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Rising Above the Ordinary: Unveiling the Behaviors of the Top 1%

Elevate Your Life: Adopting the Habits of High Achievers

Unveiling the Top 1% - The HOLDERS of Great Success

The majority of us choose to envy the top 1% and often ask: "Why them and not me?". Well, today you will have an opportunity to understand why this group of humans are unique, and possibly become closer to being one of the TOP 1% than ever. That is of course IF YOU CHOOSE TO... But in reality most will probably close this page before they even give themselves a chance to read it, and act accordingly.

Right now you have the choice to decide which group you want to be part of... The envious, or the hungry go getter that is constantly looking to improve themselves. So if you are here reading, I want to congratulate you for being HUNGRY and wanting to improve.

Who are the TOP 1%?

The top 1% are a group of people who have achieved incredible success in their lives. They stand out not because they are better than others, but because of the way they approach life and personal growth.

What makes them unique is their strong desire to keep getting better and never stop learning. They see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, and they don't let failures hold them back. Instead, they use these setbacks as stepping stones to reach even greater heights.

These achievers also know how to stay focused on what truly matters. They invest their time and energy wisely in things that align with their passions and goals. While distractions may come their way, they stay determined to pursue their dreams.

The top 1% are like trailblazers, showing us that with determination and a positive mindset, we too can elevate our lives and achieve remarkable things. Because you cannot be EXTRAORDINARY by doing ordinary shit. Extraordinary people do extraordinary shit.

Will you challenge yourself?

The Power of Rewiring Yourself

To journey towards being the top 1%, one must recognize the power of rewiring oneself. Our behaviors and habits are rooted over time, but they are not fixed. Consciously reshaping our mindset and behavior patterns, we can align our actions with our ambitions. (You can read my previous article to unleash the magic of patterns, recognizing them, using them, and creating them). This process of self-transformation not only will open up new opportunities, but it will also help overcome obstacles, and push you toward your goals.

Rewiring yourself for success means taking charge of your own personal growth and development, this also includes motivation. While it is great to find someone like a mentor to motivate you, it is essential that you learn how to find the motivation in yourself to have that constant growth you are looking for. Rewiring yourself means acknowledging that you have the power to change and improve. Just like updating the software on a computer, you can upgrade your thought patterns and behaviors to better align with your aspirations.

Rewiring also means adopting these new habits that align with your goals and inspirations. Whether it's dedicating time each day for skill development, seeking out mentorship and guidance, or adopting a more positive and growth-oriented environment! These intentional actions create a powerful ripple effect in propelling you closer to your dreams & where you need to be!

Behaviors that Propel You Forward

To join the ranks of the top 1% (or at least get ourselves closer to where we want to be), we need to adopt habits that can help make us stand out. These are the habits that successful people have developed to reach amazing heights in their lives. In the next part, we'll explore six powerful behaviors that can supercharge your personal growth. Each of these behaviors acts like a boost, helping you get closer to achieving great success.

  • Be an Imperfectionist: Trust me when I say this: the idea that perfection is NOT the end goal. The top 1% understand that mistakes are stepping stones to growth. By being ok with being "imperfect", you foster creativity, adaptability, and the willingness to take calculated risks. With these you will find yourself constantly moving forward. It might not be as fast as you want, but it will definitely be better than you hope.

  • Find Your Talent & Align it with High-Value Skills: Identifying your unique talents and combining them with valuable skills can create a POWERFUL combination. The top 1% focus on their strengths and adding skills that are high in demand! This allows them to deliver exceptional value to others. People buy people that can and will deliver value. Instead of chasing the $$$, give yourself an opportunity to grow beyond money by delivering value to others. #LiveToLearn #GiveToEarn (A Guardian Academy Principle)

  • You Cannot Do It Alone: Collaboration and networking are fundamental to success. The top 1% surround themselves with individuals who inspire and challenge them. By building a strong support system, they gain insights, opportunities, and support that can and will ALWAYS accelerate their growth.

    You should only be competing with yourself. This will help you build and develop the skills you are focused on. And when it comes to others, collaboration is the way to grow. You are more likely to achieve faster and more effectively when you find a group of people who have similar values and principles as the ones you are trying to adapt to.

  • Use Technology to Create, and Never Complain: Technology offers a lot of possibilities for creativity and problem-solving. The top 1% leverage technology to innovate, create meaningful content, and contribute positively to society instead of merely complaining about the challenges it brings. Adapting this mindset, and working together with technology, will contribute positively to your skill developement, which can help you be more aware of trends and technology, and become a better decision maker.

  • Consume Quality Content and Use it to Create More Quality Content: Continuous learning is a hallmark of the top 1%. They consume valuable content, whether through books, podcasts, or courses, and transform that knowledge into new ideas, products, or services that resonate with others.

    STAY A STUDENT. You can be a teacher & a student at the same time

  • Prioritize Self-Development and Investment: Investing in oneself is crucial for personal growth. The top 1% prioritize self-development through consistent learning, healthy body habits, and mindfulness practices, which fuels their ability to achieve greater heights. When investing in yourself, do your best to remove the idea of "This is an expense" as you can. I understand it will be hard since we all prioritize our expenses and what we choose to spend money on, however don't be shy to PAY to LEARN. Sure, there is a ton of free education you can find on the web, but its FREE for a good reason.

    Set an amount of money that you can put towards investing in yourself monthly, and do this for two years... watch what will happen. I will leave that to you to find out.

This journey you are about to take begins with being ok to fail and committing yourself to self-improvement. IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM this will be easy. The instructions are pretty simple indeed... but simple doesn't mean easy.

Start rewiring your behavior, nurture & grow your talents, foster and be ok with collaborating and connecting with others, and start investing in yourself. Everyday and every second you will be an inch closer to your dreams and aspirations.

Remember, the pursuit of greatness is not about being superior. It is not about being cocky and arrogant. But more about unlocking the potential that is already within each of us. Both you and I have it. But not everyone can find it. This is why we guide others so we can help them discover what they already own within.

Dare to dream my good friend.

Dare to strive for excellence.

You are about to unleash the power that lies within you and I have no doubt you will be able to achieve everything you've ever dreamed of.

Your friend and fellow student,


"You attract what you behave" - Malek


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