More than VR?

The Natural Hot Springs

Your friends said that this was the place to come after a day of intense combat training. It looked relaxing.

You can smell the sulfur in the air, feel the heat on your skin. Your vision becomes obscured by the steam, settling as a fog, after only a short distance. Water beads up on your skin, and a chill runs up your spine.

“This is so real,” you think*.*

Stepping down into the water, slowly, the heat of the water rises up your body, as you sink down into the shallow pool. Shoulder deep, you feel the stress leaving your body. Every muscle relaxes, as you let your head slip under for just a moment.

“I can’t believe this is VR,” you think*. “VR hasn’t ever made my muscles relax..”*

Your thoughts slow down as you relax completely, fully empty, only a slight euphoria remains where you used to be. No worries, no thoughts, only a glow. You have dissolved, your consciousness spread out across galaxies.




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Contents copyright Jack Lhasa, 2022-2023. All rights reserved.

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