Axie Infinity: Origins Meta Report - Season 11 Early Rare Era (25 Nov 2024)

Archetype Usage, Win Rates, and Matchups


  • 3 most popular archetypes at the very top - Snake Jar Turnip, Topaz, and Bubble Aggro

  • Sponge, Triple Owl, Triple Nuts, and Confused also in the mix at the top

  • Most popular archetypes in 1200+ - Jinx, Earwing Wing Horn, and Sleep Poison

Player Base Statistics

      Rank  # Players    Rankings
Challenger         19        1-19
    Dragon        229      20-248
     Tiger       3149    249-3397
      Bear       3780   3398-7177
      Wolf       5055  7178-12232
      Boar       7794 12233-20026
      Hare      10964 20027-30990
     Chick      49435 30991-80425
       Egg       7872 80426-88297

Already 88k+ players in the first few days of Season 11, which is certainly a promising start of the season. Having said that, similar to previous seasons, most of the players are at Egg, Chick, and Hare. The number of players at Tiger or above is actually similar to last season, so the number of "serious" players has not changed much (yet).

Archetype Usage

Overall archetype usage

A pretty diverse meta so far across the leaderboard in the early Rare Era of Season 11. I would say Rune Upgrade probably contributed to it in some way. At this stage, many "casual" players, including myself, are still trying to craft and upgrade our runes.

Snake Jar Turnip, Topaz, and Bubble Aggro are the 3 most popular archetypes at the very top with Sponge and Triple Owl also in the mix. Triple Nuts and Confused can also be found not far from Challenger together with the top 3 most popular archetypes overall in 1200+ VStar - Jinx, Earwing Wing Horn, and Sleep Poison.

Archetype Win Rates and Matchups

Overall Archetype Win Rates

The win rate data shows the limits of certain archetypes such as Fury Aggro, Poison, and Spikes, where a sub-50% win rate means it will be difficult to climb further.

Archetype Matchups

Matchup data looks decent with most archetypes having some sort of weaknesses. Jinx and Confused are the two that probably have the least polarising matchups, meaning they stand a chance against most archetypes and it is more to do with card draw and discard.


Season 11 is off to a good start with Rune Upgrade being the main new feature this season. I personally have more incentive to play more to gain more moonshards for crafting to upgrade my Runes. The meta seems to be quite diverse so far as players are still trying to optimise their teams. There are more players in Origins this season. The only thing that I hope can also go up would be the number of "serious" players as it is similar to last season at the moment. Maybe the upcoming crypto bull market will bring more serious players into Axie Origins.

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