Web3 Memberships: invite-only

LXRY Hotel in The Algarve, Portugal.

A private members' club to meet likeminded digital nomads, travelers and entrepreneurs.

Web3 Memberships have further amplified the exclusivity of luxury experiences. Take for example, the LXRY Hotel in The Algarve, Portugal - a stunning beachfront property currently under works to be the next biggest crypto community hub. A physical place to meet up with entrepreneurs. Access is exclusively invite-only, facilitated by the transfer of unique, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that act as digital keys to this paradise. NFC Chips will be integrated within the physical passes to access rooms within the property. Members become instantly part of a privileged digital community embedded in the blockchain. This novel approach intertwines physical luxury with digital exclusivity, heralding a new era in high-end hospitality.

Among its many offerings, the LXRY Hotel prides itself on fostering close-knit connections within the crypto community. The hotel serves as a haven for those seeking to unwind while immersing themselves in the intricate world of digital currencies and blockchain technology. Our members are given exclusive opportunities to attend networking events, masterclasses, and fireside chats with leading experts in the industry. Membership isn't just about gaining access to our luxurious facilities – it's about joining a unique ecosystem that blends luxury with the latest technological advancements. If you're looking to be part of this exciting innovation and wish to explore collaboration opportunities, please reach out to us at niamh@lxryhotel.io

Before the official opening of the doors, we are hosting outdoor events. Keep an eye on our Telegram & Twitter for most up to date announcements!

If you would like to buy a membership, contact us directly: niamh@lxryhotel.io

If you wish to partner with us contact niamh@lxryhotel.io

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