Becoming a Web3 Regenerative Instigator

That’s a mouthful to say, uh?

But here is the idea: what if I can become someone who helps builders and creators in their journey with web3? What if I can help them launch and scale regenerative projects that create a better future?

That’s what I’m aiming at.

So, let’s dissect what that implies, shall we?

Why web3?

Before falling in love with blockchain, I used to work with incubators and social entrepreneurs in Peru. I loved the people I got to meet, but there was a huge problem in my opinion: most entrepreneurs that wanted to create impact usually lacked the tools to envision a global or larger scale reach for their mostly local solutions.

We have huge, worldwide problems that require equally large solutions.

So I got obssessed with thinking on how we could help impact founders figure out ways to scale their projects.

When I discovered what was being built in web3, I was amazed. Finally: a tool that could help not only scale solutions but also create new systems that could eventually replace our broken, corrupt and outdated legacy systems.

An opportunity showed up after a few months of exploring and I had a shot to go all in with this technology. And I was going to figure out how to help create impact with it.

What does “Regenerative” means?

We usually talk about sustainability when discussing solutions to the problems we’ve caused in our planet. That menas: to cause no more harm and reduce our damage to zero.

But as almost all we know it, that just isn’t enough now. Our time is shorter than ever, our problems bigger than ever… but our tech is also better than ever.

So what’s beyond sustainability?

Enter: Regenerative systems. Regenerativity discusses not only how we can stop further damage, but also how we can heal what we’ve done and improve the systems that we have broken. Whether that’s enviromental, economical or social issues, regenerativity seeks to, well, regenerate the world we inhabit and the conditions we live in.

What’s an Instigator?

Web3 can be a never ending rabbit hole. And I’ve been exploring it everyday all day for the last 7 months now. It’s been chaotic, I’ve done a little bit of everything, but now I need to change my main focus from exploring to actually contributing to something specific.

To me, that means finding both a role in the web3 landscape and a focus for the things that I want to create.

A great example of something I could really aspire to do was Cooper Turley. He has helped many different projects in web3, such as DAOs and more recently everything that has to do with Music NFTs.

His role as an advisor that gets really involved with the projects he helps was amazing to watch from afar, and he even wrote a lot and created resources and “landscapes” (infographics) covering the new ecosystems emerging with this technology. I used to follow his tweets very closely.

That’s where I saw the word “instigator” being used for the first time.

An instigator helps make things happen. They advice, get involved directly, help map out possible solutions and is very well connected within specific areas or niches.

What Cooper did with social DAOs and now is doing with Music NFTs, I want to do with Regenerative Web3 projects, specially in LatAm.

The Road Ahead

So now you know what I am aiming for! In the next issue of this brand new newsletter, deployed in a web3 native platform called Paragraph, I’ll be describing the projects that I’m involved with and how I plan on becoming a Web3 Regenerative Instigator!

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