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Lil Nouns Bites: Rare, But Rich

Diving deep into the happenings when they matter most.

We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of Lil Nouns Bites, the newsletter you didn't know you needed until now! Coming to you only when we’ve got something worthwhile or when the planets align, this isn't just any newsletter. It’s your exclusive update from the pulsating heart of the Lil Nouns community.

Lil Nouns Bites will pop into you only on occasions when we have fresh and juicy tidbits to share. Feel free to spread the joy! Forward this to friends, or shout about it on social media. Let’s make our little community the talk of the town!

This Recent in the Lil Nouns

Lil Nouns Temporarily Steps Back from Nouns Governance Drama

Over two years have passed since Proposal #25 decided that the League of Lil's (LoL) should steer our ship at Nouns. Despite undergoing more transformations than a chameleon at a disco, LoL has somehow kept the lights on. Lil Nouns' influence in Nouns DAO, though, has been more of a cameo appearance than a starring role. We’ve talked a big game about switching from our old-school manual ways to sleek automation, but let’s just say, we’re not there yet.

Last week, in a plot twist no one saw coming, LoL decided to hit the pause button on voting; reportedly due to logistical issues. Rumor has it, it’s also a sneaky move to bring in some shiny new automation or maybe just change the guard. Here’s hoping this episode of spontaneous decisions is the season finale, and we get to see the dawn of automated voting in Nouns DAO soon.

Will the Treasury Ever Get its Day in the Sun?

For about half a year, we’ve been tossing around the idea of staking the treasury; or at least thinking about thinking about it. We've chewed it over in countless meetings and spammed our Discord channels, but actual progress? Not so much.

Enter Proposal #201, reviving the thrilling prospect of a staking trial with Lido. Maybe, just maybe, this will kick-start some real action, unless, of course, the invisible hand of resistance pushes us back to square one. But hey, optimism is free!

Is the Legendary VRGDA Finally on the Horizon?

The long-awaited VRGDA has been poked, prodded, and audited, and now the proposal team is scrambling to fix the laundry list of issues. After two years of waiting with bated breath and probably a lot of coffee, we’re inching closer to actually changing how things work around here. Fingers crossed, this time our grand plans will escape the usual gremlins and actually work as intended.

Lil Nouns Weekly Meetings

We host two essential weekly meetings at the Lil Nouns DAO, because let's face it, we love spending time together.

The first, Lil Uncut Gems, takes place every Tuesday. Here, we heroically tackle our never-ending to-do list, aiming to wrap up with something that looks like clear, actionable objectives. Notes are taken, decisions made, and world domination planned. For those brave enough, find the agenda and more details on Zora.

Our second event, Lil Happy Hour, happens every Thursday. This is our casual hangout where we sift through proposals and soothingly address what you might call community concerns. It's like an open mic night; bring a drink of your choice, the stronger, the better.

These meetings aren't just crucial for making us feel productive; they're also key to building camaraderie and injecting some fun into our collective efforts.

Lil Nouns Farcaster Channels

Ever felt like you're missing out on the latest and greatest in the Lil Nouns universe? Worry not! Our Farcaster channels are the VIP backstage pass to all the action. Here you’ll find a live feed buzzing with everything from the mundane casts to the earth-shattering on-chain events like auctions, proposals, and the occasional dramatic vote.

Want to rub virtual elbows with your fellow Lil Nouns? Just jump onto your favorite Farcaster client, such as Warpcast. And guess what? Got questions or need a helping hand? Just holler, and we’ll be there before you can say "blockchain".

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