implies infinitely high core magnetic permeability and winding inductance and zero net magnetomotive force (i.e. ipnp − isns = 0).

Lastly, memory or is it storage?

This is where the majority of human experiences are either lived or relived. Wildly, in order to recall memory in it's most precise happening, you must have a near perfect transformation model, say, short-term or long-term memory recall functions.

For example:

  • What did I wear yesterday?

  • What color was the car in the car accident yesterday?

  • What is an answer to a question you need right now?

Just a few examples, none trivial of course. But memory takes a lot of the credit in our society. We overlook a lot of the infrastructure that is built out around processing and transforming information.

Not sure where I'm headed with all this. I started writing this several months back and now I want to publish it so I have to finish it so it can have some closing thoughts.

I'll leave with this.

With the "sudden" rise of ChatGPT & AI tools, tools I'm currently working with to create future products, there is no avoiding the inescapable truth.

We, as humans, desire to remember and feel more, with more or less information, with more or less people, while doing less.

How we get there is simple, we need better processing mechanisms, human or machine, we need to compress more information with less overhead, human or machine, and need to store all our activity and memories, so we can share, experience, and relive more, human or machine.

Human and machine, the future.

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