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BUILD Custom Ranking Algorithm

HITS-RP: Hubs and Authorities with Reciprocation Penalty

Filipe Macedo

Filipe Macedo

Social network graphs help us understand and analyze interactions within large communities. These graphs, characterized by nodes representing individuals and edges denoting relationships or interactions, reveal intricate patterns of influence and connection. Within such networks, identifying key players—hubs and authorities—is crucial for various applications, from marketing strategies to information dissemination to trust evaluation. 

Likewise, in the context of BUILD, understanding user interactions and nominations, mirrors the properties of social network graphs. Here, hubs—users who initiate numerous connections—and authorities—users who receive many endorsements—helps us to understand which builder is deemed influential and hence likely deemed trustworthy by others. 

However, it is undesirable to reward reciprocation (i.e. I reward you, you reward me) as this turns into a collaboration game rather than expression of the trustworthiness of a builder. Therefore, we believe it makes sense to penalize overly reciprocal behavior. Our algorithm aims to distinguish genuine influence from mere social exchanges, thereby providing a clearer picture of each user's true standing within the network. 

HITS-RP: HITS algorithm with reciprocation penalty

We built a directed graph where nodes represent users and edges represent interactions, with weights corresponding to the strength of these interactions. We then apply the HITS algorithm to compute two numbers for a node. Authorities estimate the node value based on the incoming links. Hubs estimates the node value based on outgoing links. Consequently we analyze the mutual interactions (reciprocations) between users. The reciprocity count for a user is the number of users who have reciprocal interactions with them.

Finally we arrive at a trust score for a given node: 



  • α is a parameter that balances the hub and authority scores.

  • hub(u) and authority(u) are the hub and authority scores of user u obtained from the HITS algorithm.

  • reciprocitycount(u) is the count of mutual reciprocations for user u.

How do we know that it works? 

In order to evaluate the algorithms we relied on labels to see how effective the developed algorithm compared to these. For labels we observed which quantiles users were placed based on their trust score. 


  • farmer - we curated a list of known farmers which aided the evaluation of the score 

  • builders - we manually curated a list of builder deemed trustworthy

  • farcaster_power_user - we extracted a list of farcaster power users

  • profile_completeness - while far from perfect we created a score on profile completeness (i.e. if they hold a talent passport, farcaster profile and have a dedicated username)

While we tested several algorithms (semantic analysis, eigentrust, peertrust, mDC) we found that this implementation performed best. Below you can observe the results. 

post image

From the chart we see that it generally places users showing signs of high trustworthiness in higher quantiles while not overly encouraging farmers. 

Integration of Builder Score 

BUILD operates already with an existing Builder Score, if we wanted to integrate the HITS algorithm with reciprocation penalty we simply would assign a weight to the existing Builder Score and to the developed algorithm. 

Let’s assume we wanted to start conservatively and assign a weight of 0.1 to the developed algorithm. We simply would normalize the existing builder score between 0 and 1 and then normalize the HITS-RP. 

overallscore=0.9×builderscore+0.1×HITSRP overall score = 0.9 \times builderscore + 0.1 \times HITSRP

Given the overall score is already normalized between 0 to 1 we can simply multiply it by the overall budget to calculate the budget distribution for a weekly Build airdrop. 

Big thank you to Thomas Eisermann for his work on this research.

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Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸Farcaster
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
Commented 7 months ago

The leaderboard is a joke. I’ve clicked on every name on there and most of them are farm accounts, not builders. I sold all of my remaining tokens except for the minimum to keep nominating people. I stealth nominate one person per week in good faith but I’m not sure this deserves my attention anymore. I’d love to hear other opinions.

Commented 7 months ago

They mention here that they use an algo to squash farmers... But the leaderboard does not reflect this at all, full of farmers. The season 1 leaderboard looked like this, the season 2 leaderboard also looked like this from week 1. At that point I stopped playing the game. I fee like I've just committed by 70m tokens to farmers.

Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸Farcaster
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
Commented 7 months ago

Same. Kicking myself for falling for this one.

Commented 7 months ago

reeeeeeeeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Commented 7 months ago

might just be my feed, but haven't seen much from the team post-Airdrop 1 lockdrop. was hoping they'd come out strong with season 2 and explore how the token could really target builders who need support. sad to see its getting farmed so aggressively

Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸Farcaster
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
Commented 7 months ago

I assumed it would be farmed but not like this. This is ridiculous.

Commented 7 months ago

Ohhh i have not payes attention to this anymore, i think is the same for everyone else too thats why farmers are doing great?

YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡Farcaster
YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡
Commented 6 months ago

Also, the claim says you have to have a Talent Passport, and one can have a Gitcoin Identity of 15 or higher, mine is 33 yet I'm still disqualified.

Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸Farcaster
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
Commented 6 months ago

Seeing as the founder is one of the most blocked people on the protocol, I’d say sentiment is poor.

YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡Farcaster
YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡
Commented 6 months ago

I didn't know that, and now I do. Also, the first complaint I saw was yours - leaderboard full of bots - but supposedly they have this anti-bot algo, which includes "human checkmark". How bots get the human checkmark while actual humans (like me) who have exceeded their human checkmark requirements, are denied the airdrop sorry, I mean unfAIRDROP

Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸Farcaster
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
Commented 6 months ago

Exactly. It felt icky for a while and then I realized most people wouldn’t be able to claim and noped out. Faded talent. That will probably moon. Hope everyone makes money.

Commented 7 months ago

Now the nomination seems to have deteriorated, people are more interested in tokens rather than discovering good builders..

Commented 7 months ago

Well maybe only actual builder should be able to be nominated !! Shouldn’t be too difficult to actually put restrictions on it

Commented 7 months ago

I gave up on this, coz u never know, they might ask u to donate ur build for builders, & all our time gets wasted...

Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸Farcaster
Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
Commented 7 months ago

I’m sure they will ask us to donate…again….and the cycle will begin again.

Ryan J. ShawFarcaster
Ryan J. Shaw
Commented 7 months ago

Felt like work. I get enough of that feeling at work.

Commented 7 months ago

Really fell off after we all donated our airdrop 😂 😭

Commented 7 months ago

I’ve noticed this too. I’m still nominating people who can use the tokens. There’s too many struggling artists on here

Commented 7 months ago

I haven't paid much attention to this tbh, as I already have a lot IRL I feel tipping is simply dead, and probably only for $DEGEN

dusan.framedl.eth 🎩Farcaster
dusan.framedl.eth 🎩
Commented 7 months ago

exactly. too bad, it had good energy in season 1. weird how quickly it fell off, given how many (quality) people committed all their tokens.

Edward H. CarpenterFarcaster
Edward H. Carpenter
Commented 6 months ago

The $farther leaderboard was also a joke. I personally don't think "leaderboards" perform a useful function - they only highlight a subset of users selected in illogical and/or untransparent processes, as a way of encouraging a desired set of behaviors that may well run counter to the good of the system that it's placed in.

Commented 6 months ago

I couldn't claim it, although I had gitcoin passport points, but I didn't update my talent passport... In the first announcement of the build team , I got the badge in my talent passport, but now I checked it and saw it's expired! I wasn't able to claim although I was supported project in first airdrop with all of my first round allocated tokens and now I eliminated just because I didn't update my gitcoin passport points! I had 21 gitcoin passport points and human badge in talent passport 1 month ago but in the middle period some of my points got expired and that's why I lost my tokens... It's not fair in my opinion. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don't trust /build team anymore, they are not real builders as they can't understand these systems they work with them...

Commented 7 months ago

Discover how social network graphs can unlock deeper insights into community interactions in a new blog post by @macedo. The piece breaks down how identifying influential users is key to understanding trustworthiness in frameworks like BUILD by leveraging a unique algorithm that penalizes excessive reciprocation.

BUILD Custom Ranking Algorithm